Legend of Dragon Son-in-law

Chapter 126 - Chapter 126: Chapter 125 Not Terracotta Warriors 1

Chapter 126: Chapter 125 Not Terracotta Warriors 1

Translator: 549690339

“Brother! ”

Because the voice was on speakerphone, whatever Aron Jackson said on the other end was heard loud and clear on this side.

“Brother Jackson, no need to be so polite! I’ve run into some trouble, and I hope you can lend a hand!”

Being called big brother by Aron Jackson made Benjamin Abbott’s heart flutter with excitement.

Although he was older and the Abbott Family had great influence, Aron Jackson usually called him Mr. Abbott.

Being called big brother for the first time was quite unexpected to him.

But at the same time, a confident smile appeared on his face. If the boss of Gonzalez City calls me big brother, who would dare to oppose

But the next sentence made him incredibly embarrassed! “Who the hell is calling you big brother! Big brother, say something!” “Aron Jackson, he’s looking for you to settle scores with me!” Julius Reed said, holding his phone, with a cheeky smile.

Aron Jackson was still recuperating in the hospital.

Although he was no longer in serious condition, Julius Reed insisted that he fully recover before coming out.

After all, with so many Shadow Warriors arriving in Gonzalez City, he needed a healthy Aron Jackson to deal with the aftermath for himself.

“Big brother, is that Benjamin Abbott?”

Hearing Julius Reed’s words, Aron Jackson’s tone turned noticeably colder.

“Benjamin Abbott! I’m only going to say one thing to you! Standing in front of you is my big brother!”

“If anyone dares to oppose him, even if it’s the Emperor himself, I, Aron Jackson, will take him down! ”

“I don’t dare claim much, but in this part of Gonzalez City, I, Aron Jackson, still have that ability!”

Aron Jackson’s words were heavy, yet he still left Benjamin Abbott some face.

If he didn’t care about saving face for the Abbott Family, he would have already told these people to get lost over the phone!

“Aron Jackson, what do you mean by that!”

Even though he was in Gonzalez City, Benjamin Abbott wasn’t afraid of Aron Jackson!

Because he had the support of the Abbott Family behind him—the Abbott Family of Five-river Province!

The reason he had always got along peacefully with Aron Jackson was that he didn’t want trouble.

The Red Star Group had been very successful in recent years, and having conflicts with the local snake could only be detrimental to himself.

But not wanting trouble didn’t mean he was afraid.

Now that Aron Jackson was talking to him in such a tone, Benjamin Abbott felt a bit annoyed.

“No special meaning! Even though we usually get along, at times like this, I wouldn’t mind throwing a few punches myself!”

On the other end of the phone, while talking to Benjamin Abbott, he had already arranged for Dominating Tiger to bring people over.

Even if he knew Julius Reed could handle it, he had to let the Abbott Family know his stance.

In Gonzalez City, he was the undisputed king!

“Heh, Aron Jackson, are you trying to make an enemy of the entire Abbott Family?”

Benjamin Abbott asked with a series of cold laughs.

Being asked to lower his head in public was more unbearable than killing someone!

Even if he agreed, the Abbott Family wouldn’t agree!

“If you can bear the consequences, go ahead and try!”

Aron Jackson was every bit as defiant, not giving an inch.

“Alright! Rest up in the hospital, this little matter is something I can handle!”

Apparently tired of the conversation between the two, Julius Reed directly hung up the phone and tossed it to Benjamin Abbott.

“Keep calling, get all the saviors you can muster, or it won’t be just her staying today—you’ll be joining her!”

Julius Reed pointed at Benjamin Abbott, then turned and sat down on a chair.

Crossing his legs, he appeared quite at ease.

Nicholas Leopold had ordered someone to bring over a chair and place it behind him at some point.

Julius Reed was rather pleased with such minor details.

If the Leopold brothers hadn’t courted death, he could have spared their lives.

