Loving Madeline

Chapter 324 Because Of Me

Charlotte's POV

"Jack?" I asked without fluttering my eyes; it felt so surreal to see him again; I thought he had already left Barcelonia.

My heart raced as I looked at him, climbed out of his pick-up truck, and walked closer to me without taking his gaze away. I stood on the pavement with my mouth agape as I stared at his handsome face; he looked so boyish, wearing simple clothing—a pair of faded jeans and a plain white t-shirt.

He took the grocery bags from my hands, which was when I snapped back to reality and moved as far away from him as possible. I didn't want him to know my heart was dancing with too much happiness when I saw him.

"What are you doing here, Jack?" I asked coldly, as if I wasn't happy to see him at all.

"I told you I will be coming back," he answered while his eyes were fixed on my lips, and I could feel the butterfly on my chest as I averted his gaze. He put the grocery bags in the back seat of his truck while I was still standing on the ground like a statue.

I never expected that I would see him again. I didn't understand why my heart was racing, and it felt like I needed more air to breathe.

"Get in, Charlotte," he added after he found me in the same spot, looking like a fool. I am no longer a teenager, but I wondered why I couldn't stop my heart from beating so fast, as if I ran for miles.

"I can walk," I replied.

"Come on, I am your friend; you can trust me," he responded, and I hated myself that I felt a little hurt after I heard the word "friend" because I knew I wanted him to tell me I was special to him, and not just a friend.

Jack held my wrist and dragged me towards the passenger's seat of his pick-up, and I wondered where he was staying at the moment; I could feel the hair all over my skin on my body stood up when he picked me up like I weighed nothing, and helped me settle on the seat.

I held my breath when he leaned closer to me, and I closed my eyes and waited for him to kiss me, and I almost screamed when I heard the loud bang of the door after he closed it; I felt so embarrassed that I expected him to kiss me, and I felt so stupid for thinking such a way.

"You don't need to carry the grocery bags, Jack. I can take them from here," I declared and hastily got out of his truck, but he was fast; he was able to open the back door on the other side and picked up the bags before I could even open the door on my side.

"Charlotte, it is not bad to have some help sometimes, I understand you are an independent woman, but I am here; the bags are heavy, and I knew you got tired walking from the bus stop to the archway of your estate," Jack stated as he towered over me. His masculine scent, which I missed so much, made me speechless.

My hands were trembling as I opened the main door, and I couldn't believe I would be so affected by his mere presence; Jack is a nobody; I don't need to feel this kind of emotion towards him, but I can't control it; I am trying my best to hide how I felt for Jack.

"Thank you, and you may go now Jack," I said, and I hated that my stomach betrayed me. I ate a snack before I left the capital, but I felt hungry again, and worst, Jack heard my stomach grumble after I switched on the light in the kitchen.

"I will not go unless I will see one of your maids or any of your household staff." He responded, and I suddenly panicked.

"Why? This property belongs to my family, and I am staying here, which means, I am the boss at this moment. Meaning, I have all the right to drive you away, or I can call the cops." I answered with irritation in my voice, why it seemed like he knew what was going on with my life.

"You don't need to call the cops, Charlotte; if you don't really want to see me here, I will leave; I am just worried about you." He responded, and I felt slightly guilty for being rude to him.

"Please, don't forget to lock the door after you get out of the house," I added, and I could see the hurt on his face.

Jack had done nothing so far but help me, and all I did was throw hurtful words at him. He walked out of the kitchen without glancing at me; I wished to run after him, but my pride stopped me. I am a Divenson, and I will never bend my knees to him, even if I am dying to be in his arms again

"You are evil, Charlotte," I reprimanded myself as I stood near the kitchen counter, pulling out the grocery items I bought from the store. I felt so hungry as I shook my head, unable to believe I was mean to Jack.

"I am sorry, Jack," I whispered to myself.

"It is okay, Charlotte," I jumped when I heard his voice behind me.

"Why are you still here, Jack?" I asked sternly.

"I brought you dinner," he said as he put the paper bag on the kitchen counter; just in time, my stomach grumbled loudly, and I turned my head away from him to hide my embarrassment.

"You should eat now, and you can reheat the food in the microwave if you want. I wrote my number on a piece of paper inside the paper bag just in case you need some help." Jack added.

"I won't need your help, Jack; I am surrounded by my maids and kitchen staff most of the time; you may leave now, even if I allowed you to stay here last night; for me, you are still a stranger," I responded coldly, and his face saddened as he looked me in the eyes.

"Don't worry, princess; I will leave and not disturb you again. I was crazy for thinking maybe what they said about you was not true; I disagree with them for calling you a spoiled brat and the wicked sister of Hunter." He said, and my eyes widened in shock with what he said.

"I thought they were wrong, but now, I could say they were right, after all," Jack added, and I could feel the disappointment in the tone of his voice; he turned his heels and walked away from me without taking a second look.

I was left dumbfounded, and I was hurt that he called me a wicked person. I am not that bad, and I don't know who Jack was referring to with the word " them," I don't care about them for thinking I am a spoiled brat and a wicked person.

I wanted to show Jack he was right for thinking those people who thought I was a bad person were wrong since they misjudged me before they knew me.

"Wait, Jack!" I shouted as I ran after him, and he only stopped walking when he reached the front porch. I almost collided with his toned body, but he didn't turn around and face me.

"I am sorry, I am just tired; thank you for the food," I said, and he was silent for a while before he turned around and looked at me with great intensity that made me feel so weak that I tightly held the door frame for support.

Then, Jack smiled at me, which made my heart skip a beat.

"Wow! It sounded so sweet in my ears that you apologized to me; you don't need to, but if you are sorry, I think you should let me stay even for a while; I came all the way here to see you," he said with tenderness, and I am sure my face turned crimson.

"Of course," I softly replied, and he got inside the house before I could invite him to come inside.

"So, you went to the capital?" He asked as he looked at me eating my food which made me so conscious that I found it hard to chew food.

"Yeah, I bought some groceries," I responded as I tried to avoid his gaze, especially his lips.

"Why didn't you tell me before I left this morning? I could have dropped you at the grocery store." He answered, and I felt glad he didn't ask me why I had no maids in the house. I told him all the household staff would return within the day, and it was already nighttime, but none of them had come.

"It was unplanned," I lied.

"Why didn't you bring your car? Your house is far from the bus stop," he asked, and I smiled at him.

" I wanted to have some exercise; I didn't expect it would be a long walk," I fabricated another lie, and I wished I won't say another lie to Jack.

"How come you are still in Barcelonia?" I asked, curious why he came back with a pick-up truck, and I was wondering where he was currently staying.

"I told you, I fell in love here in Barcelonia. I wanted to open a restaurant in the capital," he said with seriousness as he looked at me.

When his eyes zeroed in on my lips, I could no longer stop my heart from hammering against my chest; and I hated that I was hoping Jack didn't only fall in love with the place, but he also fell in love with me and he stayed because of me.

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