382 The Four of you are Getting the Certificate?

Seeing that his sister was ready to leave for the Civil Affairs Bureau, Zhang Yi Hai looked for Fang Su Jin and walked over to her side. “Sister Fang.”

Her eyes lit up upon noticing that Zhang Yi Hai was beside her. Then, Fang Su Jin quickly avoided Zhang Yi Hai’s gaze again. Looking into his eyes would give her a guilty conscience. Especially knowing that she had inappropriate thoughts about him.

“What’s the matter?” Fang Su Jin’s voice trembled a little bit.

“My sister and Brother Bai Qi are heading to the Civil Affairs Bureau,” Zhang Yi Hai said. “My mom is worried that it would be troublesome for Brother Bai Qi to look after his little sister and my sister at the same time. So, I’m going with them too.”

Fang Su Jin lowered her gaze and saw that the little girl was standing beside Zhang Yi Hai. The look on her face was especially adorable. However, seeing the little girl and Zhang Yi Hai side by side was a little awkward.

“Sister Fang, would you like to come along? It would be better to have another woman to look after little Xi Xi,” Zhang Yi Hai continued.

Fang Su Jin was about to reject this invitation when Bai Xi Xi stood by her side.

“Sister, are you going over as well?” Bai Xi Xi battered her eyes.

The sight made her heart waver.


A while ago, Fang Su Jin had accompanied Zhang Li Xue to Bai Xi Xi’s kindergarten to confront the unreasonable parents and headmaster.

Fang Su Jin met Bai Xi Xi and immediately fell for her adorable face and mature attitude.

“Sister, let’s go and give them our support, alright?” Bai Xi Xi continued.

Fang Su Jin laughed. She leaned over and patted Bai Xi Xi’s head. “Alright. Let’s go together.”

The little girl had successfully won her heart and she could not say no.

She stood up again and finally noticed that Zhang Yi Hai was watching her with a smile on his face. Seeing this, Fang Su Jin grabbed Bai Xi Xi’s hand and walked out to catch up with Zhang Li Xue.

Just like that, the five of them left together in two cars.

Fang Su Jin looked at the cars with mixed feelings. She wanted to join her friend and Bai Xi Xi, but if she was to leave Zhang Yi Hai alone, it would feel that it was inappropriate.

After weighing her decision for a while, Fang Su Jin decided to go with Zhang Yi Hai. She slid into the passenger’s seat and turned to Zhang Yi Hai.

Coincidentally, the young man was also looking at her.

Their gazes met and Zhang Yi Hai flashed her a smile, making her heart turn chaotic.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi Hai did not speak a word. The car began to move, heading to the city center.

When they arrived, Zhang Yi Hai hurriedly helped Bai Qi with his sister’s wheelchair. Then, the group headed to the building together.

As they walked in, there were too many people queuing up to get their certificates.

An officer saw that Zhang Li Xue was in her wheelchair and came over to help. He looked at the group and spoke, “The four of you are getting the certificate?”

Fang Su Jin looked at the officer in horror. Then, she quickly shook her head. “No.” She pointed at Zhang Li Xue and Bai Qi. “It’s just them.”

She was only at the building to accompany her friend. Who was she going to get a wedding certificate with?

As the thought came to her mind, Fang Su Jin turned to Zhang Yi Hai before she quickly look away. Then, Fang Su Jin began to scold herself for her inappropriate thoughts.

Zhang Yi Hai nodded. “Officer, we were just accompanying the couple.”

The officer realized that he had made a mistake. He glanced at Bai Qi and Zhang Li Xue and helped to give them the form to be filled out.

Seeing that there were too many people inside the building, Zhang Yi Hai turned to Bai Qi and spoke, “Brother Bai Qi. There are too many people here. I will take Xi Xi and wait for you outside.”

Bai Qi looked at the situation and agreed. He leaned to his little sister and spoke, “Xi Xi, you should go with Brother Yi Hai and Sister Su Jin first. When we are done here, we will come and look for you. Is that alright?”

Bai Xi Xi swept her gaze around the place. Noticing that there were too many people inside the hall, she then decided to agree with her brother’s arrangement.

“Then, I’ll wait for you and Pretty Sister outside,” Bai Xi Xi said. “Brother Bai Qi, you have to come and look for me once you are done, alright?”

Bai Qi looked at his little sister’s worried face and smiled. “Un. I understand. We will go and find you as soon as we are done.”

Once she heard her brother’s words, Bai Xi Xi felt more at ease. She walked over to Fang Su Jin and held her hand. “Brother Bai Qi, I’ll be waiting for you guys outside with Sister Su Jin and Brother Yi Hai.”

After exchanging a few words, Zhang Yi Hai and Fang Su Jin then left the hall with the little girl.

Zhang Yi Hai saw a milk tea shop across the road and suggested for they hang around the shop.

As Zhang Yi Hai was queuing to buy the milk tea, Fang Su Jin took Bai Xi Xi to an empty seat. Seeing that Bai Xi Xi continued to glance in the direction of the Civil Affairs Bureau made her laugh.

“Xi Xi, are you looking forward to your brother marrying your Pretty Sister?”

The little girl nodded enthusiastically. “I can’t wait. Once my brother and Pretty Sister are married, then, Xi Xi will have a big family. Then, there will be a lot of people who will love me.”

Bai Xi Xi’s words made her heart ache.

Fang Su Jin knew the little girl’s background and did not expect that she would be anticipating a family’s warmth.

It was for that reason that Bai Xi Xi seemed to be quite close to Zhang Li Xue.

Fang Su Jin could not help but lean over and pinched the little girl’s adorable cheek. “Xi Xi, you are too adorable. Of course, there will be a lot of people who love you.” Fang Su Jin could not resist hugging the little girl. “Sister also loves you very much.”

When Zhang Yi Hai walked over to their seat with a tray of milk tea, this was the scene that he saw. The look on his face turned gentler upon seeing Fang Su Jin and Bai Xi Xi together.

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