Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 155 - Chapter 155: Chapter 152 Charge Forward Without Hesitation

Chapter 155: Chapter 152 Charge Forward Without Hesitation

The other end of the phone suddenly went silent.

The hum of the office air conditioning filled the room.

Bi Fang glanced at the time and realized he had only ten minutes before the plane would take off. He quickly asked, “President Wang? President Wang? Can you hear me, President Wang? Are you still there?”

Wang Yongbo held back for quite a while before saying, “I’m here… but Bi Fang, I still want to say that this joke is not funny at all.”

Joke? What joke? I’m serious, I’m already on the plane to Finland, look.”

Bi Fang took a photo for Wang Yongbo and sent it over.

Outside the airplane window, the sky was blue with scattered white clouds.

Wang Yongbo: “…”

It’s over, it’s over, he’s actually serious.

Wang Yongbo was speechless; why did Bi Fang challenge his mental threshold time and again? Ever since the Mohe live stream, he had rarely watched Bi Fang’s broadcasts.

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me- he just wanted to stay alive.

Stay alive!

Helpless, when middle age hits, one can’t control everything; watching Bi Fang’s live streams would send his blood pressure soaring uncontrollably, like a wild horse breaking free. Who knew, he might end up watching himself out of existence.

Glide three thousand kilometers on a hang glider, and that too with a bird.

Is this something a human can even do?

Are you Superman?

Crossing a whole continent as if you’re just stepping out to use the restroom?

“Wait, Finland? You’re going abroad?”

Yeah, don’t worry, I can get a signal overseas, it won’t lag.”

That’s not what anyone’s concerned about!

Wang Yongbo knew that Bi Fang was dead set on his plan.

Actually, with Bi Fang’s current fan base, even if he didn’t embark on any adventure activities, as long as the quality was as the last time he caught the python, plenty of people would tip generously; there was no need for him to push himself this hard.

Three live streams had already cemented his reputation.


Wang Yongbo looked up at the ceiling, his eyes devoid of spirit.

Forget it, let him be; maybe this is what separates adventurers from ordinary folks.

“By the way, have you recovered from your injury?”


That’s what Bi Fang wanted to say, but he held back. Aside from the hospital doctors, no one knew how severe his injuries really were.

Saying he had made a full recovery in a week wouldn’t raise any suspicions, but just to be safe…

“It’s not a problem anymore.”

“Alright, broadcast whatever you want, then. Who made us sign such a contract in the first place? I’ll get my team to work on the cover and promotional content. From Finland to France, right?”

That’s right.” Bi Fang repeated his plan once again.

You re quite something, skilled and brave. Has anyone ever done this before?” “No.”

Bi Fang shook his head. If it were the old world, there was a precedent for using hang gliders to guide the migration of geese.

William Lishman, a Canadian legend, ultralight aircraft enthusiast, as well as sculptor, director, writer, inventor, pilot, biologist, and entrepreneur.

In 1993, William had successfully led sixteen wild geese from Montreal, Canada, to Virginia, United States.

But before setting off, Bi Fang checked and found that this world did not have this person. Instead, he would take the place of that man and become the first person to guide bird migration using an aircraft!

He would be the unprecedented first!

This was a tremendous challenge!

By the way, have you got all your documents ready?” Bi Fang suddenly put down the phone and turned to ask Elvan.

Things are different abroad compared to Huaxia Country.

In Europe, people aren’t particularly concerned about protecting animal lives, but the procedures and regulations are incredibly cumbersome. For wild animals raised in captivity like these, even crossing borders requires paperwork and approval.

Elvan instinctively lowered his head and tugged at the brim of his cap, obscuring his expression.

“It’s all ready, just waiting for you to lead the geese on their migration.” After listening to the exchange between the two, Wang Yongbo couldn’t help but laugh to himself. Turns out, Bi Fang hadn’t fully understood the situation before he left for Finland without a second thought, all to save a dozen or so geese.

For some reason, Wang Yongbo was reminded of his younger days.

His heart brimming with passion and determination, he was unstoppable.

To turn a dream into a profession and actually enjoy it, what a perfect life that would be.

Wang Yongbo touched his belly and remembered the gym membership he had but never used.

The world is so cruel; people are often pressed down to the point where they can’t breathe. Everyone enters the fray not lightly equipped but bearing the weight of mountains.

In this world, we are all helpless, and what can crush us is not just fate, life, death, and loneliness, but also mundane matters like money and power.

“Just focus on your live streaming, we’ll handle everything else. As long as you’re with Wolf Fang, we’re your eternal supporters,”

“Wishing you a smooth journey.”

