Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 133 - Chapter 133: Chapter 130: No Weaknesses Anymore

Chapter 133: Chapter 130: No Weaknesses Anymore


Where is the exit?

The audience was especially astonished. This was clearly a dead end, so where did the exit come from?

Could it be that the host had been in the cave for too long and was experiencing hallucinations?

It’s hard for someone to keep their sanity intact in such a closed and desperate environment, especially after learning that people had died here.

Wang Xiaocong was swaying in his seat, as if shaking his phone could reveal different angles of the scene.

“Of course not,” Bi Fang shook his head. He was very alert, and seeing everyone’s confusion, he pointed to the bones on the ground and said, “Look at these bones here!”

The firelight flickered, casting the white bones in stark relief.

On the train, Gu Qingyuan put on his glasses to take a closer look. Upon inspection, indeed, there was a new discovery!

Four skulls had been found, and two of them had clear indentations at the back of the head, evidently caused by blunt force trauma.

Looking further, at least three sets of remains had broken ribs.

“These people were murdered!”

Seeing these marks, Bi Fang was certain. The difference between wounds left by animal attacks and those made by weapons was very obvious. Moreover, the position of these skeletons, with their backs toward the sand, was no coincidence!

Bodies with their backs to the sand.

Murdered by someone.

Connecting all these clues together, Bi Fang had a bold conjecture.

“If these people really were part of a caravan, then they might have encountered bandits and tried to escape into the cave. But some were not quick enough to avoid them and were killed right at the entrance. The direction in which they fled was deeper into the cave; that’s why the bodies ended up in this position, all uniformly with their backs to the sand!”

Bi Fang stood up and touched the hard sandstone, sighing, “This yellow sand has probably been accumulating here for a thousand years; it has completely buried the entrance.”

This place was supposed to be an exit, but after a thousand years of blowing sand, it was completely buried.

Perhaps those bandits knew all along that there were monsters in the cave and watched the escapees enter it, completely indifferent to their fate.

(Can we get out?]

(Dig out with our hands?]

[Digging through sand shouldn’t be so hard, right?]

[Not necessarily, with the sand of a thousand years piled up here, how could it be easy to dig? At least a few meters thick, right?]

“A few meters?” Bi Fang shook his head. If only it were that simple. In the desert, it’s quite normal for a sand dune to appear overnight, let alone over a thousand years?

The cave entrance here must be buried by more than just a few dozen meters!

“Not only that, look at this yellow sand here,” Bi Fang struck the sand with his hunting knife, producing a metallic sound, “After prolonged permeation of moisture, this yellow sand has become clumped together, hard as rock. It’s not about having just one person here. Even if ten more came, we wouldn’t be able to dig through. This exit might as well not exist!”

“We must continue to search for other exits.”

Bi Fang felt a twinge of disappointment. Even if he could break through this hard crust, the remaining dry sand would be impossible to dig; it could collapse on him at any minute.

Since this path was impassable, the only option was to try the tunnel on the right.

The system had given him a total of five days, and today was already the third, but he had been in the cave for a whole day. Whether he could successfully survive after getting out was still an unknown.

Fifteen minutes later, Bi Fang returned to the previous intersection and felt his way down the right-hand tunnel.

This should be the last passage. It was notably wider than the previous ones, wide enough for three people to walk abreast.

Holding up a torch, the ceiling of the tunnel was dripping profusely with wet droplets, falling at an alarming rate. Not long after Bi Fang entered, the water had already overflowed his boots.

With the faint luminescence reflecting off the cave walls, Bi Fang felt an ominous premonition.

As he turned a small corner, that premonition came true.

The tunnel took a sharp turn downward, leading directly to the water’s edge.

Another pool of water!

Damp stalactites, the dark, humid air, and those smooth holes on the cave wall looking as if they were eroded by water…

Seeing all that was familiar, Bi Fang felt as if he had come full circle.

Despair spread in his heart, and the audience was beginning to lose it.

This oppressive feeling of having no way out was suffocating.

[There’s no way out!]

[We’ve looked everywhere, how can there be no exit? How are we supposed to play this?]

(Don’t tell me we have to go back through the previous entrance? Isn’t that too dangerous?]

“Don’t worry, I’m prepared for this. If the exit had been so easy to find, those people wouldn’t have been trapped and died here,” Bi Fang slightly reassured the anxious audience. Nevertheless, seeing this scene firsthand still made him feel uncomfortable.

Does this mean he really has to go back through the entrance?

Last time he survived by pure luck; the current wouldn’t always be on his side to help him.

Seeing Bi Fang’s distressed expression, Gu Qingyuan also felt terrible. The whole situation had started because of him. Now that there was no way out, most of the responsibility lay with him.

“Should I try going underwater?”

Bi Fang’s mind suddenly flashed with this thought, startling himself, but on second thought, he felt the plan was quite feasible.

