Leveling Up Through Eating

Chapter 694: The God of Death and the Hell Corps

Chapter 694: The God of Death and the Hell Corps

Silence engulfed the entire area.

God of Snakes Elizabeth, one of the Six Monster Gods, might be considered as the weakest among them, but she was still an existence that could make even the Absolute Gods tremble. It was not just her, there was also the Corrupted God and the Marquess of Snakes Leona, as well as the Level 450~530 Hell Corps.

Anyone would most definitely be shaking in their boots if they saw this lineup. And yet, the words of the trio that just showed up shocked everyone watching.

[…They’re lying, right? That man riding on top of the black ghostly horse said that he would kill 600,000 of the enemies?]

[What about that old man with white hair that’s dressed in a white papal robe? I heard him say that he should not cross the line.]

The commentators were in disbelief, their voice shaking. The person in the middle that appeared was none other than the king of Beyond the Heavens Kingdom. They had to wonder if Minhyuk was the type of person to bring liars with him.

At the same time, in the office of Joy Co. Ltd.’s Story Team.

The Story Team Leader felt both flustered and embarrassed when he saw the words ‘warning’ and ‘error’ pop out of the monitor.


Team Leader Park Minggyu, who was in the Story Team’s office to eat chicken, looked at him suspiciously. “What’s the matter?”

“You know that Obren and Kronad are both talents that are a part of the Eight Pillars and can rule and control the world with their appearance alone, right?”

“Of course, I know.”

“The fact that they appeared at the same time… you know what effects would appear when the two of them made an appearance like that, right?”

“I know that too.”

It was just like how the effect would be different when a boss monster appeared compared to an ordinary mob. For the appearance of boss monsters, various notifications would ring in the head of the players present, and even the surroundings would change. For beings at the level of Kronad and Obren, there would be world messages that would announce their appearance. And right now, both of them had made an appearance.


[The Eight Pillars of the Athenae Worldview have appeared at the same time. The system has temporarily experienced a failure.]


[…Athenae Worldview…]

[The system has begun to search for a new direction!]

All of the computers inside the Joy Co. Ltd. were connected to Supercomputer Athenae. This was so they could immediately create a story in Athenae if the need arose.

Meanwhile, the viewers were scoffing at the three men that stood in front of the millions of enemies.

[Are you kidding me? Why did the Food God bring two old chuunis?]

[I think they’re NPCs. If they’re talking arrogantly like that, then they should be big shots, right? Then, shouldn’t we receive notifications by now? If there are no notifications then they must be nothing but liars. Tch]

That was right. The viewers would often judge how strong or powerful an NPC was based on the notifications that they heard. However, neither the man with black hair nor the man with white hair trigger any notification.

In other words, while the system was busy trying to find a new direction, these people believed that Minhyuk the men that Minhyuk brought with him were just low-leveled liars.


At that moment, the sky suddenly turned dark. It was not just the sky above the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom, or the Asgan Continent. The entire world had turned dark by this sudden phenomenon.


The ground shook fiercely as the animals roared and screamed, trying their best to flee from something unknown. There were even tens of thousands of birds flapping their wings as hard as they could and flying away. Then, the man with black hair riding on the black ghostly horse made a move. This man was none other than Obren.

[He is Evil.]

A voice, so creepy and hoarse like that of a devil, resounded in the area. It was so creepy that everyone that listened to it felt goosebumps rising on their skin.

[He dyed the ground red with the blood of hundreds of millions of humans.]

Tens of thousands of black books floated in the sky where Obren was looking at.

[Someone who even the gods are afraid of has appeared here.]


Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

Black lightning bolt fell from the sky and fell down upon 200,000 Hell Corps.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

The black lightning that fell thousands of times per second was like disaster incarnate.

[The ones that survive, remember his name. His name is Evil God Obren.]




Actually, Evil God Obren had only made an appearance using Minhyuk’s body in the past. That was why the viewers and the commentators did not know what Obren truly looked like.

However, that was not the end. Gigantic pillars of light began to pour down from the sky. The huge light expanded until it covered half of the sky and created a huge contrast from the lingering darkness in the sky. Everywhere the light passed by, the withered flowers would bloom and the agitated animals would cry in relief.

[He is Virtuous.]

This time, the kind and gentle voice of a woman, a voice that warmed the hearts of many, rang in the area.

[He, who gave off the same warmth as a gentle mother’s embrace, accepted and embraced many, becoming the king of the popes.]

Then, the white-haired old man wearing the white papal robe stepped forward and brandished his sword, creating tens of thousands of swords made of light in the sky that immediately fell down on the ground.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

The falling swords of light destroyed hundreds of thousands of demonic beasts and Hell Corps.

The viewers and commentators were plunged into a state of disbelief as they watched the Hell Corps and demonic beasts disappear just like that. Then, the voice of the kind and gentle woman rang again.

[The ones that lived a hard life, remember the name of the person that has embraced and acknowledged your existence. His name is First Pope Kronad.]



Then, it came to the man standing in between them. He was neither as strong, as great or as outstanding as Evil God Obren or First Pope Kronad. But at this moment, the creepy, devilish voice and the kind, gentle voice that sounded as warm as a mother’s voice rang together.

[He is a mere human being.]

[Born from an ordinary mother and an ordinary father.]

Minhyuk turned to look behind him to see the retreating soldiers of Beyond the Heavens Kingdom return. All of the people that abandoned the kingdom at Genie’s orders returned. They all looked at their king and listened to his voice.

[He is but a normal human being. However, one day, he became king.]

[He is but a normal human being. However, one day, he became god.]

