"Are you serious, wang? Do you believe on those superstition?" Ji Yu is looking at his chubby loyal assistant. Eunuch Wang is a naïve young man who is following Jin Yu on his young ages. 

"Yes… the residence of consort Qing is near finished. I will ask the household department to list all the furniture needs for the residence. The department of the clothing will come and fill in the wardrobe for consort Qing," Eunuch Wang is informing the progress to the emperor.

"What happen with the fire spirit?" Jin Yu is asking curiously to his chubby assistant.

"It said that it can bring bad luck to the area. We have to ask the astronomical department to perform a ceremony to ward off the bad spirit," eunuch Wang is telling the emperor before Ni Qing is making a scary sound behind him which make him scream due to scare.

Jin Yu is smiling warmly and wave toward his new wife. As soon as she walks toward her, and he pulls her into his laps. She still in her sleeping gown and her hair fall down on her back with her bare feet.

"Wang, bring me the blanket!" Jin Yu is telling his assistant when he elopes his arm on her body. She shows her perfect curve body with her sleeping gown. It is forbidden in the palace to walk out from the bed chamber with only the sleeping gown. Eunuch Wang is coming back with a tray of blanket on his hand. Jin Yu is getting the blanket immediately and wrapped it into her body.

"You are not allowed to go outside the chamber with only your sleeping robe. It is disgrace toward my reputation," Jin Yu is whispering into her ear before nibbling her ear.

"Stop it… you ruin my only clothes last night and it is better to come out with sleeping gown rather than naked…" Ni Qing is wrapping her arm on his neck.

"I never won with you. Can you just be obedience for once?" Jin Yu is telling her on his lap.

"You can let me go… you have to accept who am I," Ni Qing is looking with her puppy eyes toward Jin Yu.

"I will never ever let you go in this lifetime, remember that! Xiao Nie… prepare your madame," Jin Yu is carrying her on his arm and put her into the chair in the bed chamber. Xiao Nie is going inside the room with some of maid palace follows her. She brings the warm water for washing her face and the outfit into the bed chamber. Xiao Nie is blushing red to see the messy bed. She realises about the change into her missus life's. she is more energetic now compare when she was with general Lin Yue.

The department of garment in the palace sent her the red outfit with the embroideries reflect into her title as the consort. The palace maid will style her hair to match her title before Xiao Nie is putting a light make-up. Ni Qing is not feeling well on her bottom area for the continuous activity with Jin Yu, but she wants more from her husband. 

She is ready to go to the common room to have lunch with Jin Yu. She is grabbing the chair and put it next to Jin Yu before she is grabbing the clean chopstick.

"Your highness consort Qing, you are not allowed to sit down next to the emperor while he has his meal," Eunuch Wang is informing her.

"It will be so tired to eat while standing up… I am hungry also," Ni Qing is complaining toward her husband.

"Just sit down and eat…" Jin Yu is allowing her to break the palace rule.

Eunuch Wang is rotating the food on the table and placing the small amount into the emperor plate. When Eunuch Wang is finished with the second serving, Eunuch Li will remove the dishes and bring in the new dishes to the table. Ni Qing loves some of the dishes, but it got remove by eunuch Li from the table. Ni Qing wants to stop him with her squeaking voice from her covered mouth with the handkerchief.

"Just speak up," Jin Yu is telling her with his stern voice. This is the first time someone dare to interrupt his mealtime. Eunuch Wang can feel the different tone on his emperor face.

"Why do you have to waste the food when it is not finished yet? Who is going to eat the left over?" Ni Qing is asking him about the dishes who got discarded.

"the maid and eunuch will eat the left over from the emperor. it will be a great honour and blessing for us to eat the food left over from the dragon son," Eunuch Wang is informing her while keeping serve the food into Jin Yu's plate.

"Why can you eat a new cook dish? Leaves the left over from him on this table, I can finish all his left over," Ni Qing is informing eunuch wang,

"what else do you want after this? You will change all my habit and all the rules in this palace. How about you become the emperor and I can abdicate as the house husband?" Jin Yu is looking at her who is busy eating from the table. She is actually eating non-stop from the table in front of her.

"That is exaggerating, your highness… I am only humble servant of yours," Ni Qing is stuffing her mouth with the delicious food from the table. Eunuch wang is not letting Eunuch Wang to take any dishes from the table while she is finishing all the food on the plate.

"Can you slow down? The food will not disappear, and no one will fight with you for all of this food," Jin Yu is putting his chopstick and rice bowl down to see her appetite to eat the food. it seems she is really hungry, and she eats everything without any fuss.

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