In the morning, as instructed by Jin Yu, the minister of rite is going with the decree for Ni Qing married to the emperor. She is going to enter on the day after tomorrow as the auspicious date and time. The red sedan will come and collect her to enter the palace as the consort of the king.

Lord Ni is accepting the decree on behalf of Ni Qing. Madame Ni is still recuperating from the sickness due to her daughter's death. She is still sad and do not have the willingness to live. Lord Ni is receiving the dowry and walks the minister to go out from Ni mansion.

Jin Yu is already sitting in his throne early this morning. He left the sleeping Ni Qing in her small house in the teahouse courtyard. He had to punish her last night due on her disobedience inside the brothel house. Jin Yu smiles to think about her last night. She had begged him to continue their passionate night and promise him to be obedience toward her husband.

All the ministers are rushing inside the court room as the Emperor already sits on his throne. They cannot make the Emperor waits for their presence. They are line up inside the court room include Lord Ni, Ni Sheng, Lin Yue and Li Tzu. They are standing in their spot.

The Prime minister is opening the court with the everyday matter in the court and follows by the other matters needs the attention from the Emperor. They are taking their time to discuss the matter in the court with their Emperor while some minister is using their daughter as excuse to win the emperor heart.

Jin Yu impatiently waiting for all of them finished their agenda before he drops his bomb about the new consort. He is making announcements for all of the minister about the new girl from Ni family who is going to be his consort. No one will become the empress in the meantime until Jin Yu sure about their dedication toward the people of the Dayu Kingdom.

"Your highness… Why the girl from Ni family who manage to become the consort? Why do you not promote your concubine to be your consort?" One of the ministers who support to Lord Chu is telling the Emperor as the form of complaint.

"What do you mean?" Jin Yu is staring at them sharply. He knows half of his minister will subject to his decision to marry Ni Qing.

"Why is not concubine Chu that become the new consort, your highness?"

"Concubine Chu? Are you sure? I still need to square something with her. No one can change my decision. I just inform you the good news and not discuss the matter with you. She will enter the palace this evening and I already prepare her palace," Jin Yu is telling them without any restrain before He signed them to close the court session and he left the court.

Eunuch Wang is busy to decorate the Emperor palace with the wedding decoration. He is preparing the emperor chamber as their wedding chamber. This is the first wedding for the emperor with his love of his live. Eunuch Wang knows well enough the only women who occupied the emperor heart will enter the palace and he has to prepare it well.

Lin Yue listens the emperor decree about his marriage to Ni Qing in the court room. It looks like a thunder hit his body which send him into shock. Lin Yue walks outside the palace like a corpse with his pale face. He cannot imagine his love become the women of emperor. He got a big question inside his mind about her knowledge for getting chosen as the emperor women.

He is going to the tea house to meet with Ni Qing. He needs to explain about his marriage before she finds it out from someone else. He has been looking for her, but he could not find her. Hence, he wants to try his luck to find her in the tea house again. However, as soon as he arrives in the tea house, Mr Zhao informs him that she left to go home. One of Ni maid person picks her up to get ready as the bride. He falls backward to the ground after finding out about the reality.

In the Ni mansion, Jin Yu is actually sending out some of the eunuch and Palace maid to help out for the express marriage. They are working hard to decorate and making the Ni mansion ready for the wedding procession to the palace. Jin Yu is making sure the procession and the dowry is grand for his first wedding. His previous wedding to Ni Lang is a huge mistake. However, Lord Ni is making the identity of Ni Qing husband is still in secret.

Jin Yu makes the wedding a bit express as the festival for the death is coming the day after tomorrow. It will be the same time for Ni Qing to return to the family as tradition after marriage. He arranges everything for her so she can visit the family to remember her mother death in the festival of the death.

All the family of Ni is presents in the Ni mansion for the marriage. Jin Yu is hiring the best wedding nanny for Ni Qing. She is using the gown made in secret by the palace maid with the best silk in the country and the veil made by the best embroider maid. There is a set of golden hair crown and all her accessories today. Jin Yu makes her to become the best bride in the whole country and he does not hold any expense toward her.

Ni Shi is arriving in the Ni Mansion to attend her family events. She hopes to meet with Lin Yue in Ni Qing wedding. She well aware about her husband heart toward her cousin. She is happy that her cousin is getting married.

"Mom, do you know who is marrying sister Qing?" Ni Shi is trying to find out the information from her mother.

"I think some rich family as her dowry is really extravagant and all her wedding outfit is really expensive. However, I think she is becoming the concubine of one of old merchant. She cannot become a consort with her status as concubine daughter," Mother Shi is explaining about Ni Qing situation in the family room of Ni mansion.

"Oh My God… it means heaven finally open their eyes. she is not fit to become the consort of some young master in the capital," Ni Shi is drinking the tea on the table.

They are chatting to each other until the events is starting when the wedding procession come in front of the Ni Mansion. As the emperor status, Jin Yu is waiting inside the palace when he sent the prime minister to pick up his consort. Ni Qing is doing all the wedding procession in the family court and in front of the ancestor tablet including her mother. Her father and her brother are carrying her into their arm to the sedan. She can not step her foot after bowing to the ancestor. As the tradition, the groom will need to carry his bride inside their wedding chamber.

Ni Qing actually still feel weak from her husband punishment last night. If her father maid did not carry her back, she will still be sleeping inside her bed. Jin Yu is really turning become beast last night because of Ni Qing disobedience. Ni Qing is blushing to remember their passionate night when her body carves more of his affection. She even begs him to enter and join her into the swamp of love.

The sedan is arriving at the main gate to the palace and continue toward the Emperor Palace. She is sitting calmly inside her sedan and thinking about the next step to find out about her sister murderer. She is vowing to her sister body to find and avenges her sister death. She will make them to be in hell. However, the first step is to make the emperor to love her. She needs someone to lean and support her.

Jin Yu is using his wedding robe with the dragon emblem on the red robe. He is using the crown and pacing back and forth in front of his palace. In the end, he can hear the wedding procession sound getting near. Eunuch Wang is informing the emperor to wait patiently while he is instructing two maids to carry Ni Qing inside the palace.

"Your highness… where are you going?" Eunuch Wang is confused to see his emperor walk outside the gate.

"I need to carry my wife to pass the household gate. I will not allow anyone to carry her into my house. She is mine only," Jin Yu is telling his loyal servant about his action. Jin Yu is determine to have her as his wife and they will act as normal married couple.

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