[Yes, indeed. He was just an ordinary human being.]

“Your Majesty Minhyuuuuuuuuuuk!”

“Your Majeeeeeeeesty!!!”

“Your Majesty, congratulations on your safe return!!!”

Behind Minhyuk stood hundreds of thousands of Beyond the Heavens’ soldiers. All of them stood tall, their expressions determined and firm as their morale rose to the sky.

[He is but a normal human being. However, he had received the love and admiration of many.]

The sword in Minhyuk’s hands glittered. This was the passive skill: ‘Pope’s Dignity’ that was attached to the Sacred Papal Sword. At the same time, the power to increase all of his skill level by +4 that was included in the Pope’s Dignity finally appeared.


The moment Minhyuk brandished the sword in his hands, a bright light flashed and killed hundreds of demonic beasts and Hell Corps. The entire world watched in admiration as hundreds of Hell Corps and demonic beasts disappeared with every swing of his sword. Then, he rode on top of Hanwoo, who immediately charged forward. Behind him the powerful troops of Beyond the Heavens Kingdom ran forward with their weapons in hand.

Then, the space behind Obren and Kronad suddenly tore apart. Behind the terrifying Evil God Obren, thousands of his followers on top of ghostly horses rode out. Behind Pope Kronad, thousands of paladins, priests, popes and saintesses riding on top of the pegasi charged out.

All of them charged forward and began to slaughter the black sea made up of demonic beasts and Hell Corps. With every swing of the sword of the paladin, hundreds of demonic beasts and Hell Corps would die. Everywhere the followers of the Evil God passed by, the enemies’ body would be torn to shreds and become unrecognizable.

On the left was Obren and on the right was Kronad. As for Minhyuk? He ran in the middle under the protection of both of them. The charging Kronad stabbed God of Snakes Elizabeth, who tried to block Minhyuk’s path, with dozens of swords made of light.

“Kyaaaaaaaack!” She shrieked as countless black lightning fell from above her.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

Minhyuk immediately used ‘Sword of Absolute Death’.


A powerful force pierced through Elizabeth’s body. However, it did not end there. Hundreds of sword lights appeared and cut through her thick and sturdy body.


[You have killed the God of Snakes Elizabeth!]

Just like that, God of Snakes Elizabeth disappeared without being able to do anything. Marquess Leona immediately jumped in their path and tried to stop them. However, the book that Obren had summoned fluttered open before turning into a black spear that pierced through her neck. Kronad, who was behind her, also slashed her body horizontally. Minhyuk joined in and cut her from her head down to her toe.


[You have killed the Marquess of Snakes Leona!]

The black Evil God’s Army, the white Kronad’s Army, and Minhyuk with his Beyond the Heavens Kingdom in the center, continued to advance amidst the constant notifications that rang in their ears. The scene was more than worthy of everyone’ admiration.

Only ten minutes had passed. However, in that short amount of time, Obren and Kronad had already displayed their power by killing more than 1.5 million Hell Corps.

Obren was allowed to use his original strength once after being unsealed. His level right now was over 1,000. As for Kronad, he was currently at around Level 700 since his level got reduced after summoning the Sacred Papal Sword. However, he was able to exert power that was on par with Obren, because his power would increase when fighting against evil beings.

‘This is impossible…’

The main culprits of this situation were speechless as they watched the Hell Corps get wiped out, as if a tsunami had passed through them. It was a completely impossible scenario for a player to achieve, which was why they were in disbelief.

However, there was one man that was very thrilled to see this scene. This man was none other than PD Kim Dageuk, whose palms were clenched tightly into fists.

[Director: PD Kim, our viewership ratings have exceeded 55% right now!!!]

Minhyuk, a mere human being that became a king and a god, was now writing a new legend.

Once again, the voice of a devil and the kind woman resounded once again.

[He is the only human that has received the help of the Eight Pillars of the World, the Evil God and the First Pope.]

[And he…]

It did not take too long for the Hell Corps and the demonic beasts to be swept away.

Dash, dash, dash, dash, dash—

Minhyuk could be seen running toward Rex, who was currently in the form of the God of Death. Warnings were constantly flashing in front of the unfortunate Rex.


[The God of Death is giving you a warning!]

[If you are forced to log out, your qualifications as the God of Story will be revoked!]

At that moment, Evil God Obren’s ‘Book of Curse’ appeared and entered Minhyuk’s sword.


[Obren’s Book of Curse is dwelling in the enemy’s sword!]

[If that sword hits you, the penalty that you will receive will double!]

[If you die, the war will be considered as over with your defeat. You will receive the -50 in all stats penalty.]

[With the Book of Curse, you will receive a -100 in all stats as a penalty.]

If that sword reached Rex, everything would be over. However, Obren and Kronad were standing beside Minhyuk. White wings appeared on the back of Minhyuk, who had both good and evil by his side.



The faded sword in Minhyuk’s arms pierced through Rex’s heart.

Minhyuk looked at Rex’s helpless expression and snarled, “You m***er f*cker.”

[You have been forced to log out.]

[You have failed the Episode: God of Death and the Hell Corps’ Invasion.]

[Your qualifications as the God of Story has been revoked.]

[You have lost 100 in all of your stats.]

In the despairing Rex’s ears, the grating voice of a devil and the warm and gentle voice of the benevolent mother rang until the very end.

[He is but a normal human being. However, he might be the only human that will be acknowledged as someone with the potential to become one of the Eight Pillars of the World.]

At the same time, this notification rang in Minhyuk’s ears:

[You have acquired the Title: ‘Candidate for the Eight Pillars’.]

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