After hanging up the phone, Wang Yongbo summoned the publicity department and began planning a new round of homepage promotions.

This operation must be carried out with great fanfare!

Meanwhile, as the airplane began taxiing down the runway, Bi Fang turned on flight mode, glanced at Elvan pretending to doze off next to him, and leaned back in his seat.

Bi Fang opened the system panel and used up all the available coupons. He bought quite a number of Skill Upgrade Coupons this time, even two Intermediate Skill Upgrade Coupons which could upgrade Purple Skills, which he applied to Wilderness Survivalist.

He raised Archery to Blue, and sought to max out the Special Forces skill.

Besides that, Bi Fang also opened a Skill Can, and upon shattering, a flash of blue light appeared.

Swimming Dragon Bagua Level 1.

Hmm? Swimming Dragon Bagua?

Before Bi Fang could react, a torrent of knowledge, techniques, and experience flooded his mind, as if he had been immersed in them for over a decade, completely unlike the empty forms of modern “masters,” possessing genuine combative utility!

It was one of the three famous internal martial arts fists of Wudang!

Even more astonishing was the unexpected synergy and transformation between Swimming Dragon Bagua, Special Forces, and many combat skills from Wilderness Survivalist under the effect of the skill tree.

The commonalities between the three skills rapidly integrated, and the convergence of martial arts and modern combat techniques instantaneously elevated and branched out into more techniques and moves, enriching Bi Fang’s combat level within minutes!

Even Qi cultivation practices surprisingly underwent a chemical reaction with Advanced Yoga and Pilates.

A novel method of breathing began to take shape in Bi Fang’s mind, thrilling him.

Bi Fang looked at the skill tree on the panel, and at that moment, he finally understood the importance of the skill tree.

To integrate what he had learned and innovate from there, this was truly the realm of a grandmaster!

If he wanted to reach this stage on his own, Bi Fang estimated that he would need to level his skills to Orange or higher, and even then, it would be quite challenging, certainly not as simple as now.

Using the newly acquired, yet somewhat imperfect breathing method, Bi Fang calmed his excitement.

Then he began allocating points, 1 to physique, 1 to strength, and 2 to agility.

The warm sensation surged again and Bi Fang yawned, took one last look at the panel, and drifted off to sleep.

[Sole Binder: Bi Fang]

[Age: 24]

[Height: 183.6cm]

[Weight: 77KG]

[Strength: 12]

[Physique: 14]

[Agility: 12]

[Spirit: 12]

[Status: Good]

[Enhancement Points: 0]

[Wilderness Points: 3]

Purple Tree Trunk: Wilderness Survivalist lv3, Advanced Yoga Ivi.

Blue Tree Trunk: Pilates Iv3, Special Forces lv5, Archery Ivi, Swimming Dragon Bagua Ivi.

Green Tree Trunk: Cross-country Hiking lv5, Rock Climbing lv5, Swimming

1V2, First Aid lv5, Biological Identification 1V2, Calisthenics lv3, High-altitude Parachuting IV3.

Ten hours passed by in a flash.

At two o’clock in the local afternoon, Bi Fang put on a new jacket, tightened his clothes, and, along with Elvan, walked out of the airport and rented a car, driving toward Lapland.

In the car, Bi Fang opened Wolf Fang TV. By that time, Wolf Fang’s homepage already featured the cover, an efficient move by Wolf Fang deserves praise.

On the summit of a snowy mountain, dynamic clouds scattered and shifted.

Small silhouettes lined up in a V formation, spreading out like black wings, and this spread-winged bird with Bi Fang as its “eye” glided through the clouds on a hang glider traversing the mountains.

Inside the live stream room, the floor count soared as the online friends were surprised by the upcoming broadcast.

[Wow, another live stream?]

[Why is the gap so short this time? Have the injuries from before healed so quickly?]

[Hahaha, we’re going to see Master Fang again, I’m so touched! Drowning in happiness!]

[Maybe they’re just promoting it ten days in advance, we’ll see.]

(How could that be? Two days of advance promotion for a live stream is already amazing. Wolf Fang isn’t running a charity. No matter how much they favor Old Fang, three days max in advance is the limit.]

[Whoa, is that a hang glider? Has a helicopter no longer satisfied Old Fang? Has he moved on to hang gliding?]

[I’ve already begun secreting adrenaline reflexively; I feel like this will be just

as thrilling!]

[Old Fang never disappoints! I have transformed into a ruthless cheer machine!]

Seeing the heated discussions among the online friends, Bi Fang cracked a slight smile and opened the live stream.

The familiar opening, the familiar face, a single line incited utter excitement among the viewers.

‘Hello everyone, I am Bi Fang.”

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