Loving the Naughty Empress

Chapter 83 - The Silent Treatment

Jin Yu is feeling so desperate and walk out from the room with full of anger to see his wife does not bulge and give him the silent treatment. Zhang, Eunuch Wang and everyone else are surprised and scared to see Jin Yu's wrath. However, Xiao Nie, Ni Sheng and Lin Yue are well aware about Ni Qing behaviour. She must be giving him a cold treatment.

Jin Yu is going inside the carriage without Ni Qing. He thought that she will follow him into the carriage when she is hoping to the second carriage with her loyal servant and Eunuch Li. She is writing on the piece of paper for Ni Sheng and Lin Yue to pay handsomely for the old couple and leave them a bag of rice. Ni Qing is enjoying the dessert made by the old lady for her. They are continuing the way when they are entering the border to the southern region in the evening. Zhao Yun is bribing the guard on the border to enter the region. Lin Yue is not aware that this southern region has their own army and uniform. If he is not wrong, the southern army is under command of the old General Xu. He is so loyal to the emperor and he cannot denounce his loyalty. He dispatches Wang Bo to find more clue about the army and meet them back on the capital of the southern region.

They are buying the rice in the border city with expensive price to add more for their supply include new carriage and horse for the rice. They are continuing until almost night to the capital city of the southern region. Zhao Yun is going to best Inn in the city and booked each room for them. As usual Zhang and Zhao Yun are securing the rice into one of the prime minister supporters in the capital of the southern region. However, they have to sneak into the house without the governor know about it.

Jin Yu is looking at his wife solemn reaction and goes into his own room without thinking about anything. He has been in a bad mood because of her for the whole day and yet, he finds out about the new government in the southern region who has their own flag without anyone in the capital know about this matter. Someone is doing treachery under his nose.

Ni Qing is really doing her mute day. She is going to her room with Xiao Nie and spending time to read all the report send by express courier. It got the news about the new appointed empress in the capital from the concubine. Ni Qing read the news and write the letter for Ni Sheng to pass to the emperor about the empress appointment when the emperor is not in the palace.

Apparently, Lord Chu is making the Empress dowager for the seal as the void and empty in the harem. He sent the letter of appointment to the Empress Dowager who using her veto power to appoint a new empress. Lord Chu Niece is becoming the new Empress inside the harem.

Xiao Nie is calling Ni Sheng to Ni Qing room. He is walking and entering her room and sits on the table after Xiao Nie is serving him a cup of tea.

"Sis, are you serious about your silent treatment? How long you will be mute this time?" Ni Sheng is looking at her who sliding a letter for him. He opens it up and read it before he looks at her.

"I am not telling the emperor about this thing. You can be mute and pass him the letter yourself or speak to him. He is already angry because of the flag and the rice price. I am bot adding fuel to the fire or I will get burn," Ni Sheng is refusing his sister straight away. Ni Qing is writing to Xiao Nie to call Lin Yue. Ni Sheng keeps sitting on his chair and enjoying the finest tea.

It won't take long for Xiao Nie to return with Lin Yue. He can see her beautiful face and find out about her silent mode.

"Sheng, is she still in silent mode?" Lin Yue is asking his best friend and sitting next to him. Xiao Nie is serving another cup of tea for Lin Yue.

"Apparently, she still angry to her husband. I feel pity for our emperor," Ni Sheng is eating the dessert on the table while drinking his tea.

"Why do you call me here? Regretting your marriage?" Lin Yue is drinking his tea. Ni Qing is shaking her head to tell him something else. She is sliding the same letter to Lin Yue which got rejected by Ni Sheng.  Lin Yue is opening the letter and read it.

"I am not telling him about this matter. This is matter relate to your marriage and family. I am outsider," Lin Yu is folding the letter back and gives it to Ni Qing before he enjoys the tea and dessert.

Jin Yu is going to his room after he meet with Zhao Yun and the prime minister loyal supporter Lord Xu. He is passing Ni Qing room who places next to his room. Her door opens and he can see Ni Qing with Ni Sheng and Lin Yue. They are blissfully enjoying the tea while she gives him a cold shoulder. He enters the room where everyone is bowing to his presence.

"What are you talking about?" Jin Yu is signing them to be stand up and joining him on the table. Xiao Nie is serving the emperor a cup of tea after Ni Qing is signing her to do it.

"Nothing… I think sister Qing is having some news to tell you," Ni Sheng is informing the emperor after he sits back to his chair.

"What is this, consort Qing?" Jin Yu is turning his head to face her. At least, she will end the mute treatment if she has something to ask him. He tries to be soft with him and look at her with his loving and tender eyes. at least, he can sleep again with her tonight.

However, Ni Qing does not bulge and keep quiet with her eyes and smiling face. Jin Yu cannot hold his anger anymore. He has to make her voice back regardless even it is only a moan on their bed.

"Ni Sheng and Lin Yue, leave us alone," Jin Yu is telling them to get out before he pulls her into the bed. He kisses her so passionately even though she is trying to push him away. He wants her to talk again, and he does not have the patient for her childish act.

Jin Yu is opening her dress and enjoying her nipple who already arouses by his body and scent. Meanwhile, his hand in touching and arousing her lower area which is already wet.

"You said it… do you want me to enter you or stop it?" Jin Yu is burying his face into her inner thigh part and plays his tongue.

"Argggghhhh…. Ohhhhhh…." Ni Qing is arching backward with the sensation of the temptation. It seems Jin Yu is not doing the same as last night. He is giving the decision to Ni Qing. However, she has to tell him about her wish.

"Do you want me to enter you?" Jin Yu is asking her again with his hoarse voice. If Ni Qing keep quite then she will feel the same as last night and this time it will be her fault.

"Please… I want you…" Ni Qing soft voice is telling the emperor. His eyes is glittered with bright star to hear her voice again. At least, his plan is moving successfully.

He opens up his underpants and releasing himself. He is positioning himself before he enters her body. He moves it slowly when Ni Qing is rolling him to the side. She is making herself into on top of him. He is opening her dress completely this time and pulling up the underwear from her breast. He is leading her movement to achieve the best pleasure point for her. As soon as her voice is started to scream while she is moving her body, Jin Yu cannot restrain himself and they are climbing into the cloud nine together. Ni Qing body is dropping into Jin Yu sweat body.

"Are you still angry with me?" Jin Yu is embracing her into his chest.

"Yes… How can you use the lowest acts to torture me?" Ni Qing is complaining to her husband.

"I was so hopelessly mad with you and this is the only one in my mind to teach you about my anger. I am sorry if I hurt you," Jin Yu is rubbing her back before he stole a peck of kiss from her. She is enjoying his kiss and bite softly his lips to lure him more deeply into the kiss. She just realises that she is falling deeper into his love trap.

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