Chapter 80: Chapter 78 Tears Well Up in Mv Eves

Translator: 549690339?????????? 3 3

Bi bang’s right shoulder looked a bloody mess, but upon examination, they found that it was indeed just a superficial skin injury, and his bones and such were essentially unharmed.

This situation definitely wasn’t right; even with thick clothing as protection, that was still a wolf, even the Wolf King at that. It couldn’t possibly be just a superficial skin injury.

However, Bi Fang had a hunch in his heart, guessing that the Trapezius Muscle Enhancement Coupon he had obtained last time might be much more powerful than he had thought.

Not only was its shaping perfect, but its defensive capabilities were also outstanding, even capable of withstanding the bites of the Wolf King. “Anyway, it’s good that nothing serious happened,” Hu Hao took out a medical kit from his bag, ready to give Bi Fang and Wu Mingtao a simple disinfection and bandaging.

“Should we hurry and leave? With so much blood around, won’t it attract other animals?” Zheng Tianfang leaned against a huge tree, panting. Now that the danger of the wolf pack was gone, everyone felt somewhat relieved, but he was still a bit worried.

“No need,” Bi Fang shook his head, “The hunting grounds of a wolf pack are fixed, and might even be passed down from generation to generation. Under these circumstances, it s rare for other predators to be active in this area. We re temporarily safe. Everyone can take a rest first before we resume our journey.” Hu Hao and the others nodded. As employees of a geography magazine, they were somewhat familiar with these facts, and now that they had Bi Fang’s confirmation, they felt greatly assured and almost all slumped to the ground. They were too tired, thoroughly drained of strength, with their hearts barely beating, caught between fatigue and pain, a terrible feeling enveloping their whole bodies.

Actually, the audience in front of the screen was also quite perplexed before; being from National Geographic, shouldn’t they have some knowledge of survival or about animals?

But when faced with a wolf pack, they were all at their wits’ end, and some were even dragging their feet.

When confronted with this question, Bi Fang just laughed it off without minding the embarrassed Wu Mingtao, as he explained.

“Actually, it’s completely different. Sometimes, knowing is one thing, but doing is another.”

“It’s like someone telling you that Brown Bears don’t scavenger and that playing dead is effective, but most people seeing a bear still turn and run. They don’t think of that; it’s an instinctive reaction.”

But Bi Fang himself was different, the skills given by the System were not just knowledge but also an abundance of integrated experience. freē

In terms of knowledge, he might not be as broad as those magazine editors, but when it comes to real survival, all the people from National Geographic put together probably couldn’t beat him alone.

All of them are just juniors.


1666, In the end, it’s just Master Fang showing off his prowess!] [Suddenly I remember when I was in school: I knew the formulas and principles but just couldn’t solve the problems…]

I The analogy from the commenter above speaks to my soul.]

[This is the difference between the practical-doers and the theorists!]

(Now I get why Lina would become Master Fang’s fawning admirer. If I were a girl, I’d like to fawn over him too.]

I Lina Goddess: Damn! I’m not a fawning admirer! ]

I Hahaha, that’s the spirit! Using the meme right there!)

“What should we do next?” Wu Mingtao gritted his teeth. Although the injury wasn’t severe, it was genuinely excruciating, especially when they used alcohol for disinfection—it felt like there were broken blades cutting through his body. “Wait.”

Bi Fang looked up at the sky. The snowstorm had almost completely stopped by now, and there were wolf corpses scattered all around, not lacking food. All they needed to do was to wait quietly for the helicopter’s arrival.

He had asked the System before, and for this rescue mission, as long as they waited for the rescue team, it would count as a successful survival.

“By the way, thanks for earlier,” Bi Fang looked at Wu Mingtao and sincerely expressed his gratitude.

Just earlier, there had been four wolves charging at him. If not for Wu Mingtao suddenly rushing out to intercept one, he might have been done for.

Thinking about it now was quite surprising; the audience watching the screen hadn’t expected Wu Mingtao to be the first one to step up.

The one who was initially the most terrified turned out to be the one who burst forth first.

[Yeah, Brother Wu is a true man.]

[They are all impressive.]

[In any case, if you’re awesome, that’s all that matters. Awesome on the live stream, awesome in person.]

