Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 100 - Chapter 100: Chapter 98: Dragons and Snakes Arise from Land, Sand Refinement Pours River!

Chapter 100: Chapter 98: Dragons and Snakes Arise from Land, Sand Refinement Pours River!

Translator: 549690339

Ten days later.

Wolf Fang TV had already hung up the show’s banner on the homepage early.

The solitary smoke in the vast desert straightens, the long river sets with a round sun.

In the midst of the whirling yellow sand, there is only a black smudge, not a person, but a shadow.

As the wind and sand pass by, the dunes shift, their lines twisting like serpents.

The words “Wilderness Survivalist” float on the surface as if they were grains of sand about to be scattered by the wind, seemingly ready to disperse with a mere puff.

The desolate scent of the wilderness hits you in the face, captivating the viewer’s eyes with just one glance.

The artists at Wolf Fang have some serious skills.

Bi Fang nodded in satisfaction; the production of this cover and the last one were both exceptionally good, reflecting the great effort put into them.

“Quite nice!”

“As long as you’re pleased,” said Liu Qian with a smile all over her face.

Bi Fang was now an honored guest at Wolf Fang, one who must be well tended to, otherwise, she feared Wang Yongbo would skin her alive!

The distance from the Magic Capital to Qinghai was significant, and Bi Fang still opted to take a plane to get there, while Liu Qian had already arranged for a helicopter and accommodations well in advance.

There was still a full day before the live broadcast would begin, but in the black-screened live room, skyscrapers of comments had already sprung up, with countless people expressing their anticipation for the stream.

The first time was a forest, the second time a snow forest, and the third time a desert!

Bi Fang always managed to surprise people; he never settled for complacency but rather brought viewers the most thrilling live broadcasts time after time from extreme environments!

As time fermented, the number of comments and shares across social platforms like Weibo, Douyin, and B Island had surpassed a million!

This trip to Qaidam was already popular before it had even been broadcast!

That evening, while resting in the hotel.

“How’s it going, did you get it?” A group of people gathered together, discussing in hushed tones.

One tall and one short, one fat and another wearing glasses.

“Got it, got it, the staff at Wolf Fang aren’t that tight-lipped after all,” chuckled the short one who had rushed over, flashing his yellow teeth.

“Where exactly is the location for this live broadcast?” The man with glasses couldn’t wait any longer.

Contrary to everyone’s expectations, the short man shook his head, saying, “Don’t know.”

“What the hell? Are you messing with me?” The tall one got angry, grabbing the short one’s collar and actually lifting him off the ground!

The shorty was frightened, he weighed over one hundred thirty catties after all!

Pan Wei tried to struggle out, but the other man’s strength was too great, and he could only plead repeatedly, “No, it’s true, I really don’t know.”

“Then what did you claim you got?” The man with glasses adjusted his glasses, looking displeased.

“What I got is that I don’t know!” Pan Wei became frantic, exclaiming, “This time it’s a parachute jump, completely random, nobody knows, not even the Wolf King himself knows where he will land!”

“That crazy?” The fat one was shocked, “This is real survival.”

“Nonsense, how do you think the Wolf King got his nickname?” The man with glasses believed it now; the other party had a history, after all.

A man whom even the search and rescue team couldn’t locate, how could he leave a way out for himself?

He thought for a moment, then decided, “Looks like we’ll have to get up early tomorrow, we’ll have to follow the Wolf King’s helicopter.”

“Can we keep up?” The tall one was skeptical, a Jeep chasing after a helicopter didn’t seem reliable at all.

“Just need to confirm the general direction of the helicopter, then adjust according to the live broadcast. If you keep moving, you’ll eventually run into it. If it doesn’t work out, there’s always next time. We’re bound to cash in on someone like that eventually. Even a little spill from him is enough to sustain us.”

“That’s true,” Pan Wei said with envious eyes.

The last broadcast earned millions, even if the platform took half, it would still be worth getting bitten by a wolf.

“Alright, let’s get some sleep, we’ll all meet at the hotel entrance before dawn, and we must stake out!” the man with glasses clapped his hands.

He was the organizer of this operation, astute enough to command everyone’s respect.


“No problem!”

“I’m already envisioning my own riches, hehehe!”

The next day, Bi Fang arrived by car at the helicopter prepared by Wolf Fang.

MI5800, a model unique to this world, was something that Wang Yongbo had gone to great lengths to secure. Its maximum stable altitude was five thousand six hundred meters, nearing that of military-grade.

