Chapter 46 Glacier Spider Web

Translator: 549690339

14 people died instantly!

Upon hearing this figure, the audience involuntarily shivered, as if they could already see the valley strewn with corpses, their lips cyanotic and bodies stiff from the cold.

“Therefore, staying warm is of utmost importance for survival in severe cold conditions! And the Onion Clothing Method is the best approach to dressing for extreme cold!”

Spread across thousands of miles, the mountain ranges with their everlasting snow-capped peaks displayed glaciers in myriad forms, while crystal-clear snowflakes drifted onto Bi Fang’s cheeks, taking a long time to melt into droplets.

Bi Fang wiped his cheeks and took a deep breath, saying, “The Onion Clothing Method, as the name suggests, is about layering like an onion. The inner layer should be made of good sweat-wicking material, the middle layer should insulate warmth, and the outermost layer should be waterproof and windproof to cope with weather changes.”

“Several lighter layers of clothing are far superior to one layer of the same thickness, as gaps containing large amounts of air between the layers enhance the insulation of the clothes. Also, you can add or remove layers to avoid overheating or getting too cold.”

Bi Fang unzipped his coat to show the audience the layers beneath—five in total. Each layer wasn’t very thick but provided very good insulation.

After demonstrating, Bi Fang did not zip up his coat again. Having walked that bit, his body was warmed up, and heat was beginning to surge. If he bundled up too tightly, he was likely to sweat.

“While paying attention to keeping warm, we must also be careful not to overheat our bodies. If you overheat, you will definitely sweat.”

“In cold climates, if you sweat, the inner layer of your clothing will get wet, and if your outer layer isn’t waterproof, the snow on your body will melt from your body heat and also dampen the outer clothing. So if possible, you should wear waterproof outerwear to prevent snow or mist from settling on you and soaking through the fabric, which is why I’ve chosen to wear this shell jacket.”

[I’m not interested in the live stream; I just want to learn something (dog’s head)]

[Yysy, Master Fang is the real Wilderness Survivalist! He knows everything!]

[Shouldn’t you tell us the brand of what you’re wearing?]

[Exactly, we want the same kind as Master Fang!]

“That’s not possible.”

When faced with the audience’s requests, Bi Fang shook his head, “They haven’t paid me for advertising. If I just went ahead and mentioned it, wouldn’t I be at a loss?”

[666, not taking advantage of any small benefits!]

[A true business sage.]

[A genius of commerce!]

“Nevertheless, although staying warm is not a problem for us, food and water are still crucial for our survival. I don’t know if I’ll find anything to eat today, but we don’t have to worry about water because snow is everywhere here, and once melted, it is a decent source.”

“But in cold regions, we must never eat snow directly, as doing so will consume a lot of our body heat, which is very uneconomical! Moreover, eating ice on an empty stomach can easily lead to diarrhea.”

Upon hearing this, many viewers were immediately perplexed. Just a moment ago, he had said that there was snow everywhere and not to worry about drinking water, and now he was saying not to eat it. So how could they get water?

“Use body heat! We can melt the snow using our body heat!”

As he said this, Bi Fang took a water bottle out of his backpack, looked around, finally choosing a tree with low branches and knocked all the snow from it into the bottle.

“Just by putting snow into the bottle and then keeping it close to our body, we can melt the snow with the escaping body heat, since heat loss from the outside is always slower than from inside the body. I prefer snow from tree branches rather than from the ground because it’s cleaner and less likely to have debris mixed in.”

“Make sure to find white, pure ice or snow to melt for drinking water. If you have both ice and snow available, melt ice, as it melts faster and you get more water from the same volume of ice than snow; if there’s no ice, choose denser snow as your water source.”

After he filled the water bottle and tightened the cap, Bi Fang tucked it inside his clothing layers, and with the insulation of his clothes, he hardly felt the cold.

Wilderness survival is essentially a math problem. Those who master more convenient calculation methods can thrive even in harsh environments. Otherwise, one can only be incessantly eroded by nature, eventually becoming the null value of zero.

Having secured the water bottle, Bi Fang continued to advance through the forest. Before long, he arrived at a very steep slope, thick snow blanketing the ground, the unknown beneath making one wary of potential dangers.

“In such situations, one must never proceed without caution, for beneath the thick snow, you can’t know whether the path is solid or a precipice, so a probe pole is quite important.”

Bi Fang looked around but couldn’t find a ready-made stick. With no other choice, he reluctantly broke off a relatively long and straight stick from a tree to use as a walking staff.

Although he was playing Wilderness Survivalist, he was fundamentally there of his own will, not by force. So, when possible, he didn’t want to actively harm the environment.

[666, here it comes again, the walking staff! ]

[Artifact Exploration Staff: Capable of detecting the surroundings within a certain range, identifying potential dangers, providing support, and a level of protection to the user. When necessary, it can also serve as a weapon.]

[Why do you guys say “again”?]

[Are you new here? Old Fang liked to use a stick as a cane in his previous Qinling livestreams, and he was quite loyal to it—using the same stick from start to finish without replacing it.]

[Bro, do you have the video from before?]

[It’s on B Island. Just search for Master Fang Wilderness Survivalist, where he goes head-to-head with a bear. The view count is insanely high, have you guys really not watched it?]

[Damn, fighting a bear! I remember now, I thought it was a movie at the time, it was actually real?]

[Of course, it was real. Do you think Wilderness Survivalist is easy? Without a wealth of knowledge and strong initiative, you might not last a day.]

[666, genuine material host, followed!]

[Found it! Here’s the B Island link!]

[Hero above! You are the real MVP!]

Seeing the shock from everyone, Bi Fang scratched his head. He hadn’t expected that just holding a stick would cause such a big stir, with the full screen of bullet comments discussing the incident of Snatching Food from a Bear’s Mouth.

Bi Fang coughed twice, “Alright, alright, if you want to watch you can follow me on B Island, but right now we need to focus on our journey.”

Minimizing the bullet comment section to a corner of the screen so it wouldn’t obstruct his view, Bi Fang continued to use the stick to probe the ground ahead of him. He only moved forward after confirming that the snow was firm, making sure each step was on solid ground.

“In these areas of perennial snow and severe cold, there are many glacial valleys formed by glacial erosion. Some are exposed on the surface, and others are buried under the snow.”

“Similarly, some glaciers are very narrow, while others are practically abyssal. Mount Everest is among the most famous; every year, challengers fall into these glacial valleys and become a part of Nature. Due to the extreme cold and the scarcity of microorganisms, their remains can go decades without decomposing, left exposed to the wilderness.”

Bi Fang cautiously tested the ground, only moving forward after ensuring safety. What was merely a few dozen meters felt to him like a march of a thousand miles.

But just as he stabbed the stick into a patch of snow that looked no different from the previous ones—


A large chunk of snow in front of him collapsed instantly, revealing a deep yet narrow glacial valley before everyone.

[Scary, it’s right at our feet!]

[Whew! That startled me, I thought Master Fang stepped into it.]

[That’s terrifying, to just suddenly appear like that.]

Looking at the glacial valley less than ten centimeters away, Bi Fang, having had a false alarm, was about to find a detour.

Crack, crack.

Bi Fang’s pupils dilated suddenly, and the hand he had raised stopped midway. He slowly looked down…

A dense network of cracks, spreading along the edge of the valley like a spider’s web entrapping its prey, was creeping towards his feet!

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