Loving the Naughty Empress

Chapter 171 - The Plan To Help Consort Liang

They are having the morning breakfast with lively expresion and Jin Yu is giving out everything that Ni Qing wants. He is also instructing Lin Yue and Zhang to carry out the plan to separate the Consort Yin form the crown prince of Liang. He asks and instructed Ni Sheng and Zhao Yu to monitor and review all their army defence. If Ni Qing dream said they all can get defeat by the army of Liang.

Jin Yu is needing to review all their defence plan and make it strongest and stricter. He even is asking every border to be guarded with full army and impose hard lock to check every entry point. He will make an edict to impose the check point into Dayu Kingdom.


"Hey, do you remember if in Liang Kingdom have any prince?" Ni Qing is asking while eating her morning portion of dates.

"There is one little prince… he is still on his teenage age.." Lin Yue is answering her question.

"DO you want to make him the crown prince?" Jin Yu is placing some cut apple to her plate. He is personally cutting the apple for her. Gu Man is getting used to see the henpecked emperor in front of him.

"I am thinking to eliminate one piece of chess player on the table… For the sake of my husband and baby life," Ni Qing is bitting the apple with determination.

"What is your promise?" Jin Yu is repeating her promise in their bed and reminding his wife about her own word.

"I will let you to take care everything…" Ni Qing is telling her husband in front of everyone. They are all amused to hear her word.

"Your highness, you are the only one who can subdue my sister until she promises to ask your help and intervention," Ni Sheng is applauding his brother-in-law. Jin Yu as usual only nodding to acknowledge his praise.

"You only need to sit back and have fun while I will protect our family…. You are not going to intervene and running around anymore…" Jin Yu is reprimanding her for her naughty misdeed.

"I am going to relay and hug your thick thigh start from the moment…. However, is your thigh thick enough for me to hold?" Ni Qing is thinking about her own word.

"Do you want to try my thigh?" Mo Feng is volunteering himself to be the trial for her.

"Stop… No one can defeat my huge thigh in the Dayu Kingdom." Jin Yu is making a stopping hand gesture to Mo feng. He will not let anyone to touch his precious woman.

Everyone is laughing to eat the dog food in front of them. They know the most mellow one to protect their love heart is General Lin Yue. He is dedicating his life to serve the empress.

They are finishing the meal and get going to the court in the morning. Jin Yu is making sure to finish all his court that need his attention. He is receiving back the lost rice left in front of the palace gate after spread to the needs people.

Jin Yu is asking Gu Man to record everything and distribute it to his people in the capital. He is making a policy to give out free rice to the people. As this year, they are blessing with the abundant harvest of rice. Jin Yu wants to bless them with free rice in the whole nation, also as the bless of his empress pregnancy.

He also asks the defence minister to implement the lock down on their border to the country. The check point needs to be implemented and they need to check it properly. If they can't provide the proper identification to enter the Dayu Kingdom or their appearance seems a little suspicious, Jin Yu does not want them to enter the Dayu Kingdom.

Jin Yu is having a discussion for recruiting the uneducated people to work for the government for their skill and network. There will be further system to deal with people like brother Ah Tio and AH Seh. It will bring the government a great deal if they are working with him.

Meanwhile, Ni Qing is visiting the Consort Liang in her palace. she is bringing the tonic soup for Consort Liang as she got really bad morning sickness. This time, she needs to know her plan with her baby as it is not belonging to the emperor.

The maid is letting them to sit in the common room while she is getting the consort Liang on her bed chamber. Xiao Nie is handing her the soup to ease her morning sickness. She is going to talk a little bit about her future plan.

Consort Liang is coming with her pale face and curtsying toward Ni Qing as her empress. She is closing her mouth with the handkerchief to hide her morning sickness. Her stomach already showing compared to Ni Qing's flat stomach.

Ni Qing is telling consort Liang to stand up and sit down. Her loyal maid is serving them a black tea when Ni Qing is signalling Xiao Nie to change the tea. Xiao Nie is going to the kitchen and brewing citrus with ginger and honey before serving it to the empress and consort Liang.

"I am sorry if I asks my maid to change the black tea with the ginger tea. You are pregnant and you need to eliminate to drink black tea. It will not be good to the baby," Ni Qing is advising Consort Liang.

"It's fine, your highness… Please forgive for my rudeness not able to visit you when you are sending me a lot of stuff for nurture my pregnancy," Liang Yun Xi is telling the empress with her weak and soft voice. Ni Qing is drinking the ginger tea and ask the consort to drink it.

Liang Yun Xi drinks the tea straight away when she feels a little bit better after drinking the tea. The taste of citrus makes her throat and stomach warm from the feeling of throwing out. She is feeling a little bit better when Xiao Nie is closing the palace door to leave them to speak in private.

"Consort Liang, I know the baby is not belong to the emperor… what is your plan?" Ni Qing is shooting the arrow straight away and make consort Liang is on her knee straight away.

"Please, I want to give him the baby and please make this a secret…. I will not let my baby to fight for the throne in the future," Liang Yun Xi on her knee and begging to Ni Qing.

"I know already everything…. The emperor also knows it… what are you going to do?" Ni Qing is helping the consort to stand up and sit back on the chair.

"We can make a plan for you to leave with Mr Mo… however, you need to be patient as your brother is keeping his eyes into you," Ni Qing is whispering to her ear. She can't talk in the open as the crown prince eye is everywhere.

Consort Liang is nodding in agreement to hear Ni Qing plan while in shock. She can't understand about her rumour to be such as heartless emperor and her cunning way to seize the position as the empress. She even killed her own sister to covet the empress position and make the emperor feet over head with her seduction.

"Are you sure?" Consort Liang tries to convince herself for the empress plan.

"Believe to the emperor… you are on of his wives after all… he has the obligation to take care of us," Ni Qing is winking one of her eyes.

"Yes, your highness… please, be kind to me… thank you for the emperor to take care of such an unimportant consort like me.." Consort Liang is talking eloquently to the empress.

"If you need anything, feel free to come to my palace…. do you want to join me for dinner this evening…? I will cook some fish and ginseng to nurture the baby…" Ni Qing is handing her invitation to consort Liang while she is standing up from her seat.

"I would be glad to join you, but I am apologising in advance if I will not be feeling well during the dinner and need to leave early…" Consort Liang is asking the empress for some understanding about her condition.

"Do not worry… the Master of Poison will be in the dinner with us… he can help you to feel better," Ni Qing is advising to consort Liang which send her to shock. The empress manages to summon the best physician in the whole continent to come and have dinner with them. Even her father was not able to invite the lord of Poison to come and check into their mother and crown prince sickness. Consort Liang need to start respecting the empress for all her power. She can't wait to see who will be at the dinner party on the empress palace as one of the guests is already powerful enough.

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