“Do you think all these people are terracotta soldiers?” Bernard Abbott’s anger surged when he was ridiculed like this!

“My Red Star Group is not to be trifaled with!”

As soon as they went upstairs, they used their connections to block off the fifth floor of the mall, ensuring that no one would see what happened here.

Now the entire fifth floor of Crystal Plaza was occupied only by them.

Although Benjamin Abbott said this, he was still somewhat hesitant in his heart.

It was clear now that Nicholas Leopold was determined to oppose him, which meant he suddenly had nearly a hundred more adversaries upstairs.

And Aron Jackson had already made harsh threats.

He didn’t believe that the boss of Gonzalez City would sit idly by and do nothing.

“What are you talking about! If these people really were terracotta soldiers, you would have struck it rich! Then not just Gonzalez City, but the entire Five-river Province would be at your beck and call! But the crux of the matter is, these people aren’t terracotta soldiers!”

Julius Reed pointed at the Red Star crowd and said with a smile.

“Big brother! Don’t act recklessly! Sometimes it’s best to play it cool and keep the peace!”

Dominic Leocadia, who had been knocked down to the floor, growled in a low voice.

Being the strongest one here, he immediately realized the gap between him and Cosmo after exchanging blows.

If they continued to clash head-on, not only would Red Star Group gain no advantage, but they might even suffer complete defeat!


Hearing his top fighter say this, Bernard Abbott suddenly felt a wave of panic.

He had never seen many people make Dominic Leocadia bow his head, at least not until now.

At this moment, he really didn’t know what to do.

“Uncle! Avenge me!”

On the other side, Ives Abbott, oblivious to her peril, was screaming her lungs out.

Accustomed to living a pampered life in the Abbott Family, when had she ever been mistreated like this?

Now, she’d been hit, and even her uncle’s arrival hadn’t gained them any advantage.

But Ives Abbott didn’t care; all she wanted was revenge.


Without any warning, Cosmo fiercely slapped her, knocking Ives Abbott to the ground.

The force of the blow was significant, leaving five distinct fingerprints on her already swollen face.


Seeing this, Bernard Abbott felt as if his heart was being twisted, but there was nothing he could do!

His best fighter, Dominic Leocadia, had already been defeated and was now kneeling on the ground with blood trickling from the corner of his mouth, his condition unknown.

Was he supposed to send the rest of his men to rush forward and clash head-on with Nicholas Leopold’s people?

Like today, if Aron Jackson had given him this face, even if he had publicly slapped Nicholas Leopold, those employees wouldn’t dare to say a word.

But Aron Jackson just wouldn’t give him this face.

And judging by the attitude of the other side, it seemed they didn’t take the Abbott Family seriously at all.

“What exactly do you want!”

After hearing Dominic Leocadia’s advice, Bernard Abbott, struggling to contain his anger, decided to talk to Julius Reed.

“Is it me who wants something? Seems more like it’s you who wants something, right?”

Julius Reed stood up from his chair and pointed at Ives Abbott, “This woman came up here looking for trouble with my wife, and when she couldn’t win the argument, she wanted to get physical. And when it got physical, she still couldn’t cut it! Getting beaten to tears, she starts calling for backup.”

Continuing, he lifted his head and stared straight at Bernard Abbott, “You come here with your crew without a word and decide to get your hands dirty. And what happens? You end up just like her, coming up here and getting your ass kicked! Now that you can’t fight anymore, you’re thinking of negotiating! Who do you think I am?”

The atmosphere grew awkward in an instant.

In fact, Nicholas Leopold was hoping that Julius Reed would know when to stop. After all, the Abbott Family was not to be messed with.

With Ives Abbott being hit and Dominic Leocadia seriously injured, they had already taken advantage.

But Julius Reed wouldn’t have any of it; instead, he started to put pressure on Bernard Abbott.

“Don’t push it too far!”

Benjamin Abbott said through gritted teeth..

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