Overall, just flying the MI5800 shipped from afar this once would cost at least a hundred thousand plus, but Wolf Fang TV said nothing and took on the expense directly.

On the helicopter, Bi Fang took out his phone and started watching the live stream.

Still Lu Wentao’s.

After a long silence, Lu Wentao finally made a comeback, with the same recommended spot as last time, and even higher popularity. After three days of broadcasting, his popularity had reached three million.

Bi Fang felt it might be Shark faking the numbers, to create the illusion that their popularity was nearly equal.

There was reason to suspect this, as Lu Wentao’s bullet screen comments were obviously fewer than his own.

But it was just suspicion, with no evidence. Perhaps the last trending search had simply made the “Wilderness Survivalist” pie bigger.

“Quick progress.”

Watching the live stream, Bi Fang keenly noticed that Lu Wentao’s broadcast seemed smoother, and he could now answer many of the audience’s questions.

He even attempted a three-thousand-meter parachute jump, which, although perilous, was successful.

Was this due to experience, or had he put in a lot of hard work?

Forget it, it had nothing to do with him anymore.

Bi Fang turned off his phone. He was no longer concerned with Lu Wentao; his attention to the situation was only because his opponent was Shark TV, and he always had a feeling that they would not give up so easily.

But everyone was mistaken about one thing.

Bi Fang’s only opponent had always been himself!

“Buddy, this trip might make us a neat sum of over a hundred thousand. Can streaming one session make that much?” the pilot asked, glancing at Bi Fang sitting behind him, out of curiosity.

He was usually busy with his work, but he had heard that he was taking a prominent streamer this time, a very famous one.

Bi Fang just smiled: “Should be about right.”

“Impressive. Could you give me an autograph?” the pilot asked, thumbs up, handing over a cardboard piece.

Bi Fang took it and swiftly signed it, then began checking his parachute.

A five-thousand-meter jump was not to be taken lightly. One bit of carelessness could cost a life.

After confirming everything was in order, Bi Fang took out his drone and changed the room title: (Master Fang Survival: Gazing upon the boundless desert, the most desperate struggle!]

The pilot, catching a glimpse, exclaimed in surprise, “Big brother, that won’t do, the drone can’t withstand the wind at this altitude!”

The helicopter had not yet started to ascend, but they were already at a height of three thousand meters. Some helicopters might struggle at this height, let alone a drone.

Unless it was military grade, but the pilot didn’t think a streamer could get his hands on a drone of that level.

“Don’t worry, I have it secured,” Bi Fang said with a smile, fastening the drone to his chest and patting it to reassure the pilot. He didn’t boast about how powerful his drone was; there was no need for that.

Seeing this, the pilot nodded his head. Secured was okay. Otherwise, at this height, the drone would just be free-falling.

Huaxia time, nine fifty AM.

The broadcast that hadn’t even started had already gathered an audience of fifty thousand!

It even included big players like Lin Chang, Yao Jun, Wang Yongbo, among others!

[I’ve been so anxious waiting.]

[So many people.]

[I wonder if this stream will be as thrilling as the last one?]

[How could it be? That’s the kind of situation you encounter by chance. Plus, if it happens too often, you might not see Master Fang ever again.]

[Ah, well, it’s most important that Master Fang is safe.]

[Hey, Lu Wentao is streaming too.]

[Just came back from there, it’s just for killing boredom. When it comes to survival, you’ve got to watch Master Fang’s!]

At ten o’clock sharp, Bi Fang turned on the drone.

The next second, the audience in the livestream felt a momentary lag, and then, appearing in front of their eyes, was Bi Fang!

At the same time, across the country, tens of thousands of viewers received the notification and swarmed in at this very moment.

Ten thousand, one million, three million…

In just a few seconds, the livestream’s popularity soared past three million!

At this moment, Bi Fang was like a Blue Whale opening its gargantuan mouth in the heart of the ocean, and the viewers were like Krill, being voraciously devoured!

Even the streamers broadcasting at the same time felt as if their popularity had dropped slightly!

Under the vast heavens and above the great earth, with tens of thousands watching eagerly, Bi Fang stood up.

Thousands of meters below, the ground was covered with yellow sand, and under the strong wind, the lines of the dunes meandered like snakes.

From afar, it looked like dragons and serpents rising from the ground, the earth rupturing and soaring skyward!

A river of sand spilled over!

A new adventure begins here!

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