Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 106 - Chapter 106: Chapter 103 What Does Professional Mean? (Seeking First Subscription!)

Chapter 106: Chapter 103 What Does Professional Mean? (Seeking First Subscription!)

Translator: 549690339

Du Chuan turned his head away from Bi Fang’s gaze, took off his glasses, and rubbed his face before picking up a bottle of mineral water and pouring it over his head.

The cool sensation brought him back to reality.

In the moment he had locked eyes with Bi Fang, a spear-like fierce aura had silently spread. Looking into the other’s eyes was like having a gun, safety off, pressed between his brows.

The subsequent smile sent chills down his spine.

But how could this be?

This wasn’t a novel, where a mere glance could send bone-chilling cold through someone…

Wasn’t that a bit too exaggerated?

Du Chuan felt he might have been hallucinating from the sun.

What a fierce sun!

Du Chuan looked up, the dazzling sunlight causing his eyes to sting with pain.

Even with the air conditioning on in the car, Du Chuan could still feel a burning pain on his skin. He gulped down an entire bottle of water and casually threw the empty bottle out of the window.

“Boss, drink sparingly; we’re going through water too quickly,” Pan Wei reminded in a low voice, careful not to be heard on the live stream.

“Hmm?” Du Chuan, after hearing this, was taken aback and asked reflexively, “Didn’t we prepare five cases? Why be frugal?”

Du Chuan wasn’t entirely unprepared before coming; he knew that Bi Fang’s survival challenge had a time limit—five days.

With five cases, that should be more than enough—one case with sixteen large bottles, four bottles per person per day. And now he was being told it might not be enough?

“It’s five cases, but more than half of the one we opened first is gone.”

The fatty gestured towards the trunk. He hadn’t expected water to deplete so quickly. It had been less than three hours since they set off, and there were only six bottles left from one case.

This wouldn’t do.

“Alright, everyone just drink a little less,” Du Chuan frowned and waved his hand dismissively.

They’d just have to make do with less; there were still four whole cases left, after all.

“It’s moving, it’s moving!” Pan Wei slapped the fatty’s thigh, urging him to drive faster to keep up, then shouted at the camera again, “Wolf King is back to survival mode, brothers. Send rockets for support! The more you send, the more motivated we’ll be to follow!”

[Charge, it’s too interesting to watch someone else’s stream!]

[Can’t afford to send rockets, do you want a thousand fish balls instead?]

[Iron Egg gives the host a rocket*i—double the happiness!]

[Is managing the comments fun? There was a lot of insults just now, all gone now, right?]

“Ban them again—you count one, ban every single one of them!” Du Chuan looked towards the tall guy.

“Okay!” The tall guy nodded and continued muting every abusive account.

“How come he seems not to care at all?” The tall guy looked over at Bi Fang, curious. He thought the other man, even if he didn’t dare to fight, would at least come over and argue a bit, right?

But this was the outcome?

Not daring to even let out a fart?

Still Wolf King? More like Dog King, huh?

The audience in Bi Fang’s own live stream also grew puzzled upon seeing him continue on his way.

Why doesn’t he say anything?

[Why is Master Fang chickening out? Can’t he at least, um, teach them a lesson?]

[Master Fang, my Master Fang, sob sob sob.]

[Bring out the same spirit you had against the wolf pack. You made wolves retreat just by scolding them; what are you afraid of a few nobodies?]

[To clowns, I bow and scrape; against wolf packs, I strike with heavy blows!]

[Boring, if this is what the Wolf King is, I’m outta here.]

[Don’t be like that, Master Fang is a public figure and he’s live streaming. Whatever he does will be criticized, think about his position too!]

[Yeah, do you really think it’s easy being Master Fang?]

[Emmmm, although I understand, this adventure doesn’t seem too interesting. Just seeing those guys makes me feel sick, I’ll come support next time when they’re gone!]

The live stream’s viewer ship suddenly dropped by over a hundred thousand, plummeting below three million.

And it continued to fall!

Wang Yongbo watched with anxiety written all over his face.

Yet Bi Fang remained unfazed and unhurried, unaffected even as thousands of viewers left the stream.

His live streams often ran long, sometimes exceeding twelve hours. Viewers couldn’t be expected to stay in front of the screen the entire time. Seeing mundane tasks like traveling or digging wasn’t interesting, and it was normal for some to leave; they would come back next time.

It was just a few troublemakers spoiling the broth, not a complete loss of viewership.

And actually, Bi Fang was initially very angry. But he quickly realized that being angry was useless and would only make the other side more outrageous, using it as a selling point for their own streams.

But that didn’t mean Bi Fang was out of options.

