Obren was born as one of the Six Monster Gods. Unlike most of the Six Monster Gods, who lived up to their names and became monsters, he lived a lonely yet content life surrounded by books for thousands of years.

At that time, Athenae knew.

Obren, that child. He’s more intelligent and more outstanding than any of my other children. Whether it’s the Six Monster Gods or the Absolute Gods.

Beradon recalled the words of her disciple, Athenae. He remembered the day clearly; Obren, having lived alone for thousands of years, came to see him.

I want to protect mankind.

After meeting Kronad, the popes, and the paladins, Obren wanted to find a way to become stronger. Beradon could feel his noble and gentle heart that sought ways to help him protect Kronad and the rest of mankind from all of the threats and dangers in the world.

Obren was a talented child with a good heart. Because of that, Beradon accepted him. As he taught Obren, he realized that something was wrong. He found something unusual about Kronad and the people Obren wanted to protect.

Obren, the scariest thing in this world is mankind.

Although Beradon told Obren these words, his trust and belief in Kronad and the humans were firm and unshakeable. When Kronad began to create an army to take down the Land of the Gods, Beradon moved to stop Obren.

Obren, can’t you see that something’s wrong? Why are humans going against the gods? In the first place, Kronad just wants to become a god by killing the other gods!

–No. Kronad definitely has a noble and lofty will. I will protect Kronad.

Beradon eventually used force to stop Obren to ensure that his most cherished and outstanding disciple would not go the wrong way. However, in the end, Obren pushed him back.

I’m sorry, Master. I have to protect them. I promise to find you and apologize later.

Obren, who left just like that, had not returned to see him. Then, Beradon heard that Obren was forced to kill countless gods and millions of humans because of a “Slaughterer’s Dish” that Kronad fed him. That was when Obren took on the name Evil God and became one of the Eight Pillars.

At that time, Beradon wanted to become one of the Eight Pillars, but he eventually gave up. He blamed himself for being unable to stop his disciple from walking down the wrong path. He did not deserve to sit on such a seat.

Not long after, Obren disappeared. Beradon heard from someone that Obren had turned into a seasoning jar.

He would miss this disciple of his from time to time. He missed seeing his disciple smile as he read a book and greeted him with a “Master.” whenever he saw him coming.



There was an unknown glint in Beradon’s eyes as he looked at Obren. Beradon had been living a life cut off from the rest of the world. He did not know much about what happened outside.

Then, Obren said, “There’s something I want to protect again.”

“Ho– Hohoho.” Beradon laughed dejectedly.

The child, who had turned evil because of his desire to protect someone, came to see him again because there was something that he wanted to protect again.

“Can’t you choose to live for yourself this time?”

Beradon did not want to see his cherished disciple get hurt once again, and he hated it. He hated that his disciple left and abandoned him because he wanted to protect something. Obren, who left him to protect someone, was subjected to such an incident. But whether it was the past, the present, or the future, this child remained good-hearted and kind.

When he heard Obren’s bitter laughter, Beradon asked, “Alright. So, what are you trying to protect this time?”

Obren answered, “There’s this place called the Beyond the Heavens Empire.”

Beradon narrowed his eyes and said, “Do you think you can deceive the eyes of this old man?”

Obren smiled bitterly. It seemed like his master could still see through someone else clearly, even after so much time had passed. So, he said, “There’s this person I want to protect.”


The Athenae Community Site was buzzing. Why? This was all because of the triple EXP Acquisition Rate event that Joy Co. Ltd. has recently announced. Of course, their interest would naturally be piqued, especially after they announced that the top ten players who achieved the best growth during this period would receive a +5 All Stat Increase Potion. The player with the greatest growth would receive a +8 All Stat Increase Potion.

[But if we’re talking about achieving the greatest growth, wouldn’t the novice players have the greatest advantage? Don’t they get stronger quickly even though they play only for a few days?]

[Is that so? But from what I understand, the “greatest growth” that Athenae had announced would depend on their levels. For example, Even if it is listed as a Level 1 player increasing their level by 100 and a Level 600 player increasing their level by ten this month, their ranking would be determined by calculating the total EXP they have accumulated and how strong they will become. Then, they will be given their rewards appropriately.]


[Ah. Hahahahahaha. I think Minhyuk’s nursing a stomach ache just about now. Hahahahahahaha.]

[Yep. I think so, too. After all, all players will receive a 3x increase in EXP and Artifact Acquisition Rate, and he’s the only exception.]

[Do you think there’s a conflict between Joy Co. Ltd. and the Beyond the Heavens Empire?]

[It sounds possible.]

[Woah. But if Minhyuk gets the +8 All Stat Increase Potion, then he will be able to become very strong. shivers]

[Agreed. But in the first place, it seems impossible. From what I know, the EXP needed by a God-class player to level up is three times the amount required by an ordinary-class player. But our Lord, the Food God, also has the sub-class Battle God.]

[If you get a sub-class, you’ll need more EXP to level up, right? And if we add to that the amount of EXP required by the Battle God, then… shivers. Then, does that mean that he needs at least ten times the EXP of an ordinary-class player before he can level up? Wow. That’s nuts…]

[How the hell was he able to increase his level to this point? Hahahaha.]

[Fortunately, Minhyuk has become a king and then an emperor. AFAIK, the EXP level of the kings and emperors will increase a bit every time their territory, kingdom, or empire grows more than the set territory. I think it is some kind of privilege.]

[Tbh, it’s incredible that he can have the highest level of EXP with that many restrictions.]

Then, at that moment…

[Huh? Our Lord, the Food God has just leveled up again?]

