Chapter 143:

Chapter 143

Although the Spiritual Masters Association of the Dongning Province could only certify Level 4 Spiritual Masters, the assessment room was built according to the standards of Level6, while being close to Level 7.

To control the iron balls to pass through all the layers of glass walls smoothly, one had to be at least a Level 6 Spiritual Master to do so. Moreover, at Level 6, the number of iron balls needed to be controlled during the assessment was only 500, which was almost half of what Lu Sheng had just done.

In other words, Lu Sheng’s move just now had already demonstrated a terrifying level of spiritual control that exceeded that of a Level 6 Spiritual Master. And looking at his relaxed and calm appearance, it was obvious that this was far from his limit.

So, what was the limit of this 17 or 18-year-old boy’s spiritual control?

Level 7?

His spiritual control was comparable to that of a Master Spiritual Master!

Hiss —

Jiang Jinian felt his scalp go numb, as if someone had bombarded his face with a hundred bombs.

It was too scary.

Before Lu Sheng’s appearance, if someone had told him that a 17 or 18-year-old could reach the level of a Level 4 Spiritual Master and that his spiritual control was comparable to that of a Level 7 Spiritual Master, Jiang Jinian would have scoffed.

But now, he only wanted to say one thing … In the Yangtze River, each new generation replaces the previous one, and the previous one dies on the beach.

[TL: means that the younger generation is always going to beat the previous generation.]

He was too freaking freakish.

“Mr. … Mr. Lu, your strength has been recognized by the association. Later, I will personally produce a certificate and issue a badge for you …” Jiang Jinian took a deep breath, and his attitude toward Lu Sheng had taken a one-eighty-degree turn.

He even changed the way he addressed Lu Sheng to “Mr. Lu.” There was even a hint of respect in his manners. This was the respect for strength, and it had nothing to do with identity or age.

“Thank you, President Jiang.” Lu Sheng nodded and replied politely.

“It’s no trouble at all. It’s my job anyway.”

Jiang Jinian walked out with a smile and said to the young man in charge of the assessment, “Xiao Zhou, help me take care of Mr. Lu. Oh, by the way, make a cup of tea for Mr. Lu. Use the best tin of tea leaves in the second drawer on the left of my office …”

“Oh, oh, yes, President.”

The young man in charge of the assessment was also excited. He looked at Lu Sheng with an almost worshipful gaze, and then quickly ran out of the assessment room.

Only Lu Sheng, Xue Fei, and the bald middle-aged man were left in the room. Xue Fei stared at Lu Sheng, who was standing before her … Lu Sheng was still the same Lu Sheng. But in Xue Fei’s eyes, Lu Sheng was surrounded by countless halos of light.

His tall and handsome appearance seemed to be shrouded in layers of mist, giving her an incomparably mysterious and imposing feeling.

“Lu Sheng … Oh, no, Mr. Lu.” Xue Fei stuttered. Halfway through, she quickly changed her words. “You … How old are you?”

Lu Sheng replied, “Seventeen. How old did you think I am? Did you assume I’m one of those monsters who look like a high school student, but who knew how old they actually were?”

Xue Fei nodded with a serious face.

Lu Sheng laughed. “Stop reading fantasy novels. I have to take the college entrance exams in two months. If it weren’t for the fact that the Spiritual Master Certification can give me extra points, I wouldn’t have come all the way to Liangcheng …”

“College entrance examination? My son is taking the exam next year as well …” The bald middle-aged man said with great emotion. Then, he realized he was being disrespectful to Lu Sheng. He quickly shut his mouth and smiled awkwardly at Lu Sheng.

Xue Fei’s head was dizzy. Today’s experience was too magical for her. She needed to sort it out, and think it through …

Not long after, the young examiner ran into the exam room with a cup of hot tea. He respectfully handed it to Lu Sheng.

“Mr. Lu, please have some tea.”

After Lu Sheng thanked him and took the cup, the young man realized there wasn’t even a chair in the assessment room. So, he ran out again.

“Mr. Lu, please wait. I will get you a chair.”

Before the young man could get him a chair, Jiang Jinian had already walked in with the items in his hands.

“Mr. Lu, this is your Level 4 Spiritual Master Certification and the badge that represents your status as a Level 4 Spiritual Master. When you have another breakthrough, you will have to go to the capital’s Spiritual Master Association to take the exam. The highest we can certify is Level 4 …” Jiang Jinian explained.

Lu Sheng nodded and took the two items from Jiang Jinian. The certification was nothing special. It was similar to a high school diploma. Lu Sheng glanced at it and didn’t linger on it any more. The badge was different from a martial artist’s badge.

It was made of dense silver (also Mithril). There was an eye-like pattern in the middle of the badge. It looked exquisite and mysterious.

“In the future, you will receive a monthly allowance of five million from the Association. You can also use the serial number on the certificate to log into the Spirit Master’s Star Web …”

Five million a month?

So much?

Lu Sheng was shocked. He quickly remembered the price of the metal and felt that it was normal.

“Looks like I have to find a chance to take the exam at the Martial Artist Association. With my current strength as a Level 4 Martial Artist, I can get a lot of money every month …”

Lu Sheng only had a little more than five million on him now. This was the reward given to him by Dong Qingxue on behalf of the Eastern Military during the training camp.

Originally, there was also a cash reward for becoming an Enlightened Star General. However, because Lu Sheng had absorbed too much exotic marrow, the Eastern Military was in the red this year. So, the reward was cancelled.

Before He Ling Su’s business and Tang Maolin’s silver money (Mithril) were transferred to him, Lu Sheng was still a pauper. Five million was not even enough to buy the leftover materials for the Unceasing Blade Wheel.

Now that there was this new source of allowance, his financial situation had finally improved. Lu Sheng was even considering if he should transfer some money to his family to improve their living conditions.

“If there’s nothing else, then I will leave now, President Jiang.”

With the Level 4 Spiritual Master badge in hand, Lu Sheng’s goal was achieved. He said he was going to leave.

“Mr. Lu, please wait!” When Jiang Jinian heard that Lu Sheng was going to leave, he quickly asked him to stay. “Let’s sit down and have some tea. You look like you just arrived in Liangcheng and haven’t had a chance to rest yet …”

“It’s fine.” Lu Sheng shook his head.

Jiang Jinian kept calling him “Mr. Lu” and it made Lu Sheng feel uncomfortable. He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would be called Old Lu by Jiang Jinian.

“Then stay back and let’s have dinner together …” Jiang Jinian quickly changed his tone, “Emergence of another Level 4 Spiritual Master is a joyous event for Liangcheng and the entire Dongning Province. We should celebrate. Mr. Lu, you know … Us spiritual masters who spend our days in the society have nothing much to do, and are bored. We really want to have something to celebrate. Please give us a chance …”

Lu Sheng looked at Jiang Jinian’s helpless expression and the hopeful look of the young man next to him. His expression softened and he reluctantly agreed.

“Okay, but don’t make it too grand. Dinner will be fine.”


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