Life and death is nature's law. All living beings are equal, and everyone has their right to survive and be killed or kill others. There might be royalty and lower beings, but in the face of death, a person's death is no different from an ant's, what's the difference? They're both dead.

When Zick thought of this, the complexity of the world lay open in front of him.

Not wanting to be trampled on, there was only one way. To become strong, strong until no one dares to step on you. He just had to grow large enough so that no one would have the ability to step on him.

The whole time Zick stayed in the battlefield, he only experienced minor skirmishes again and again. The minimum number of soldiers participating in this battle was 10,000.

But in an all out battle, more than 100,000 soldiers participate. In it, thousands of peak rank knights and dozens of master swordsmen are included.

The main point was, alchemists would also participate in it, making the battle more tricky.

In a one on one battle between a mage and an alchemist, the mage would win most of the time. But if the chemist was given enough time to prepare, his chances of winning increases astronomically.

And in a battle there was a lot of time for the alchemist to prepare traps for the army of the middle continent.

The alchemist of the middle continent would take a long time to dismantle this trap, giving the eastern continent the upper hand in this battle without a doubt.

Alchemist almost covered all the type of professions there was in the world. Though not perfectly they could replicate it using some other means.

This just got worse now with Zrector out of the picture. Zick could somewhat predict the battle intensity.

Unless the middle continent had any trump card which could turn the tide against them, the eastern continent would be on the winning side.

'The chances of the two continents resisting the demon continent will continue to fall. This is not good for me too, but I can't do anything about it now. Ha! it would be impossible with my current strength anyway.'

The demon continent started invading the continent earnestly after three to four years from now, but it might change now. Zick knew that there was a very low chance that the higher ups of the demon continent would let go of such an opportunity.

'My biggest disadvantage right at the moment is that the enemy are in the hiding and whereas I am totally in the open. I can't even resist this unknown powerful being in my current state.'

For now, first Zick decided to gather any form of power he could and at the same time try to increase his own potential and strength. He was ready to do anything for this as long as it didn't harm his life and interests.


Zick reached the surface of the water at last.

The sun was already showing signs of setting. It was noon with the sun shining in an orange glow.

Taking out the compass that he brought while travelling on the wyvern, Zick checked the directions.

Luckily it seems not much has changed from how it was in the novel. Varine and the dragon eggs were in the eastern continent's direction. No one was still in the middle continent.

And he was still naked.

'Changing clothes in here will only get it wet. I should first take care of the scales on my face and horns. The other scales all over my body will come in use in the future for sure.'

Holding the scales on his face tightly, Zick took out a healing potion. He pulled the scale off with a determined expression.

Splurt! Blood fell on the water making it turn red. The wound was only three centimetres at most, but a lot of blood spewed out of it.

''Ugh.....'' Zick applied the healing potion upon the wound immediately.

Doing the same process for all the scales around his face, Zick took out the cursed sword from his space ring.

Readying his arm, he swung the sword horizontally at the horns.


The black cursed sword was not able to cut through the horns, which surprised Zick, making him look at the black sword with wide eyes.

Strengthening the sword and his right hand with the black mana, this time Zick swung his sword with everything he had.


The horn was cut off his head this time after a little resistance. Zick put the two horns into the space ring feeling that they held value.

Next, Zick started heading towards the direction of the eastern continent, where Varine was currently at. He still let out dragon fear making the aquatic monsters stay away.

'If in the end, the demon continent wins again, I should try to join them.' Zick wasn't against joining the demon continent anymore.

But the demonic race doesn't trust any other races, so Zick had to find a way around this. For now, Zick put it aside as they wouldn't even consider joining hands with someone weak like him. He didn't think that joint hand with the demons was the only way, there might be a way to escape too after all.

''Sigh....'' Sighing to himself, Zick continues swimming at full force.

Splash! Even with his strength falling to the high rank knight stage, Zick was still tens of times stronger than a normal human being. His swimming speed was fast matching the speed of a normal electric boat on earth.

At this speed, it would take him five days to reach the eastern continent. This was estimated by Zick by calculating the distance between him and Varine.

This estimation wasn't a perfect one, but it still gave him an idea of how much he had to travel.

'I was teleported near the eastern continent or I might just have flown near it while fighting against Zrector. Normally it takes weeks to reach there by boat.'

Seeing the endless sea made Zick feel a little helpless. There were still many problems he would face after reaching there.

'I know a little of the language spoken by the eastern continent through the battlefield, but problems will still arise while communicating. Hmm.....' When Zick thought of this, another inspiration appeared in his head.

'They might be using this to find out the people of the middle continent. They don't know how to talk in the 'Everlor' language which is spoken there after all.'

One problem after another kept appearing in Zick's head. Prompting him to start thinking of a countermeasure against them.

'The problem of language can only be solved with hard work I guess. That's what the protagonist, Aeiron, did too.'

After swimming for another 15 minutes, Zick lost all his stamina.

''Haaa...haaa.....haaa...'' Breathing out loudly, Zick waited for his body to recover.

'.....I should have kept some stamina potions with me in case. Well if I had stamina potion then I would have also been able to recover my mind and have escaped in front of Zrector' Zick could only regret his past decision. He had no need of a stamina potion after becoming a dragonoid.

There was no 'if' or 'what if' in his current situation. There was no way he could have predicted this situation in the end.

Waiting in the middle of the ocean was a strenuous process even for Zick. He couldn't fly using magic, he had already tested to see at what level he was in the mage profession.

And he found out that he was in the middle rank.

A middle rank mage didn't have the ability to fly. Zick could still somehow fly using the crimson red earring, but what was the point of it?

Zick wouldn't be able to maintain it for more than three minutes and even the speed he would fly would be very slow.

'Rather than exhausting my mind for no reason, I should just let my body recover.'

Seeing the sky slowly turning dark, Zick felt a sense of inexplicable loneliness.

It wasn't because he was in the middle of the ocean or the fact that he was a transmigrator. But because, everyone was born lonely!

Human minds are like isolated worlds and Human encounters are like the collision of these worlds, and once they touch, there would be an effect.

Sometimes, they would stick together, in the name of 'interest', 'kinship', 'friendship', 'love' and 'hate'.

But eventually, they would separate, walking towards their death.This was the truth behind life.

Unfortunately people are always afraid of being alone, they craved the liveliness of the human crowd, and they refused to do anything with their time.

Because once they face loneliness, it means facing pain and hardship.

But once they can face this pain, people would obtain talent and courage. So it is said that all high-achievers are definitely lonely.

'This is the feeling of being lonely. The more I savour this, it strengthens my resolve to pursue my goal!' Zick's gaze shone.

Everyone maintains an attitude externally in front of others, this was nothing but a mask that they put around their inner heart.

''Sigh.....the saying of human beings as a social being is nothing but bullshit.'

'It doesn't matter which attitude I have to facade in front of the others, if it could help me in some way, then I will do it.'' Zick couldn't help but sneer at this.

Whether it was doing a kind thing or an evil thing, Zick was ready to do it all. This loneliness was nothing to him!

After recovering his stamina, Zick started swimming again. After travelling for three days, he reached the coast of the eastern continent.

Zick didn't get hungry luckily, with the heart turning the mana into nutrients for his body.

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