[Woah. WTH? What’s he doing right now?]

Just a few moments after President Kang Taehoon made an official announcement, Minhyuk achieved a ridiculous feat of leveling up twice in a row. Because of that, most players were left wondering if he was doing some grand quest.

When Minhyuk’s level increased by one again, everyone was left stunned. Those who like to bite and gnaw at others also began to speak up.

[Well, it seems like he’s doing a special quest. But guys, no matter what he does, Minhyuk will not be able to be one of the players who grow the most.]

[Nope, nope. There’s a way. Pfft.]

There’s a way. Many players were interested when they saw those words.

[He only needs to kill Named Monsters non-stop.]


[Wow. Look at this guy going all sarcastic.]

[Leave him be. He looks like he’s feeling a sense of superiority just because he got a 3x EXP Acquisition Rate and Minhyuk did not.]

[Bros. Why is a Named Monster called a Named Monster? It’s called a Named Monster because it’s rare. Ordinary players wouldn’t even be able to see one in two months.]

[*sigh*. Where can we even find Named Monsters to kill?]

The players just laughed off the ridiculous nonsense spouted by one of the players.


Erach, the former warden of the God’s Prison, talked with the next generation Battle God, who came to find him. Although Minhyuk was the Battle God, he was very polite when he asked about God’s Prison, so Erach explained carefully what the place was like.

“Instead of calling it a prison, I think it’s more appropriate to call it ‘pandemonium.’ The other gods and guards call it like that.”


“It’s a very chaotic place. When you hear the name God’s Prison, you might think it’s only a place where gods who have done something wrong are locked up. Right?”

Minhyuk nodded.

“But those locked up inside that place are not limited to gods. There are powerful monsters, which the gods think are a pain, and gods, who were defeated in a power struggle, imprisoned there. There are so many different beings locked up in that place.”

‘Monsters that the gods think are trouble?’ Minhyuk thought, a flash of interest appearing on his face.

The gods were all-mighty. If even these gods thought they were troublesome beings, then it was proof of these monsters' strength.

‘Are they God-rank monsters?’

Minhyuk continued to listen to Erach’s words.

“Because they’re all locked up in the same prison, it has created a pandemonium. Since they had been locked up in that place for a long time, they had started gathering and joining forces. Because of that, it had become quite difficult to control the prison. The Battle God and the other gods are very relieved. They ‘think’ that they would not be able to get out of prison because of Mother Athenae’s absolute power.”

Think?” Minhyuk looked confused.

This one word meant that Erach had a slightly different view of the prison.

“I have been inside the prison and have seen those monsters. I strongly emphasized that we must prepare to fight against them and not neglect them like we are doing now. I have told them these words countless times before.”

At this moment, Minhyuk realized that the quest related to the Battle God that Beradon created for him was related to this.

“But the other guards treated me as if I’m a madman. Even the other gods ignored my words. I am sorry to say this, but I am terrified.”

The mere thought of them was enough to make Erach nervous.

“Remember what I said earlier?” Erach said as he walked together with Minhyuk. “The gods, who have been defeated in a power struggle, are also imprisoned in the God’s Prison. Do you think those gods will just continue to stay meekly and count their fingers inside the God’s Prison for all eternity?”

If Minhyuk were in that position, he would not sit still. He would definitely give it his all so that he could get back his power and authority. But it seemed like the other gods remained unbothered because of “Athenae’s Absolute Power.”

‘No. Rather than ignoring, it’s more like they’re just watching from the sidelines.’

It was because they were busy. And since they were busy, they did not want to worry about something that had not happened yet. They might be gods, but they were no different from most humans. Perhaps they were thinking that it would be fine as long as it did not cross the paths of their lives.

“I’m worried. Especially because the previous generation Battle God, Evan, is there. He is the one pushed out of his throne by the current generation Battle God, who is leading the Land of the Gods.”

Minhyuk stopped in his tracks. He seemed to have realized why The Growth Cultivator had created this quest. He felt his breath turn ragged.

‘Am I supposed to meet with the previous generation Battle God?’

He did not know what kind of person the previous generation Battle God was. However, there was a chance that he would open up another path for his growth.

Then, Erach said, “It would be good if nothing happened. But if something really happened, I think this would be a good chance for you, the next generation Battle God, to establish yourself.”

Yes, that was indeed the case. It was Minhyuk’s job to solve what the other gods did not want to do as they sat on the sidelines.

Not long after, the two stood in front of a gigantic iron gate.

“If you go inside, you can meet with the other guards. Since you’re the Battle God, it won’t be difficult for you to go in and see the situation inside,” Erach said as he bowed politely. “I don’t ever want to go back inside that place again.”

After he watched Erach disappear, Minhyuk could not help but feel nervous.

‘Perhaps this is the place with the most strong beings gathered in the world.’

Many such beings had been trapped inside this place for a long time.

Minhyuk carefully opened the gigantic iron gate and stepped inside. The moment he entered, a notification rang in his ears.

[The power of Athenae dwelling in the God’s Prison is weakening.]

[Monsters and gods abandoned and turned crazy are about to run out and wreak havoc in the world!]




[You have entered the dungeon with the highest level in Athenae.]

[The average level of the prisoners of the God’s Prison is at Level 700.]

[Your EXP Acquisition Rate will double.]

[Your Gold Acquisition Rate will triple.]

[Mobs imprisoned inside the God’s Prison have a meager Artifact Drop Rate.]

[You can only leave the God’s Prison after you have purified the place. The only other way to go is to be forced to log out.]

Then, Minhyuk saw the guards lying in the pool of their blood. They had long turned into cold corpses.

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