This was the wilderness, his home turf!

“Just wait and see, these guys are going to end up in the hospital today.”

No sooner had Bi Fang finished speaking than Pan Wei responded, rolling down the car window and yelling at his phone.

“Oh my, the Wolf King is talking tough! My iron buddies, I’m so scared. This is the man who single-handedly took on Black Bear and even had a go at the Wolf King. If no one sends rockets to support me, I really won’t dare to chase him anymore!”

“One rocket and I’ll follow for ten minutes! If you all send more, maybe you’ll get to see the Wolf King sleep tonight! Don’t you want to see if anyone sends him supplies?”

Pan Wei and the others became even more reckless, not taking Bi Fang’s words to heart at all.

It’s funny, if the other side can handle Black Bear, what can a pack of wolves do?

Can they come and beat him up?

If things really got desperate and they came to fight, as long as they stayed in the car and didn’t go out, what could be done?

Besides, there were four of them.

With this in mind, Pan Wei felt he was standing on invincible ground. What was there to fear?

[666, is the Wolf King going to make a move?]

[Hit hard!]

[Ah, what if I suddenly want to watch?]

[Disgusting faces, silencing them doesn’t work! My alt account can keep creating! ]

Fortunately, as soon as Bi Fang’s comments came out, the popularity of the live broadcast stabilized. Some people were excited, but many were worried.

Hearing such words, they were all fuming. Bi Fang, please don’t lose your patience first!

[Old Fang, stay calm! Don’t act rashly and gamble with the future of your live broadcast career!]

[Exactly, stay cool. Don’t stoop to their level!]

[Why argue with dogs?]

Seeing Bi Fang’s status wasn’t right, many online friends hurriedly tried to stop him.

“Don’t worry, I’m very calm.”

Under the scorching sun, Bi Fang couldn’t be calmer.


How to break the siege?

Taking several deep breaths, Bi Fang suppressed all the frustration in his heart.

The live broadcast had just started. There was plenty of time to deal with those people, so for now, he continued the broadcast.

He climbed over a sand dune and came to a huge boulder, pointing to the sand that had accumulated at its base.

“Rocks and the landscape might also appear smoother on the windward side compared to the leeward side. You’ll see that rocks on sand dunes and slopes have a polished effect on the side facing the wind due to the abrasive action of the wind, while the leeward side accumulates a lot of sand.”

“In the Qaidam Desert, the prevailing wind direction is the northwest wind. Based on this, we can determine our direction; the side with less sand is the northwest, and the side with more is the southeast.”

“Additionally, the south of the Qaidam Desert is the Kunlun Mountains, which has more moisture and a higher probability of encountering people, so we should head south if we want to survive!”

Under the harsh sun, Bi Fang stopped to catch his breath after a lengthy explanation, as he was feeling quite thirsty.

The desert was too hot, and the distant sea of sand was completely distorted by heatwaves.

[666,1 learned another way to determine wind direction!]

[But doesn’t this method of determining wind direction require you to memorize the wind direction of every place?]

“Of course not, survival isn’t about rote memorization, because you can’t possibly know the landscape and wind direction of a place like the back of your hand every time. What we need to do is analyze!”

Bi Fang shook his head; his approach to survival wasn’t that superficial but was based on logic and rules.

Even if he went to a place he had never learned about beforehand, as long as he could figure out the latitude and longitude, he could still learn a lot.

And even if he didn’t have the exact coordinates, no problem, how about making a sextant with his bare hands?

“The latitude of Qaidam is above 30 degrees north, this area is under the influence of the westerlies, but the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau changes this, blocking the moisture from the Indian Ocean from entering the basin, altering the atmospheric circulation pattern of the Qaidam Basin and resulting in the strengthening of the Asian monsoon system.”

“This desert is affected by the Asian summer monsoon in spring, with less wind and lower wind speeds; in autumn, it’s influenced by the Asian winter monsoon, with more wind and higher speeds. This shapes the landscape of the Qaidam Desert with the form of winter winds, and the winter monsoon from Asia comes from the north.”

“Moreover, between the Kunlun Mountains and the Qilian Mountains, in the canyon zones, due to the Venturi effect, strong winds are easily generated, as seen in the frequent severe windy weather in Mangya to the northwest and Chaka to the east, both of which are comparable.”

“Based on these factors, we can determine that the prevailing wind direction in the Qaidam Desert is from the north-west to the south-east!”

Wow, amazing!

Not only the audience but even Pan Wei and his crew were dumbfounded upon hearing this analysis.

Many people thought Bi Fang’s storm analysis last time was his limit, but today his words once again redefined their understanding of awesomeness!

Could he be any more incredible?

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