"Just gives her twenty stroke and leaves her alone…" Ni Qing is smiling to her husband. Ni Qing is well aware with the twenty strokes on Ni Shi's delicate body will send a blow to her reproduction organ. However, she can not be the bad guy in front of everyone.

"How about gives her twenty strokes and wake her up to serve food for my consort to learn her place as the servant of the emperor!" Jin Yu can read his wife minds. She wants to repay her wickedness without dirtying her own hand.

It is looking like a thunder piercing into her body to hear the verdict from the emperor. she can not hold with twenty strokes. It will hurt her like hell while Ni Qing is looking at her with her mocking face. It makes her want to rip her face. She tries to release herself from the guards who holding her body.

"Drags her and punish her in the courtyard to send the message toward everyone else regarding her fault," Jin Yu is giving out her decree where Ni Shi is getting drag to the courtyard. In the courtyard, there is a long wooden stool with two burly man with a long wooden stick. 

Everyone is going to see the punishment on the courtyard while eunuch Wang is preparing the chair for the emperor with his consort.

"As you are Lin Yue consort, I will bestow the privilege as the emperor to count the stroke for you," Jin Yu is mocking her. Her body ger push down to the wooden stool where the burly man is making the position as ready.

"one…" Jin Yu is speaking coldly and sternly when the wooden stick going into her lower back area. The excruciating pain is unbearable for Ni Shi. However, Jin Yu is making sure to count it slowly as the horrendous pain creep from her spine to her whole body.

"Two…" The burly man hit the second stick where Ni Shi faint from the pain. The man does not spare the power of the stroke toward the centre of her spine.

"Water…" Jin Yu told the maid to throw water toward her. As soon as the cold-water splash into her face and body, she conscious and cries from the pain.

"Stoooopppp… Please… I will do anything, or I will go and pray in the monastery to repent of my mistake," Ni Shi is crying toward her cousin and the emperor.

"Three…" Jin Yu continues to count when the third stroke is hitting her bottom. The blood is oozing out from her delicate peach dress. There is an agony pain coming out from her mouth. Ni Shi mother is kneeling in front of Ni Qing to neg for mercy. She also in the wrong to let her daughter to be grown up as a spoiled kid.

"Four…" Jin Yu voice is getting colder and colder. Ni Shi is passing out from the pain where the maid is splashing cold-water into her body again.

"Your highness… I think she will not be able to take twenty strokes… she knows her place already, can you let her go," Ni Qing can not see her cousin misery condition and her aunt is begging on her feet.

"Are you sure? I am avenging your pain now… you can use my hand and punish anyone." Jin Yu is telling her which send a shock to everyone in the Ni Mansion. It means Ni Qing is gaining more power than they imagine where the emperor will do every wish from her.

"I am sure… I am wasting my time to set up the praying table for my mother with this punishment… can you let her go so we can pray in the auspicious time?" Ni Qing is coaxing her husband as this punishment makes her bored. The four blow is more than enough for Ni Shi to not able to have any children. She will arrange a second consort for Lin Yue for his lineage.

"Are you sure?" Jin Yu is looking at her who is standing up from her chair.

"I am sure, your highness," Ni Qing is leaving the courtyard toward her room with Xiao Nie follows her. Jin Yu is signalling to clean up and follow his wife to the room with the guard. Lord Ni and Ni Sheng are having heart attack to see the emperor wrath inside their mansion.

Ni Shi is still laying down on her stomach due on the wound on her lower back and bottom. Ni Shi mother is screaming to her husband to find physician for their daughter where Lin Yue is looking at her coldly. He decides to leave his wife alone and walk with Ni Sheng to the main hall. Ni Shi heart is brewing with hatred toward Lin Yue and Ni Shi.

"Excuse me, Madame Lin… The emperor is expecting the dinner cook by you and serves by you. I believe the time for dinner banquet will start soon. I advise you to go to the kitchen to prepare the dishes. You do not want to get the emperor wrath!" Eunuch Wang is relaying the message from the emperor before he is walking toward Ni Qing room. He left the couple of daughter and mother speechless toward the emperor task. 

Ni Shi not sure to be able to stand up by herself, and she has to cook the dishes. If she does not comply, the punishment will be more severe than the one she receives now. She does not have any option rather than biting her lower lips and tries to be standing up with the help from her mother and her maid.

"Moher, what should I do? This pain is unbearable, and I really do not have the energy to cook. But if I do not comply, I will get punish again?" Ni Shi is falling down on her knee to realise the severity of her situation. She is crying so hard on the courtyard to realise her pity life.

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