Chapter 3: The Scolding Horse

It wasn’t that Feng Jin looked down on vagrants. Most people labeled as vagrants were criminals, beggars, or homeless. They had no power, no education, no skills. Entering a large mansion and becoming a servant was not a disaster for them but a blessing.

He had thought that this simpleton in front of him was the same. Being able to tend a horse was a great skill for him. Unexpectedly, he spoke these words with reason and logic.

If Su Shang were truly dead, as the steward who brought him in, he would indeed bear inescapable responsibility and surely be implicated. If he lost the young lady’s trust, those servants he had bullied before might seize the opportunity to retaliate, and the losses would be more than he could bear.

Feng Jin cast a cold glance at Zhang Xuan, narrowed his eyes, and then approached Su Shang, reaching out to touch it.

What he felt made his heart sink. He almost couldn't stand.

Not only was the horse stiff, but it was also cold...

‘And you say it’s alive?’

‘Are you kidding me?’

Twitching his mouth, he looked at the stableman not far away, who looked back at him and said, "Have you made up your mind, Steward Feng? I'm just a vagrant, but you’re different. You’re the steward of the Mo family, highly esteemed. If something happens because you didn't dare to make a bet, it wouldn't be worth it..."

Being threatened so directly made Feng Jin furious, but he knew the young man was right. He nodded immediately, "Alright, I’ll bet. If you can make Su Shang come back to life, I’ll take you to White Rock Academy. If you can’t, even if the young lady doesn’t order it, I’ll dismember you and leave you dead without a complete corpse."

"Thank you, Steward Feng!"

Zhang Xuan shouted, patting Su Shang's forehead, "Stop sleeping, get up quickly..."

Wu Xiang's mouth twitched. "The horse is already stiff, and you're still pretending. Let's see how you end this..."

He had spoken so confidently, thinking there was some clever method.

‘Just like this?’

‘I could do this too!’

Before he could finish speaking, Su Shang suddenly opened its eyes, jumped up, snorted, shook its head, and wagged its tail energetically, showing no sign of stiffness at all!

"How is this possible?" Feng Jin was utterly dumbfounded.

If he had only seen the horse dead, he might still doubt it, but he had touched it himself, and the heartbeat and pulse were gone. Yet, with just a word from Zhang Xuan, it jumped up...

‘What on earth had happened?’

Wu Xiang was equally stunned. ‘okay, I couldn't do that…’

"How did you do it?" he couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Xuan smiled and delivered the explanation he had prepared, "Su Shang was fine all along. It just knows me well and was playing along."

It was best not to mention the Spirit Awakening Technique, as he wasn’t sure if it existed in this world.

Wu Xiang couldn't help but argue, "Impossible! Su Shang is a proud young steed. Even the young lady has to coax it before riding. How could it listen to you and play along..."

Before he could finish, he saw Su Shang, who had just stood up, nuzzling Zhang Xuan's leg with its chestnut head, behaving like an obedient puppy.

Wu Xiang: "???"

He had fed this horse before, and it always snatched his food and kicked people randomly. Unable to bear it, he handed it over to this guy, hoping to see him make a fool of himself. Yet, after just a few days, they were this familiar...

"Playing along with you?" Feng Jin asked.

Zhang Xuan's face once again showed a simple and honest look. "Yes... this guy is very obedient. Just stroke its forehead, and you can become friends. Then it will listen to you."

"Is that true?" Wu Xiang's eyes widened, feeling that maybe he could do it too.

"If you don't believe me, you can come and try!" Zhang Xuan waved invitingly.

Seeing Su Shang standing still without any sign of life, Wu Xiang turned to look at Feng Jin. Seeing the steward nod, he took a deep breath and approached.

This horse was extremely important to the young lady. If he could make it obedient, his status in the Mo family would surely soar.

Carefully reaching out, before his hand could touch Su Shang’s face, the fiery red horse suddenly turned.


Two huge hooves struck his chest. Without time to react, Wu Xiang was sent flying seven or eight meters, landing heavily on the ground, vomiting a mouthful of blood.

"You tricked me..."

Struggling to get up, Wu Xiang's vision darkened.

‘Well, I guess I couldn’t do it…’

In reality, he understood what had happened. The horse was clearly angry because he tattled, and it took the opportunity to retaliate.

But the horse’s cooperation was just too good!

Just as he was about to curse, he saw Zhang Xuan and Su Shang not far away. Both of them opened their mouths at the same time, clearly mouthing the word—idiot!


Wu Xiang's mouth twitched. Unable to contain his anger, he pointed at Su Shang, "Steward Feng, it insulted me..."

Zhang Xuan’s cursing was bearable, but a horse insulted people... was there any justice left? Any law?

Feng Jin covered his forehead. "Shut up, aren’t you embarrassed enough?"

‘A horse insultes people?’

‘Are you losing your mind?’


Wu Xiang rubbed his eyes hard. Su Shang stood quietly behind Zhang Xuan, showing no sign of abnormality, as if the cursing earlier was just his imagination.

Ignoring Wu Xiang, Zhang Xuan looked at the steward with a simple and honest expression. "Feng Jin, does the bet still count?"

"Of course!"

Feng Jin felt his molars almost cracking. "Since Su Shang listens to you, take good care of it. Ensure the young lady is on time for the assessment tomorrow. Don’t delay the schedule."

Knowing that staying longer would only bring more embarrassment, Feng Jin turned to leave. Just before exiting the courtyard, he looked at Wu Xiang. "Hurry up!"

"Yes, yes!"

Wu Xiang nodded repeatedly. As he walked away, he kept looking back, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

Just as he was about to leave the stable, he saw Zhang Xuan angrily slap Su Shang on the face, scolding it in a tone full of exasperation, "Who told you to insult people just now? Do you not understand the rules? Remember your place, you’re just a horse..."


Wu Xiang rubbed his eyes again—Zhang Xuan and Su Shang were standing quietly, both smiling at him.


After seeing things wrong multiple times, Wu Xiang no longer trusted his own eyes. Shaking his head vigorously, he hurried away.

Only then did Zhang Xuan breathe a sigh of relief. "No one will believe anything that guy says now!"

Scolding Su Shang earlier was naturally a show for the others, aiming to confuse them. This way, even if any more issues arose, Wu Xiang wouldn’t dare to report them easily...

After all, the crisis wasn’t completely over.

The Spirit Awakening Technique could make a dead horse stand up and appear alive, making it hard for people to notice the problem in a short time. But dead was still dead. In the scorching weather, it wouldn’t last till tomorrow before it started to rot!

If it starts to smell... even the dumbest person would know there’s a problem, and it would be impossible to cover up.

Gurgle, gurgle~~

As Zhang Xuan was fretting over how to resolve the current situation, his stomach rumbled loudly.

Having been deprived of food by this horse for several days and after all this exertion, he was starving, his stomach sticking to his back.

"Rather than letting it rot, why not... eat some first?"

The horse was already dead. Rather than waiting for it to rot, he might as well have a feast.

But... if he ate it directly, and the young lady wanted to ride it tomorrow, it would be easily noticeable if a leg or an ear was missing...

If he didn't eat, he’d remain starving. Dying of hunger as the ruler of a realm in the Source World would be even more humiliating...

"Maybe if I eat some of the organs, it wouldn’t be noticeable?"

Soon, an idea popped into Zhang Xuan’s head. He walked into the kitchen, took out a sharp knife, and tossed it to Su Shang, impatiently waving his hand, "Cut out your heart, lungs, liver, spleen, and kidneys yourself and roast them for me. I’m too kind-hearted to do it..."

Su Shang: "???"

‘Do you think what you said make sense?’

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