Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 56 - 55: Offer gifts and kneel to the host!

Chapter 55: Offer gifts and kneel to the host!

Translator: 549690339 |

Grand Commander Wolf Fang?

Many viewers were stunned for a moment by this specially colored nickname that clearly seemed out of the ordinary, then they noticed the exclusive administrative badge that followed it.

Damn, it’s actually an official personnel!

Before, Wang Yongbo had sent some Wolf Fangs and meatballs, and nobody noticed him; now, he sent a spaceship, instantly causing a sensation.

[666, even the officials have entered the fray, who’s this big shot?]

[Grand Commander? If I remember correctly, that’s the president, right?]

[No, I know the rank of that badge, a grand general is the president, the Grand Commander is the vice president!]

[Oh, I know now, it must be the big shot that Brother Fang mentioned who came to poach him!]

[Awesome, the boss himself coming out to tip, what a show of status!]

[What’s called status? This is status!]

[Master Fang: Who else, who else!]

The appearance of the platform president instantly took the live broadcast’s popularity to a new height, breaking through the half-million mark and setting a new record for Bi Fang.

This was only the second day, and numerous smaller streamers peeking at the screen, witnessing the meteoric rise in popularity, felt a pang of jealousy.

Yao Lina was one of them. She was a music streamer on Tiger Fang TV, who, despite her beautiful looks and sweet singing, wasn’t doing well there due to the platform’s boundaries.

Moreover, because of her high attractiveness, no top streamer was willing to promote her, checking her room and such, afraid their own fans might be poached.

That’s the limitation of Tiger Fang’s fans, and also why Tiger Fang TV had the highest revenue flowing in—it had a way with emptying fans’ wallets.

There, many fans were not particularly wealthy, but still willingly ate plain steamed buns and pickles all day to support their favorite streamers to buy luxury bags and dine at upscale restaurants, and they were incredibly loyal, latching onto a single streamer and unabashedly fawning over them—of course, it could also be because their wallets couldn’t support branching out.

In the end, for various reasons, Yao Lina resolutely switched to Wolf Fang TV with better terms offered, and it turned out many fans liked her here. In less than a month, she had already become a core force of Wolf Fang TV.

However, upon hearing her person in charge say that Wolf Fang TV had spent a great deal to poach an outdoor streamer and even took away the promotion slot originally reserved for her next month, Yao Lina was indignant and decided to see what this streamer was made of.

And now, after watching Bi Fang’s escape in Glacier Valley, fishing by the stream, and now battling a blizzard, she was completely convinced and even felt like throwing herself down in admiration!

Where the hell did this god come from!

Not to mention the motion picture-quality of the video, even the content is as badass as a movie! No, movie protagonists aren’t even as cool as you!

Are you the reincarnation of Rambo or a disciple of Jason Statham?

With skills like these, who would still be live streaming?

So even live streaming is competitive now?

She, a mere music streamer, what merits does she have to compete against him?

Yao Lina silently shed tears while sending her own spaceship and kneel down in respect, not for any reason other than seeing the streamer strive so hard, it reminded her of her own difficult times struggling in the quagmire at Tiger Fang TV, and it had nothing to do with being smitten by him.

[Nanana is the one gifting the streamer a Spaceship*!—A gift to this beautiful yet cruel world!]

[Holy crap! Is that Sister Lina watching Master Fang’s broadcast too?]

[Is this… a pig courting a cabbage?]

[No choice, Master Fang’s charm is too great, the boss and the goddess both showed up.]

[Wait, the pig you’re talking about is Goddess Lina?]

[Who else could it be? Compared to how handsome and manly Master Fang is, of course Lina is the pig. ]

The north wind whirled snow, swathes of white blowing across the sky.

The sky was a gloomy iron grey, the snow deep enough to bury a man, and the cold wind whirled and whimpered past Bi Fang’s ears, sounding like someone playing a flute in the deep of the night, or perhaps just a hallucination brought on by the intense cold.

His hands never stopped, tossing out loads of white snow, and quickly he dug out a snow cave large enough to take shelter in.

