Heh, who would have thought that of all places she would meet the woman who destroyed her sister's marriage at this place? Li Chuntao wasn't expecting to see Lin Meirong until the celebration banquet in a few days but anyway since that bitch was here, let's see what kind of woman Gu Changge was. 

"Ah, yes, that's her name." Xia Yuhan confirmed the identity of the woman. "I'm surprised that you're able to remember her name," she said as she led the two to the other side of the shop which was filled with more racks of clothes and dresses. 

"No, I don't know her personally nor remember her. I just saw her name when I reviewed the script I left on my study." Li Chuntao said which was true. After taking over the identity of her sister, Li Chuntao had to familiarize herself not only with Ying's work but her social links. 

"Ah, I see. Anyway, this rack here has the styles and materials I know you prefer." Xia Yuhan happily smiled. "Call me if you want to see more dresses, okay?" 

Li Chuntao was glad that the older woman decided to drop the conversation about Lin Meirong and chose to busy herself assisting Shen Zichen choosing the right tux for the event. Looking around, she couldn't see Gu Changge anywhere. 

Was she hiding inside one of the dressing rooms? Li Chuntao shook her head. Ah, how was she supposed to bully her if the bitch wouldn't show herself? 


Shen Yuyan hummed as Li Chuntao tried on a dress.

"It's a little short on you," she commented. 

Li Chuntao twirled around, looking in the mirror. "Yes, it seems like it." She agreed. 

Xia Yuhan furrowed her brows. "Really? I'm pretty sure I got your measurements before. Let's try another one shall we?" 

Li Chuntao smiled sheepishly, hoping that the older woman wouldn't notice that she wasn't Ying. She and Ying used to commission their clothes and get some of it specifically tailored for some occasions because both were a little busty for their sizes so the tops typically don't fit them. 

Xia Yuhan pulled out another dress and showed it to Li Chuntao. "How about this one?" 

"It looks better," Li Chuntao said with all honesty. 

Shen Yuyan nodded her head in agreement. "The color is nice too."

 Li Chuntao thanked the older woman and went back to the dressing room to try it on. She could hear Shen Yuyan chuckling over Shen Lingqing's choices outside. 

"Why couldn't you get something that isn't too modest. You're all covered. You're a woman now, Qingqing." 

Shen Lingqing raised a brow at her sister before passing the dresses she selected to the staff. 

"I see no reason why I should expose my back for everyone to see. Dad also wouldn't like it if I'm inappropriately dressed for the event." 

Xia Yuhan didn't try to suppress the laugh that came out from her. Ah, it wasn't surprising that the demon king himself would pay attention to what his girls were wearing. 

There was a momentary silence as they minded their own businesses while Li Chuntao struggled to zip up the dress on her back. She wasn't aware that the woman she'd been waiting for had finally arrived.

Shen Yuyan scrunched her nose in disgust while Shen Lingqing eyed the woman blankly. Lin Meirong was oblivious to their stares and continued looking for another gown to try on. She was a couple of feet away from the Shen women and was busy checking the intricate details of the dresses. 

God damn, these dresses were expensive alright. There was no other brand that could compete with Flair Apparel's elegance but it always comes with a cost. No wonder only prominent and wealthy women could purchase this kind of evening gown because it was simply the best. 

"Sister Lin, did you have a quarrel with your boyfriend? You don't look good these days." Lin Meirong's companion asked her. 

Lin Meirong sighed dejectedly. Remembering her last argument with Mu Jianyu, she wasn't expecting his call again anytime soon. Of course, she had tried to call him herself but he never picked up her calls and seemed to have ignored her existence. 

'That bastard, did he really think he could ignore for too long. Whether he likes it or not, he will come back to me for sake of this child!' 

"Yes. I think this is the worst argument we had. I don't think we'll be able to mend it soon." She admitted, oblivious at how Shen Yuyan snorted behind them. 

Lin Meirong's companion gasped and covered her mouth. 

"Then maybe you should be the one who should apologize first this time, Sister Lin. You wouldn't like it to be dragged for too long or else you would lose his affection. I'm sure he would be moved if you're the one who seeks him out first. You know men don't want prolonged drama and don't like to complicate things." 

Lin Meirong raised a brow on her companion and considered her advice. "You think so?" 

"Why, of course! Men need to be assured that you care for them once in a while, Sister Lin." 

"But he was really mad last time we talked. I'm not sure how to pacify his anger." Lin Meirong clutched the skirt of the gown she was holding as she solemnly looked at it. 

The other woman sighed and patted her shoulder affectionately. 

"People tend to say things that they don't mean out of anger. Don't take it so hard and try to understand him. Maybe he was really stressed and arguing with you made him snap back." 

However, even before Lin Meirong could respond. Three store attendants of the boutique came rushing towards them in a hurry pushing Lin Meirong aside, forcing her to step back to avoid being hit again. 

"Oww, that hurts!" She hissed and rubbed her shoulder that was bumped by one of the attendants. "Watch where you're going!" 

The one who bumped her actually tripped on her own feet and was sprawled on the floor while the other two gasped as the gown the woman was holding had been crumpled and soiled. Their faces blanched as they realized that the damage might be deducted on their wages. 

"Look what you've done! How can you be this careless!" Lin Meirong's friend chastised them. 

"We're sorry. We're sorry! We didn't mean to hurt you, Miss!" The store attendant begged for Lin Meirong's forgiveness but the latter wouldn't hear any of it. What if they accidentally ruin her face? 

"How could a simple sorry be enough to fix this problem? You were the one who wasn't paying attention to where you were going!" 

Can't this day get any worse than it was already? She pondered. Here she was shopping for an expensive dress only to be annoyed by these people. 

"Is that so? Then how long do you plan to step on my dress then?" A feminine voice was heard. It sounded so cold shivers ran down Lin Meirong's spine. She had a bad premonition. Her eyes widened then turned to look down on her feet only to see that she was indeed stepping on the skirt of the gown the attendant was holding earlier. 

She turned her head to see who it was, only for her jaws to drop in shock. Shit. she didn't mean to get the attention of the demon princess. 

'Shen Lingqing?!'

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