Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 77 - 75: The Great Terror Between Life and

Chapter 77: Chapter 75: The Great Terror Between Life and


Translator: 549690339

The air seemed to congeal.

Everyone’s heartbeat missed a beat.

Zheng Tianfang even wondered, if he hadn’t been scared, hadn’t hesitated, but had stepped forward to block the other wolf, could Bi Fang’s hand have been saved?

“Beast, you want a clean death? You’ll get a quick end!”

But to everyone’s surprise, faced with the vicious wolf’s biting, Bi Fang didn’t even furrow his brow.

He coldly stared into the wolf’s eyes, chuckled, and with his right hand, drew out his Hunting Knife, flicking it upward and casting a spray of bloody filth.

The entire knife plunged straight into the wolf’s skull, dragging out a spurt of blood mixed with brain matter.

The giant wolf instantly collapsed onto the ground, lifeless.

Seventeen wolves had already been reduced by more than half!

Now only nine remained!

Flinging aside the wolf’s carcass, Bi Fang, bathed in blood, was like a fierce dragon. He picked up a Spear and shouted to the dumbstruck Zheng Tianfang and others, “Don’t be afraid, after all, they are just beasts.”

Zheng Tianfang and the others looked at the wolf’s carcass and then realized that its head was still biting something. But the two sharp fangs had already snapped off. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a steel water bottle! Bi Fang had dared to use his left hand to cover the wolf’s mouth because he had a plan in mind. Before the two wolves attacked, he had wrapped the watei bottle’s strap around his hand. After all, wolves can’t compare to humans’ wits!

Everyone drew in a cold breath, and the temperature around them seemed to rise several degrees.

Between life and death lies great terror, but Bi Fang managed to keep his cool under such circumstances and used a steel water bottle to precisely block the wolf’s maw—a miracle!

How much terrifying combat experience would this require? How much immense mental fortitude and reflexes?

Could this really be done by a human?

However, the audience, uneducated in such matters, could only respond to such feats with a screen full of comments like “Awesome”, “Big boss”, “666”.

“Don’t let your guard down!” Bi Fang yelled at the dumbfounded Hu Hao and

the others.

Bi Fang’s courage in slaying the wolf had subdued everyone present, including many viewers behind their screens, who were also impressed.

Some even felt a sense of security upon seeing him, a feeling that actually had no basis.

“Bi Fang!” Zheng Tianfang’s voice was hoarse, filled with terror, “The wolf pack is coming again!”

“I know!”

Bi Fang wasn’t panicked; panic wouldn’t solve anything. He knew that the wolf pack wouldn’t turn back, especially now that so many of them had been killed; it was a fight to the death.

Just before, Bi Fang had used the terrain to split up the wolf pack, then caught them off guard with a Dart to inflict heavy losses. Now, the chances of repeating such an opportunity were impossible.

Still nine wolves left!

Even with only nine remaining, such a wolf pack was among the apex predators on land, a force that would make Brown Bears and the Northeast Tiger feel uncertain.

Bi Fang’s only advantage lay with the Spear in his hands!

As long as he didn’t let the wolves get close, there was still a chance!

But to disable their claws and teeth wasn’t as effective as beheading the snake, and Bi Fang’s gaze was firmly locked on the Wolf King charging among them, the strongest and most intelligent wolf in the pack.

If the Wolf King were killed, the pack would be headless and should immediately retreat, only to regroup after recovering and fighting a vicious battle until a new Wolf King emerged and the pack could unite once more.

And even if the wolf pack didn’t retreat, a pack without its leader was disorganized and sandbags, which would greatly benefit the situation. Before Bi Fang killed the second wolf with his hunting knife, a second wave of wolves had already charged within thirty meters. That brief interlude was but a few seconds; reloading the dart was no longer possible.

Bi Fangwas drenched in blood, his face filled with unrestrained killing intent. He fiercely watched the approaching wolves, and as the animals almost reached him, he suddenly raised his hand, “Throw all the torches out!”

At that moment, nobody dared to disobey Bi Fang’s command; five torches fell among the wolves, the gasoline on the torches sticking to their fur. The wolves that caught fire emitted a scorched smell, jumping and dodging, their formation once again disrupted.

A clear path suddenly opened up between Bi Fang and the Wolf King.

Only four wolves remained unharmed.

They charged straight at the five humans.

Zheng Tianfang watched the Wolf King and its minions attack, gripped by an overwhelming fear. The stench of wolves was everywhere, and he was exposed before the pack, facing their drooling jaws.

” Die, beast!” A sudden bellow came from beside him. Zheng Tianfang thought it was Bi Fang coming to his rescue, but as soon as that thought crossed his mind, to his astonishment, he discovered it was the normally timid Wu Mingtao who, holding a spear, had charged forward!

How could this be!

It wasn’t just him, even the audience watching through the screen were shocked, unable to believe that Wu Mingtao, who had been the most conflict- ridden throughout the journey, dared to take such action at this moment!

A large wolf leapt over a log but dodged the threatening spear. With its opponent’s guard wide open, the ferocious wolf went straight for Wu Mingtao’s thigh.


A piercing scream resounded; the nightmare turned real as the wolf’s sharp teeth sank into the flesh, the wound exposing bone immediately.

Wu Mingtao’s thigh was bitten, but he didn’t fall. Under the influence of adrenaline, he once again stabbed the spear toward the wolf’s waist.

The preoccupied Lin Xue and Hu Hao, seeing this, hurriedly went to help.

The three of them managed to restrain another wolf, but it seemed they were still not strong enough; the cunning wolf dodged them each time.

But there were still three left!

If you were to ask who the pack hated the most, without a doubt it was Bi Fang. As leaders sense each other, it knew Bi Fang was the “Wolf King” among these five humans!

Without him, its pack wouldn’t have dwindled to this!

With a hatred as fiery as blazing flames, three large wolves lunged straight at Bi Fang.

They were so massive, so fearsome, and yet they attacked as silently as shadows. The Wolf King’s eyes were blood red. Bi Fang seemed to see a “Spirit-in them that only humans possess.

Their gray manes wildly danced in the wind; these three large wolves resembled spirits walking out of the ice and snow, noble and robust, bloodthirsty and brutal.

In the first-person perspective, the audience felt a pressure like a mountain collapsing or a tsunami, the stench as if piercing through the screen into their nostrils, forcing them to retreat until they realized, leaning against their chairs, that it was just a live broadcast.

It wasn’t them facing the large wolves, but Bi Fang, alone!

Bi Fang’s pupils constricted, his screams hoarse and fierce, like the roar of an ancient god from within a bronze bell.

In this instant, all victories and losses, all life and death, would be decided.

Bi Fang, like a tiger launching an attack, threw off his storm jacket that he had already removed, casting it directly over the head of a large wolf.

The sudden darkness took the wolf by surprise, and it tumbled to the ground.

Bi Fang’s left arm twisted like a snake, unequaled terrifying strength gathering in his hand, and with a powerful throw, he struck another large wolf in the shoulder, sending it flying away.

Thus, two wolves were felled, one to the left, one to the right, by his hand, but he had no recourse left for the final Wolf King; he was at his wit’s end!

Seizing the opportunity, the Wolf King no longer hesitated and pounced, bringing him down!

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