"Don't you have pride as a god! You damned bastard!" The orc king screamed with a hateful face.

Orcs were not species that could adapt to religious stuff at all. They were warriors who were good at fighting and cared to fight strong opponents only.

Zick's shoulder slumped with exaggeration. He could see no reason to leave such a useless species to exist one bit. Thus he offered a proposal to the orc king.

All the orc race had to do was offer warriors for experiments, at a set amount of time that didn't go overboard.

But even after giving them a chance, the orc king did not seem to be the type to make rational decisions. This disappointed Zick immensely.

"A garbage like your race does not have any worth left, I suppose. You can all just die, your worth as an experiment subject is even below trash." Zick made his last decision, may this race be set as an example for others.

Zick could just buy any species he wanted from the dark faction trade service. It was not that hard to procure beings of such standards.

'I had been lenient with these orcs as they were not important, but for them to be not able to even realize their positions. Why did the life god even let such useless things live?'

Zick did not care, he could not think of any other use for this race either.

Zick snapped his finger with no hesitation. Instantly a black wave was released from his finger, covering the whole orc nation.

"What are you doing?! Fight me...." Before the orc king could finish speaking, the whole surrounding turned black.

That day, the orc kingdom, a nation with immense military might, was wiped out from the face of the world.

This news shook the minds of other nations heads, it was their turn next, if they couldn't satisfy Zick, their fate would be the same!

Zick didn't particularly hide his deed, instead he spread it himself through the human nation. It was apparent what he was aiming for, still, other rulers could do nothing but despair.

The next target was — the mermaid nation!

'Ah, In the end, I abandoned the whale tribe in the prior world, huh? Well, I would rather have loyal subordinates than them.'

Zick had lost the connection he had with others, through the contract. It had vanished from the moment he ascended to the god rank. He wasn't sure what the giant race was even planning on using these people for.

'Right, the cat too, must have been quite shocked by the turn of events I guess.' Zick felt nostalgic remembering the past for a few seconds.

In the end, the fate of the Igmorous world was set in stone. After the world's core is destroyed, that planet would slowly convert to a dead planet as time went by. There was no saving them, only the grandmaster and higher rank being could survive.

'According to my hypothesis, the grandmaster rank is the minimum requirement to even start exploring the universe. And god ranks to even have hope of surviving.'

'The galaxy I am in is called the stellars rift. It's one of the main galaxies under the dark faction.'

From the information Zick gathered, it seems like monsters attacking a planet isn't a rare thing at all. Instead, it happened a lot more than he had initially thought.

Many planets were even destroyed because of these monsters.

And as it seems, there is a realm that this monster sprawls out of. It was called the Apex realm, no god there entered it through the only gateway it has.

Just how many monsters were on the other side? This question made them all feel their blood run cold.

Not so back in the past, a monster with a supreme being level came out of it too. It was a disaster through and through, a few supreme beings, the next rank of the great god, died in the battle.

Zick put aside this train of thought as he arrived at his next target.

Many merfolk arrived at the water's surface, to welcome Zick. They had already received a notice of his arrival a while ago. They all welcomed him into the beutiful hall.

This time around, the negotiation went much better than the orc nation.

The merfolk's queen was a very tactful person, agreeing to almost all of Zick's demands. She knew her and the nation's position better than anyone.

The adjacent beside the Merfolk's queen was shocked, the way their queen talked was just too submissive. This was the first time she had seen anything like this.

Zick internally felt satisfied with her behavior. There was no needless race annihilation this time around.

There was a reason Zick was attracted to the merfolks, from his new knowledge, it is said that they can be used to purify many kinds of impure substances, once they are grandmaster rank that is.

'....I will relocate their kingdom once I have a mid-grade world in the future.' Zick decided quietly within his mind.

Zick returned to the core of the world for now

To Zick's dismay, there was no elf race in this world. They could be used to nurture world trees, which would give an immense boost to the world core's progress.

The other race left was — The sand wolfmen nation, ruling over the only desert of this world.

There were many other races, but there was no nation formed by them.

'Alright, I will create a nation of my own for now. I will subjugate all the other races and put them there. The golems that I have will take care of it.'

After finishing with the sand wolf nation, all Zick did was train day and night, while taking some breaks to play with Arianell and Aurel.

Zick's mage professional had hit a wall too, he could use the low-grade world core, but he was afraid of the backlash. And more than anything, he wanted to concentrate on one main power source for now.


Not even a year had passed and a problem presented itself before Zick.

A monster had unknowingly encroached on the world, and more than 30℅ of the world was already affected. Zick had not even sensed its presence until he saw the deterioration, with his own eyes.

This monster's name was the earth element leach. Absorbing the whole earth's elements, leaving behind a desolate world.

The fact that he could not sense the monster's presence, bothered Zick. His luck was just too bad to come across such a thing so soon.

Moreover, earth leach was dwelling in this world for a long time, many years before Zick took over.

Worst of all, it was not possible to kill this monster, it could regrow repeatedly even after being destroyed. It was all thanks to its mysterious phantom body.

Earth leach was a monster that destroyed many worlds and put the gods through despair.

The way to deal with such a being?

'Simple, let's just throw this worm-like monster to a faraway place, someone else can take care of it.'

Normally, it would be impossible, but Zick had Arianell. Breaking a piece of a world core, he handed it to Arianell.

"Just throw this thing to a faraway place," Zick spoke with a deadpan look. He did not feel pressure at all from beginning to end.

And a disaster was averted just like that, the deteriorated land would take a while to recover though.

'I don't want to waste world cores, they might even be my lifeline in the future. Hmm, but at the same time, it could not be helped, such monsters are quite annoying. Only great gods can destroy them easily.'

Yurirl's research was progressing well the whole time. She had already made immense progress, the way for her to evolve would be discovered sooner or later.

Like this, three years flowed by like a river.

Finally, the time had come for Zick to absorb some world cores!

Yuriel had found a way to enhance herself too, the prize was as expected high though. One low-grade world core and many rare materials.

Still, Zick was willing to pay the prize, he procured the materials through Lifare. The capsule that she would evolve within, was still being constructed. It was a large project, everything had to be delicately made.

Aurel had already risen to the grandmaster rank and even went deeper into it, reaching mid-stage.

Arianell on the other hand became a demi-god easily. No outside stimulation was ever used on her, leading her higher form of energy to be pure from the beginning.

Zick had made progress too, he had been training the whole time. His progress was not to be looked down upon, it was dozens of times faster than any normal god.

Zick's talent was very high, not many gods could match him.

Holding the world core in his palm, Zick concentrated with a serious face. He was in a villa, made for him right at the moment.

Zick calmly began absorbing the world's core, he could feel his progress rise again. Not as fast when he was absorbing the mid-grade world core, but it was still very quick progress.

Before, Zick felt like he was walking a millimeter per second, but now, he felt like he was walking meters per second with ease.

After finishing the first world core, Zick took out another and began devouring it too. This time, he stopped halfway through, only absorbing half of it.

'Well, it's better to be cautious than regret later. Driving my divinity to the limit always is not a good thing.'

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