“No, not at all, I was just doing what needed to be done.” fɾēewebnσveℓ.com

Wu Mingtao repeatedly waved his hand, dismissing the praise. In fact, they all benefited from each other’s success. If it weren’t for Bi Fang taking down the Wolf King, they wouldn’t have escaped the wolf pack’s encirclement, and by now they would have been nothing but bones; helping him was really helping themselves.

But Bi Fang didn’t see it that way; Wu Mingtao indeed had been terrified at the time, yet he still stood up.

Standing up when confident, that’s not called being a warrior; it’s just a choice made after weighing the benefits and risks.

A man who stands up unprepared, risking his life, is a true warrior.

After the wounds were bandaged, Bi Fang put his clothes back on, cut off several wolf legs to keep as emergency rations, collected some trophies, and then led the group back on their way.

This place is only temporarily safe, not absolutely.

Moreover, the dense forest is another reason.

Times have changed. Previously, they had to hide from the wolf pack by entering the dense forest. Now, to allow the rescue team to find them in time, they need to move through open ground.

Making the right decisions based on different situations is key to survival.

This time they moved even slower. Wu Mingtao could no longer walk on his own and needed to be carried. Neither Lin Xue nor Bi Fang could possibly take on this task -one lacked the physical strength and the other had an injured shoulder and couldn’t carry him.

It wasn’t until twelve noon that Bi Fang suddenly made a new discovery.

A wooden stake!

“Quick, look!”

Bi Fang, struggling through the deep snow, crouched in front of the wooden stake and cleaned off the snow, visibly excited.

“Saw marks!”

Bi Fang pointed at the rough bristles on the cut surface of the stake, tone excited.

“There are people!”

I he rest weren’t fools either; they all became excited. Saw marks meant that the tree had been cut down by someone!

“And there’s the sound of water!” Lin Xue suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone paused.

Bi Fang also perked up his ears. Indeed!

It was faint, but it was definitely the sound of flowing water!

Everyone’s hearts ignited with passion, they hastened their pace over the snow, and before long, a river appeared before everyone’s eyes.

The online friends were stunned.

The rescue team hadn’t found them yet, but they were about to succeed in survival on their own?

I Damn, they’ve found a river and saw marks; could Master Fang succeed in survival before the rescue team shows up?]

I Ah, this is too embarrassing, right? The rescue team is just filling soy sauce…]

I lhey haven’t even made an appearance, it’s not even soy sauce-filling! ] It wasn’t just the audience who thought this. Captain Chen thought the same. So, they were of no use at all?

He solved the wolf problem, and now he found hope for survival. How can such an awesome person exist? Wasn’t this smashing other people’s rice bowls?

That’s outrageous!

But as he thought, Captain Chen still reported the situation to his superiors Now that the survivors had found a river, as long as they sent the helicopter to find the river recorded on the map and search along the river, the process would be very fast.

They must find them before Bi Fang and the others encounter someone, or else they would lose face big time.

He, Captain Chen of the rescue command, did not allow such an awesome person to exist!

“It’s a pity not to have discovered this big river earlier,” Bi Fang said with regret.

The vast river in front of them was nearly ten meters wide, more than enough to build a raft and drift down the river to survival.

Then, even if the wolf pack was fierce, they couldn’t pose a threat to them, there’d be no need to fight desperately as they had just done.

“Luckily, everyone is still alive,” Zheng Tianfang said with much emotion.

This experience was definitely the most thrilling and unforgettable one in his career as a tour guide. Perhaps in several decades, he could sit by the stove and tell this story to his grandchildren.

Afterward, Bi Fang and the others continued along the river’s edge until evening when the roar of a helicopter suddenly came from behind them.

The snow dust was churned into a twister by the helicopter’s rotors, a white tornado with a glint of Red Five-Star.

My God!

They were finally coming to rescue!

Who knew how excited Hu Hao was. Upon seeing the helicopter’s arrival, he threw Wu Mingtao off his back and, despite his curses, Hu Hao ran and jumped, waving his hands.

The helicopter’s arrival was so sudden and so timely, stirring everyone’s emotions.

He called out loudly for help, tears brimming in his eyes.

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