Lord of the Truth

Chapter 828: Three trees

Southern Region-- Near the new space portal

This spot is the same place where General Dirit attacked and crushed a few months ago, and where the southern space portal was destroyed and the control panel was stolen... The headquarters of the True Beginning Empire did not abandon it but rather rebuilt it to be a fortified fortress that was many times stronger than before.

Now the place was no longer a small, remote city that had nothing special but the space portal, but rather it had turned into a large barracks surrounded by many defensive arrays! And at this moment... Everyone in the city was running like crazy!

A few minutes ago, all the Martial Emperors were urgently summoned and news spread among the soldiers that the great battle was approaching, so they all left what they were doing and went to put on their armor and gather with their squadrons and battalions, preparing for a fierce war.

The only corner that kept its calm inside the city was a small mountain that was dozens of meters tall.

The fact that there was such a high place in the middle of the city was strange enough, but the mountain itself was even stranger.

The mountain was conical and looked like a volcano, but it still somehow had three distinct sides, each side had a different shade of a dark color, and the top of each side had a different type of leaf!


Near the top of the conical mountain, a shadow sword appeared and bowed slightly, "Three nobles Treefathers, please be informed that the northern battle has already begun and you may be called to the front line at any time alongside the Warlords, so please stay ready." Then with a *swoosh*, the shadow sword disappeared again without waiting for a response.

"Hehehehe... At least the weak among them still show some respect to us old trees..." One side of the mountain started laughing.

"We're just the 41st, 42nd, and 43rd Warlords in their eyes, nothing special... I wonder if we made the right decision back then, maybe a quiet death like Hoffenheim wasn't such a bad choice." Another strong voice spoke in Greenlandic.

"Snawist, Taphena, I understand how you feel but perhaps you should use telepathy." A firm voice interrupted the two.

"And what do we use it for... It doesn't matter anymore-" The first voice replied in an angry tone.

This conical mountain was actually made up of the three Tree Fathers, their backs facing the city as they slept.

It had been a long time since they had used Robin's technique to separate from their true bodies and come to Nihari. This technique was not perfect and by Robin's admission, every day they spent away from their true bodies they felt their incarnations weaken and their souls shake.

Using the thoughts conveying technique, Descartes sent to the other two, "Will you stop grumbling? Don't forget the oath you took on the day you surrendered, we are just generals under the True Beginning Empire now, accept this truth quickly."

The three Tree Fathers initially felt infinite gratitude to Robin when they finally got rid of their roots after hundreds of thousands, even millions of years after Returning to Earth.

And when he told them that he would take them to another planet, they were happy like children eating ice cream for the first time, How could they not love the sound of these words after they had imprinted the shape and characteristics of Planet Greenland in their very souls after all these years? If they were to have the chance to see other planets, what would be the problem if they were to fight in the army of the True Beginning Empire? It's not like they don't know how wars are fought!

But their first battle came quickly, and it was a shock.

Their vast experience in leading the buds and plotting against each other did not help them, and their huge 60-meter-high incarnations did not intercede for them... They started the battle thinking that they would defeat all the enemies without help, but it ended and they were barely able to keep some generals busy, and if it weren't for their tough bark, they might have been killed that day!

After that battle, their importance to the decision-makers in the empire decreased greatly, and even their self-confidence was shaken by taking a blow that was difficult to return from, although no one reprimanded them, they did it to themselves and more... They always saw themselves as masters, the feeling of being another member of the herd one day never crossed their minds.

"We are generals? Where are the soldiers we lead? Hehe, maybe you should say we are mercenaries, that's more accurate." Tree Father Taphina laughed sarcastically, "When they gather more warlords, there will be no need for us, we will be thrown aside."

"...Is this good or bad?" Descartes looked at the two, "If there is no need for our existence, you can simply return to your real bodies and stay in the bubble of grandeur that we have been covering ourselves with, but not me, I will stay here and explore the world with His Excellency, I do not want to be just a tree!"

"...I am afraid that this is not how the universe works, we were oblivious, this universe is the playground of humans and their ilk, we the Trients are just living in it." Tree Father Taphena sighed

Even Tree Father Snowist nodded... Tree Father Taphina was their leader even in their darkest times he was there to say the final word, to say such words was heartbreaking and soul- crushing for him, but he understood, he had seen this truth for himself once against the army of the True Beginning Empire, and twice against the army of the Great Serpent Empire, "We are not destined to do anything great..."

Tree Father Descartes tried to say something but stopped and looked at the ground, if he comforted them, who would comfort him? Their shaken confidence would not be restored with a few words, or maybe the truth was what they said...

All they had to do now was wait for another human to lead them to another battlefield to embarrass themselves once again, hoping that this nightmare would end soon and they would return to their first nightmare as mere trees on a distant planet...

*Clatter* *Clatter*

At this moment, the sky was disturbed, the clouds took on an arc shape and began to move towards the south rapidly, even the air and space shook violently.

"Heavens, what is happening?" Tree Father Descartes flinched and looked around, Tree Father Taphena and Tree Father Snawist also trembled, "Something is happening in the


*Fall* *Fall*

The True Beginning Empire's soldiers below Saint level all fell to their knees, while the weaker ones among them immediately lost consciousness.

"I feel my soul shaking, what could possibly be causing this wave of destruction?" Tree Father Snowset muttered as he looked north.

Tree Father Taphena kept looking north for a few more seconds before slowly standing up, opening his eyes in panic, "This soul print... It's a little different but I won't miss it... It's


"Hoffenheim?!" Tree Father Snawist also quickly stood up, after Taphena's reminder he could easily recognize the soul print as well, "It's really him!! Isn't he dead?... And how could

The be this strong?!"

"Hey, you there," Tree Father Descartes on the other hand didn't have time to wonder, he

Quickly searched for the nearest Shadow Sword and shouted at it, "Open us a portal to the

Northern battle, do it now!"

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