Chapter 1842 Where Is The Sea God?

Chapter 1842  Where Is The Sea God?

The cosmic storms around them decimated stars and planets and everything in between. Artemis however managed to break free from Horus entanglement

Horus himself was forced a few hundred miles away.

But it is clear that in the confrontation between the two, Artemis lost the advantage.

Without Apollo, she lost some of her offensive power.

No, to be more accurate, she lost a lot of her power.

Apollo and her shares a bond. And that bond strengthens them.

Together, they are stronger.

And by now, she also felt something is wrong.

One look and she could tell what is wrong.

The Sun is dim.

This kind of dimness of the Sun had only been witnessed by her only a few times.

This would be fourth time seeing the Sun dim to this kind of level.

No, this is the dimmest she had seen the Sun

Apollo, her brother is dying

But this is not the time for her to think about this.

Horus also is only thinking of finishing this battle as fast as possible.

Right now, they are at an advantage

Ra is powerful.

But Olympus is Zeus domain.

As such, there is some advantages that Zeus could use.

It would be the same if Zeus attacks Eternal Horizon.

Zeus would find trying to defeat Ra would be very hard in his own domain. Hence, usually such battle would be bought outside of the sphere of influence of a particular deity.

Ra decision to attack Olympus in their home ground is not usual tactics.

But clearly this tactic has yielded unexpected gains.

But still, Zeus still have an advantage in terms of power in his own realm and in his own domain and sphere of influence.

Even now, when they are fighting against each other, Ra and Zeus had already fight in some secluded dimension.

Even in this secluded dimension,. Zeus is probably channelling the power and energy of Olympus through that secluded dimension

He needs to finish this fight as fast as possible, take the Aspect of Apollo, usurp the authority of Apollo and lend a hand to his colleague

Horus close his eyes for a moment and then he gathered all of his strength.

The energy that is surrounding him causes the space around him to spiral towards him like it is some kind of fabric stuck in some kind of twister.

His wings on his back expand into a radiant light, spanning the firmament of Olympus itself.

He soared at Artemis moving as fast as light, his spear radiated a golden aura that fills the darkness of an Olympus without a Sun

The mortal world, the heavens of Olympus is now bathing in golden light, a Sun of the Eternal Horizon

The Sun of Ra dawns in Olympus.

And then Horus thrusted out his spear.

Splitting the clouds, slicing the Heavens

Artemis in that moment throws away her bow, hr bow floats beside her as she thrust out her hand and summoned all of her strength

And in that moment where life and death sis separated only by a line, she managed to caught the spear.

But the force of Horus attack was so great it sent a shockwave all over her body and she coughed up golden blood, her energy leaks from her body and wounds appears in her body.

The force was so great that her armours breaks

The two deities locked eyes but even Artemis could not locked eyes for long with Horus.

Looking at him right now is like looking directly at the Sun.

Artemis felt like if she keeps looking at Horus, her eyes would be burned from her eye socket

And even now, just being this close to him make her feel like the heat of the Sun is trying to melt her.

The sky was alight with their opposing energies.

Artemis could not hold the spear for long.

Even just holding it burns her hand. And a second later, she kicks the air, release her hand from the spear and in that moment, she hold out her hand, her bow flies to her hand

With one swift motion, she draw her strongest arrow

As she pulls the string of her bow, the Moon dims and the howling of all animals in mortal world pierce the sky.

All the remaining clouds, all the light that is not Horus light is drawn into her bow and channelled into her arrow.

This would be her strongest arrow. And might be her last arrow. She is blessed by the night, by the divine power of Olympus.

And then with a prayer, she released it with all of her might

The arrow soaring straight toward Horus, as fast as light. Horus see the arrow and he wanted to dodge it but before he could do that he was stunned to discover that he could not move at all

It is only a second. But a second could be a brief moment or along time for beings like them

The arrow struck true, hitting Horus shoulder , forcing him back for ten thousand miles. The arrow itself did not pierce Horus shoulder.

But it does have a powerful impact power that it forces Horus to retreat a thousand miles away

If that kind of arrow is shot toward a planet, the planet in question would be disintegrated.

No, it would most likely erupt in the eruption and explosion of said planet

The falcon god could not help but get staggered in the air and for a moment, he almost lost his balance in the sky

He look at the arrow and then using his free hand he pluck the arrow out from his shoulder.

His radiant form is flickering. He narrows his eyes and look at his arm


His wounds are not closing up. And he could feel like his magic is being tainted and the energy channels in his body is being blocked in some parts.

And before he could even make sense on what is happening to him, he let down his spear.


He felt his hand going weak and he could not help but grimace

Artemis on the other hand did not pursue her current advantage.

She knew from the moment that Apollo fell, that Horus would get a boost in power. The Aspect of Apollo and Horus overlapped in many respect.

With Apollo gone, the Aspect that Apollo has would probably be usurped by Horus.

The laws of Olympus would be more weak.

Artemis would like it if she could just fight with Horus to the death. Even if she die, she would not regret it that much

But she still ah some rational thought.

If she also dies, then some other pantheon of the Eternal Horizon would take her Aspect which would only weaken Zeus.

And weakening Zues means weakening Olympus

So…she has to survive.

When she sees that Horus has been affected by her poison, she did not hesitate to fly to the mortal world. Sёarch* The novel(F~)ire.net website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

In just a few steps, drawing all of her strength, she arrives in the mortal world. Then she flew into the sea

Then she look for a portal that only the Olympians could open. The portal opens and she enter the portal only to arrive at a different sea

She is now in Atlantis, the world of water, the world of her uncle. She is coming here hoping that her uncle would give her some protection.

But when she arrived at the Deep Sea, she was surprised. She saw the tall palace and the great cities underwater

Most of the warriors of the sea is now out in the surface fighting the invading army of Qarthan and Eternal Horizon so she understand why the cities looks a bit deserted.

But then she arrived at her uncle Palace.

The guards was not there. So, she just strode right in.

A servant of the palace informed her that her brother is now being tended

The Apollo of Olympus did not yet die.

But he is close to it. However, as long as some energy is still there, the physician of Poseidon would surely heal him back to full health

Artemins however is more concerned about something else.

And that is….where is her uncle?

She did not only come here because she senses her brother is here. She is also here to ask for help.

Poseidon, her uncle is one of the Elders Gods like Demeter and Hestia and Lord Hades

Demeter might not have combat power like her father but Hades and Poseidon, these two is either equal or even surpassed her father strength

Lord Hades for example, is said to have powers and strength surpassing her father. He is the only Olympians which could disregard Zeus and Zeus could only pretend not to see the disobedience

As for Poseidon, her uncle, many people believe he is at the same level as her father in terms of strength

So, Artemis is here to ask for Poseidon to come to Olympus as fast as possible and help her father defeat Ra

After all, that is how they did it the last time.

Poseidon and Zeus joining hands together to defeat Ra.

Hades on the other hand fight Hathor, Osiris, Horus , Isis, Anubis and Set all by himself and defeat Hathor, Osiris and Horus while keeping Isis, Anubis and Set entangled with him long enough for the other Olympians to join him and jointly defeated them all

The Elder Gods are on a whole different level compared to them

As long as she could ask Poseidon to help her father, there is a chance for a turnaround.

But when she arrived at the Palace, other than seeing the servants of the Palace, she did not see where is Poseidon

And the moment she did not see Poseidon, she began thinking….where is the Lord of the Sea?

And where did he go?


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