Love So Sweet

Chapter 718 - 718 Rubbing Salt on His Wound

718 Rubbing Salt on His Wound

The basketball court was filled with loud cheers.

After a long time, the match finally ended and everyone felt that this match was quite exciting.

In the beginning, everyone expected that Yang Xu’s team was going to win. But somehow, Fu Chen’s team fought back and won the match.

Yang Xu’s team stood at the center of the basketball court while looking at the scoreboard. Everyone on the team was having a hard time, believing that they had lost at the hands of a bunch of amateurs.

They thought that they had done their best to guard against Fu Chen, but later, that boy would always find his chance to slip away.

Thinking about this made them frustrated.

Yang Xu and the others could not understand the reason their team had lost this match. They were Y City High School’s basketball team. They practiced every day and fought against some of the greatest basketball teams around.

So, how can they lose?

They thought that this loss was illogical.


After a while, everyone began to shift their gazes to Yang Xu. They thought that perhaps the reason for their defeat might be because Yang Xu was an incompetent team captain.

Their dissatisfaction rose. Soon, the basketball team will face another internal conflict because of this loss.

On the other side of the court, Fu Chen and his teammate were having a little celebration of their own.

They had a match against the school’s basketball team and won. Even though their score differences were not that much, it was not that important.

What’s important was that they won.

In the beginning, none of them expected that they would really win. But through their teamwork, Fu Chen and his team managed to win.

Knowing that they won against the school’s basketball team made them prouder.

Even though they were not planning to join the basketball team, this match would certainly be one of the most memorable events in their life.

Fu Chens looked at his team members and felt as if he wanted to cry.

When no one wanted to join his team, Yan Li and the boys decided to volunteer even though their basketball skills were only basic. They worked hard during the practice and never complained about it. Fu Chen could see that Yan Li and the boys genuinely wanted to help him.

Finally, their hard work paid off.

This was only a sport meets, but the feeling of winning this match was as if they had won a basketball tournament. It was huge for them.

No words could describe what Fu Chen was feeling right now. He wanted to open his mouth a few times to say his words of gratitude, but in the end, the words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat. Instead, his eyes and nose began to sting.

Yan Li laughed when he saw the look on Fu Chen’s face. He felt that he could understand Fu Chen’s feelings at this time.

Worried that his friend would really cry, Yan Li patted Fu Chen on the shoulder a few times.

Fu Chen gritted his teeth and inhaled a deep breath. He looked at his team members and was finally able to utter, “Everyone. Thank you. Winning this would be impossible without you guys.”

Lin Xiao Tong and the girls arrived at their side and happened to hear Fu Chen’s words. The girl had both hands on her waist as she looked at Fu Chen. “Then, what about us? Fu Chen, we also worked hard to cheer on you guys.”

Her words made everyone laugh.

“That’s right. It was also because of you girls that we won this match,” Fu Chen said. “If it was not because of your support and cheer, we might lose our morale earlier.”

Yan Li nodded. “That’s right. Lin Xiao Tong, your cheering voice was too loud. It was also because of you that I managed to see that Xia Feng was coming after me. Because of that, I managed to keep on guard.”

Lin Xiao Tong looked at the boys, feeling a little proud. “Then, Fu Chen, don’t forget about the milk tea for us. After shouting so much, my throat was a little hoarse.”

Fu Chen nodded. “I know. Let’s go to the milk tea shop after school.”

Fu Chen raised his head and met Bai Xi Xi’s gaze.

Seeing the smile on her face made him blush.

Fu Chen wondered if he looked pathetic in front of Bai Xi Xi at the moment.

He did not realize when did it happen, but Fu Chen felt that he wanted to always show his cool side whenever Bai Xi Xi was around.

He felt that he might not be able to win this match if it was not because of Bai Xi Xi. From the very beginning, Bai Xi Xi had shown her support and was confident that he could win against the basketball team.

Fu Chen realized that he owed Bai Xi Xi a lot.

“Fu Chen,” Bai Xi Xi walked over and flashed her usual carefree smile at her. “Congratulations. You really deserve this win.”

“Class Monitor, thank you.”

Bai Xi Xi chuckled upon hearing his words. “What are you thanking me for? I just saw that you wanted to join the basketball team and thought that you deserved a chance.”

As the team was having a little celebration, Fu Chen caught sight of the basketball team leaving the court.

Without saying a word, Fu Chen walked over to the boys and stopped in front of Yang Xu. “Yang Xu, don’t forget what you promised earlier. You will let me join the basketball team, right?”

Fu Chen’s words made Yang Xu a little irritated.

They already lost the match and Fu Chen’s words were like rubbing salt on his wound.

“I know what I have promised,” Yang Xu spoke through his gritted teeth. “Next Monday, you can come to the basketball court and join the practice. Are you happy?”

A smile appeared on Fu Chen’s face. “Thank you.”

Yang Xu narrowed his eyes. Looking at Fu Chen for a long time was making his heart hurt. He felt that he needed to vent his anger on something.

Seeing that Yan Li was blocking his path as well, Yang Xu decided to vent his anger a little bit on him. He raised his hand and gave a shove at Yan Li, causing him to stagger backward.

Unfortunately, Bai Xi Xi was behind Yan Li.

By the time, Bai Xi Xi saw Yan Li, it was already too late and she could not avoid him in time.

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