Madeline's POV

My heart was racing as I could feel the sweat on my palm as we neared the church where the funeral service was going on; it felt like I was having some trouble with my stomach since I felt like I wanted to use a restroom as I tried to stop my nervousness.

Even though we planned everything, I couldn't stop having doubts. I was anxious that things would go wrong, and I did not want to face failure or any damage resulting from our plan.

Losing Parker and Rebecca was unexpected, and we were still having a hard time accepting what was going on with Hunter's family. I want to quit thinking that Clark has the ability to hurt my husband during the funeral because I know how much my father-in-law hated his son, after Hunter got married to me.

I know we were late, and it was part of our plan; we needed to capture the attention of everyone so that Clark would know I was there.

The van parked at the back part of the church to make sure no one would know immediately I was attending the funeral. We plan to get inside the church later than necessary to make a grand entrance.

"Girls, are you ready?" Dean asked both Gina and me. I felt relieved when I saw Dean's men and my grandpa's men get off from their vehicles. I felt safe, yet I was hesitant to continue with our plan.

I know my husband would get angry at me the moment he realized I was in Archois City without his knowledge. I didn't even inform him I was coming home to our hometown.

And as much as I want my husband to trust me, the safety of my family is my priority; I am willing to do everything to stop Clark from his wickedness. I know the only way to do it is by making a sacrifice.

"Yeah, we are ready," I answered, and Gina just nodded her head, and when I took her hand, I could feel how cold her palm was, and she didn't need to tell me what was on her mind since I knew her very well.

I am aware my best friend is worried; just one look at her face, I could tell she was very nervous and afraid that something would go wrong, just like what I was feeling.

No matter how brave we look from the outside, I know deep inside we are both shaking and have turmoil at the moment. Gina came out of the van first, as agreed, and I was fidgeting and holding my breath as I waited for her to reach the church entrance.

"Hey, you have to relax, Gina," I heard Dean say as he looked at his phone. I could see the front of the church coming into view, and I could tell Gina was walking fast as I looked at her surrounding in a blur.

Yeah, Dean put a hidden camera in our clothes to make our plan work perfectly; he was an excellent help to us, yet I am still doubtful if we can accomplish our task.

"Act normal, and don't look at anyone; bow your head enough for you to see where you are going." Dean continued, and then he swiped the screen, and I could see another angle, and I think it was footage from one of his men.

Gina came inside the church, and my heart suddenly felt warm as I looked at Hunter standing in front of the church, and I realized he was giving his eulogy for his brother, and I wanted to be there for him and his family.

My best friend sat on the back pew, contrary to our original plan. I wanted to be there instead of her, but Dean insisted it would be better for Gina to come out first, and I could have my chance at the cemetery.

Gina looked liked me, and I only realized this morning that things like this could be possible, and it will happen not only in television shows but as well as in real life.

We looked like identical twins when we looked at our reflection in the mirror after the friend of Dean finished her makeover with Gina. I could tell the only way Hunter would find out it wasn't me was the moment Gina talked.

My heart was in pain as I looked at my husband, and I knew how much Hunter was hurting, and I wished I could be with them and share the pain of losing Parker and Rebecca.

I saw Calixto Morgan get up from his seat and make his way to Gina, and I knew he would know immediately that something was going on when he realized Gina wasn't me.

Dean browsed the screen and turned on the mike, and I felt my heart would burst as I listened to Calixto talking with Gina.

"Madeline, it was fancy meeting you here; your husband told me you can't make it; I don't know

if I will be happy that you could join us, or I will be devastated that you showed up unannounced and you are putting your life in danger," Cal said, and I was holding my breath as I waited for Gina's reaction.

"Hi," Gina replied.

"Don't talk to him, Gina," Dean instructed, and I know Gina could hear him, and I am sure she didn't turn off her microphone, and she could listen to Dean.

"I need to go now, Cal," Gina tried her best to speak like me, but I could tell it was an epic fail since I was closed with Calixto, and I knew he could tell it wasn't me at all.

My best friend's appearance was enough to catch Clark's Divenson's attention, and I could see him looking in Gina's direction, and Dean's man was good at capturing Clark's face as he realized I was attending the service.

"You need to get out of the church now, Gina. You have to move." Dean instructed as he adjusted his screen, and I could see two monitors, one from Gina's perspective and the other one from one

of his men.

I could feel my heart pounding so hard against my chest as I looked at Gina stand up and made her way to the exit, and the moment she got out, my best friend ran as fast as she could, and I leaned my back on the back rest as she made her way to our vehicle.

I know Dean's men would be there to make her exit safe, but after seeing my husband, I felt distracted, and I didn't know if I could make it, but we were here, and I knew there was no turning back; we have to finish what we had started.

"I am sorry, Maddie, Dean, I knew I messed up," Gina said right after she got inside the car.

"Hey, it was okay, Gina; you did great out there; you don't need to worry about anything; no one came after you," Dean responded.

"Yes, you were amazing, Gina," I added.

"I didn't know how I would react if Hunter came to me, I was only talking to Calixto, yet it felt like I had a heart attack because of my nervousness," Gina stated.

"I felt glad Dean told me to get out of the church, or else, I don't know what I should do; staying there for another five minutes would be a disaster." She added.

"I don't want to answer Calixto, but I didn't want him to be more suspicious, and it was late for me to realize he became more doubtful about my appearance, and I am sure Cal would know it wasn't Madeline who went there, but a fake one." Gina declared.

"Gina, that was the whole point for all of these; we wanted to make Hunter believe Maddie was the impostor the moment she took a last look at Parker at the cemetery; that was the whole plan." Dean answered, and I could see the confusion on Gina's face.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"I am sorry, Gina, we didn't tell you since we wanted you to act normal; that is why we have a changed of plans; it was best that you showed up during the funeral service so I could attend the burial and I am sure my husband would stay his distance from me knowing he was thinking I was you, the one who appeared at the service," I explained.

"I am sure Calixto would tell my husband you were a fake Madeline, so I can have my moment at the burial while we can make Clark angry by thinking I came to the funeral, and I am sure he was now planning on how to capture me," I added.

"We can proceed to our plan B after the burial; thank you for doing all these for me, Gina. If you don't want to go to the cemetery, it would be fine, and I can take it from there." I continued.

"Are you crazy, Maddie? We are on this together, and we passed stage one; you should be careful at the burial; Clark could hire a sniper." She responded.

"Gina, you don't need to worry. Remember what I told you? Before Clark's man could pull the trigger, he could be dead. You don't need to worry about anything, and we hired the best among the best." Dean answered.

"All we need to do now is to lure Clark, and to do that, we need to take a risk, and it means making Maddie the bait." He added.

"I came here for that, Dean; I am ready to face Hunter's father; I know this is the only way to stop him from hurting and threatening my family," I replied, trying to look brave even if my entire body was trembling.

I know I needed to do this for our son; since I wished to raise our child without fear of losing him any moment because of Clark, my son's grandpa; it would be painful to see Clark lose this game, but it had to come to an end so we can attain peace in our lives.

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