There are many Qaidam Spring Eyes, and he had come down through a pool of water; perhaps this place could also lead outside?

Only by daring to do what others fear can one have a glimmer of hope for survival!

Thinking thus, Bi Fang could no longer suppress his desire to explore. However, when he explained, his viewers became anxious.

(Don’t do it! It was so dangerous last time. What if it’s the same this time?]

(Yeah, yeah, go back and think of another plan! ]

(Why not just wait for rescue? That’s much more reliable.]

(Master Fang is restless again, wanting to check out whatever he sees.]

“If I waited for rescue whenever there’s danger, then what’s the point of my live stream?” Bi Fang shook his head, firmly rejecting the viewers’ suggestions.

He would be responsible for his own choices.

Even if an accident occurred, Bi Fang would have no regrets. He was merely contributing his modest effort to the path of human exploration of nature.

Seeing that they couldn’t dissuade Bi Fang, the viewers could only wish him well in their hearts.

But just as Bi Fang was about to enter the water, a sudden chill pierced into the back of his skull, and blood vessels under his pale skin jump violently as if scorched by fire!

Bi Fang’s muscles tensed in an instant, and his body sprung back in a stress response!


A loud noise sounded as teeth meshed together like gears, but struck nothing!

It was only then that the viewers could see clearly: a gigantic monstrous fish had suddenly darted out from the darkness!

The monstrous fish hadn’t expected its prey to react so quickly. Its hook-like teeth dripped with saliva, and a hissing sound came from its throat.

The firelight reflected on the rock walls, casting half-lit, half-shadowed images of the monster’s iron-gray skull, with bone spikes throwing shadows against the rocks.

A monster fish!

It was the same fish from before!

It had not left but had entered the passageway and arrived at this pool!

The viewers felt chills down their spine!

They stared at the monstrous fish that was only an arm’s length away, leaning back desperately as if through the screen they could smell the nauseating stench from the monster’s greedy maw.

Upon seeing the monster fish clearly, Bi Fang did not hesitate for a moment and started to run!

The space in the passageway was too small, and the visibility was poor; facing such a ferocious beast was very dangerous!

But how could the fierce monster let him go?

Seeing Bi Fang flee, the short and stocky body of the monster fish squirmed and contracted in a moment, and with a swift lunge, it caught up with Bi Fang in the blink of an eye!

There was no room to dodge in the cramped space, and just as the monster fish was about to pounce on Bi Fang, the viewers in the live stream screamed uncontrollably.

With the pungent wind raging behind him, Bi Fang pushed his legs forward and leaped out like a rabbit, narrowly avoiding the monster fish’s sharp teeth by a hair’s breadth.

Rolling several times on the ground, Bi Fang instinctively pulled out his Hunting Knife, but as he looked up, a gaping maw was right before his eyes!

That spotted and scaly tongue was within inches, and the foul stench hit his face!

Such a familiar scene triggered an almost instinctive reaction in Bi Fang, who immediately grabbed the big tongue and yanked it back!

His fingernails dug into the monster’s tongue, as if grabbing onto a slippery catfish!

Unfortunately, this time was completely different from the last. Bi Fang was on the ground with neither time nor space to struggle, unable to wrestle with the creature as before!

Thick saliva dribbled onto Bi Fang’s face, carrying a faint stench. He had no time to wipe it off, nor did he dare to.

As the monster’s body contracted, Bi Fang knew it was assuming the pouncing posture to snap its prey’s throat. He wanted to evade but was powerless.

Just as the monster fish was about to lunge forward and shred him, Bi Fang’s face hardened, and his hand holding the Hunting Knife valiantly swung down!

Thick, fishy dark-green fluid splattered.

The monster’s scream turned piercingly sharp as its jaws snapped shut violently but failed to catch anything.

Bi Fang stumbled backward, his hand now only holding half of a soft, limp tongue.

The strike had severed the monster’s tongue entirely!

The torch had fallen to the side, flickering but not yet extinguished. Bi Fang steadied himself, and as he looked up, he saw that instead of taking the opportunity to return to the water, the beast was wobbling on its short limbs, its mouth dripping with dark green blood.

Anyone could see that the monster was furious, its head swiveling as it searched for the scent of its enemy. The hard bones scraped against the ground, and its tail, akin to wrought iron, thrashed the ground irritably.

The monster fish was over three meters long, resembling both fish and crocodile. As it struggled to rise up with its upper body, it was almost as tall as Bi Fang!

It had caught the scent of its prey, instantly fixing its position and facing Bi Fang directly. It had no eyes, but the sudden silence was more terrifying than any gaze.

Its mouth was flapping, green blood and mucus slowly dripping down.

With its tongue cut off, it no longer had a vulnerable spot; all that was left in front of it was a piece of agile flesh!

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