Without hesitation, Bi Fang lay down inside and pointed the drone at himself.

Only then did the viewers get a clear view of Bi Fang’s appearance, his face pallid with cold, his eyebrows whitened by the snow, and because the hot air he breathed out melted the snowflakes, thin icicles formed at his lips, making him look extremely haggard.

[Ha, it looks so cold!]

[Blizzards usually bring a drop in temperature, right? Master Fang doesn’t even have fog when he breathes out, is it already minus twenty degrees?]

[Brother, you’re well learned, Master Fang’s top disciple!]

“Ha, I just dug less than half a meter into the snow slope, and I’m already out of the wind.”

Bi Fang lay in the snow cave, gasping for air, all the while rubbing his arms nonstop, trying to warm himself up.

“In this kind of environment, we must avoid facing the wind directly, because that can easily cause your body to lose heat. Right now, I feel like I’in in the first stage of hypothermia, but it’s still controllable. Don’t let your hypothermia progress to the third or even the fourth stage.”

Bi Fang’s voice trembled as he explained to the audience what hypothermia is.

Simply put, hypothermia is when the body’s ability to produce and retain heat is less than its ability to lose heat over a long period, resulting in a gradual decrease in body temperature.

This can be divided into four stages: mild, moderate, severe, and critical, each more dangerous than the last.

In mild hypothermia, the body feels cold, shivers uncontrollably, and hands and feet become stiff and numb. Many people have experienced this, especially students who find their hands are too stiff to write when it’s cold; they are in this stage.

Once it progresses to moderate hypothermia, a person becomes weak and drowsy, with slower reflexes. The hands can’t perform some of the most basic movements or tasks, walking can become clumsy, and speech unclear and slurred.

Severe hypothermia is very dangerous. Consciousness begins to blur, and, paradoxically, there’s a delayed response to cold, even to the point of not feeling cold at all. Motor skills are lost, standing and walking become difficult, speech is affected, the body shivers intermittently and, over time, shivering may stop altogether.

The critical stage is self-explanatory; one is not likely to survive, not everyone is Captain America.

“To avoid further heat loss, we have to ensure our clothing is dry, and it helps to eat some food to replenish energy. Luckily, I ate a whole fish earlier. If you had a hot water bottle, you’d place it under your armpits, around your neck, or on your stomach. Unfortunately, I have nothing of the sort, so I have to rely on shaking to stay warm.”

Despite the situation, Bi Fang even managed to make a joke at the end of his talk. [A true warrior faces the bleak blizzard head-on!]

[Plus one to the true warrior! ]

[I could learn from Master Fang’s mindset for a lifetime.]

[Not necessary, not necessary, all thanks to my peers for making me look good.]

[Lu Wentao: Stop freaking unlocking your phone with my face!]

Waving his hand, Bi Fang extended his arm out of the cave to gauge the wind speed, shouting at the camera.

“I estimate the winds outside are at least over eighty kilometers per hour, but inside the cave, it’s probably only ten kilometers per hour. The difference isn’t slight because wind speed affects the wind chill temperature. Up there, it’s definitely below minus thirty degrees, but inside the cave, it’s definitely a lot warmer, so we need to dig the cave even deeper.”

As he said this, he continued to toss the snow outside the cave. The snow in Mohe was dry and powdery, with no stickiness, and as Bi Fang flung it, it billowed like sand.

[666, that posture reminds me of a cat covering up after pooping.]

[Ha ha, great minds think alike!]

[I’m relieved that I’m not the only one who thought that (funny)]

[Clean and healthy after you bury it, post poop.]

Soon, Bi Fang carved out a triangular snow cave on the slope. He curled up his limbs to reduce surface contact, huddled inside, and watched the snowstorm rage outside.

“This time we can’t make the entrance too tight because a blizzard could cover your hole in seconds, which is extremely dangerous. Once buried, you won’t be able to tell where the ground is. It is possible to dig down by mistake, which can lead to excessive exhaustion and ultimately result in being buried alive until suffocation!”

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