However, the only reason Layla seemed weak was because of Somuli's restriction. Moreover, the body she was using was only temporary. As a matter of fact, the owner of this body was a human who did not possess any innate magic and was on the verge of death. Since Layla was in dire need of a body, Ruin could only kidnap the easiest race with a human form for her to use.

Unless Layla found a suitable body, she would never pose a threat to Malek.

"Obviously, I have my way on how to handle them. As you may have already guessed, unlike those other Sovereigns fighting over that newly promoted Somuli Sovereign, I came to recruit the King of Armakea," Layla answered Malek's provocatory remark while masking her embarrassment for being overwhelmed by a mage with rather common innate magic.

Having Layla believe that Malek's magic was common was not strange. Like most humans, few were aware that there was a higher tier of magic that Wind magic belonged to. Besides, in the past, Layla had a weak body constitution, which prompted her family not to pay much attention to her education, especially on Magic. Even after receiving the Soul core and Layla embarked on her dark ploy, someone else took care of matters pertaining to Magic while she focused on applying the art of craftiness to hide her lack of Magic knowledge.

While saying her piece, Layla observed the reaction from Achim and the others. She knew they were not the clueless inhabitants of Somuli if Kyran was hiding behind them. They should have a better understanding of the real situation of Somuli, which likely caused their decision to rebel against the King of Armakean. Nevertheless, Layla did not know the extent of their understanding of Somuli's current situation. Besides, the complete beings' reactions when she appeared, followed by Malek and Noir, showed restrained fear of the unknown and, at the same time, curiosity, which meant only a few truly understood Somuli's real situation. From those things, Layla did not filter her words so she could see Achim and the others' reactions.

Sadly, Layla failed to elicit any reaction from them. Feeling a little displeased by their lack of response, she said, "Seems like you are already aware of the existence of the Sovereigns."

"If the valuable information you want to share has something to do with your faction's offer to the King, then there is nothing to talk about," Achim said, not denying nor agreeing to Layla's guess. "We already guessed as much and are uninterested in knowing the details."

Layla raised her brows, "Is that so?"

Since she mentioned recruiting the King of Armakea, it was not strange for Achim to assume she offered something to the King. Still, she managed to confirm something from his response. Achim had used the term faction when Layla only mentioned other Sovereigns. From this, it was not strange to assume they had a deeper knowledge of the Somuli's situation.

'If that's the case then how about this?'

"Then are you aware of the truth of the Somuli's Sovereign?"

Achim and the others remained indifferent.

Achim and Nahir's reactions were mainly because they already knew the truth. They even knew who was supposed to become Somuli's Sovereign.

On the other hand, Malek and Noir, who had yet to understand the bigger picture, did not really care. To them, the most important thing was to stop Achim's forces from getting wiped out and triggering hell from descending to Somuli. Their reason might seem they were concerned about Kyran falling into the dark side; the truth of the matter was different.

The destruction of Somuli meant that every living and non-living there would be destroyed. Since Malek and Noir were there, obviously, they were included. In the end, their main concern had always been their survival.

Of course, Noir held sentiment toward Kyran since he did teach him Array. So, he was also worried Kyran would really become the new Dark Sage after Somuli's destruction.

"Enough of your non-sense, woman," Malek snapped in clear annoyance. Ignoring Layla completely, he addressed Achim and Nahir once more and said, "Time is running out. Our side deployed a group of specialists to delay them. But their combat ability can not compare with the Armakean knights. Besides, their magic use is also restricted and can only rely on their limited magic items. Gather your forces and abandon the fort now."

"I already gave you our answer, 'We will stay.' While we appreciate your concern, it is unnecessary."

Malek scowled. Obviously, news of Prince Achim's character had reached their ears in Howling Pass. Thus, he expected the latter not to agree readily. But Achim's stubbornness did not carry a sense of pride. Rather, his decision came from complete trust.

"I heard you the first time but decided to turn a deaf ear," Malek replied, not wanting to back down. Achim's answer might be due to his unrelenting trust toward their expected reinforcements, but that could very well result from a blind trust.

"Can you not ignore me and just agree to my request?" Layla was feeling exasperated now. She did not think these men would act so callously as to ignore her twice! She was the Soul Emperor, for crying out loud. Just because her vessel was weak did not mean she was genuinely weak!

"Let me meet the Void Master," Layla continued, no longer bothering to hide what she wanted. "Rest assured, I only want to talk with him. I will not do anything else."

"Even if you have any ulterior motives, you don't really pose any threat to our Master," Achim could not help but respond.

[Achim. Nahir is present. Blatantly referring to our Master like that may pose some problems.]

Gael's voice sounded in Achim's head. The former's reminder belatedly made the latter realize his mistake. Unfortunately, taking it back might not be a good idea.

On the other hand, just as Gael warned, Nahir's ear perked at the mention of 'Void Master' and 'Master,' coming from Layla and Achim. After that, his mind reeled at a sudden realization, and his scalp tingled in fright.


Nahir initially believed that what Kyran told them was already explaining the whole situation in Somuli. He did not expect that there were still things the latter withheld from them!

Looking at the woman with the same face as Cyneah shook Nahir's very core. He had an inkling that Kyran mostly withheld information about Cyneah. Recalling how this woman seemed to possess a strange ability to affect their emotions, not triggered by her voice, meant she did it by other means. If her magic was similar to Cyneah's, and the latter used hers to heal... it made Nahir wonder what type of support-type magic could affect one's emotions to such a degree.

Nahir's doubts were answered the next second by Layla's response, almost turning him into stone in fear.

"Watch what you say, Somulian. You may have the Void Master's support, but I am the Soul Emperor. If there is one thing that can counter an Ancient magic, it is another Ancient magic."

Not one to be outdone, Achim replied with a deadpan expression, "I am well aware of that, Soul Emperor. Unfortunately, your threats are empty while you remain in the mercy of an Air mage."

Achim's response dealt a blow to Layla's ego. Her brow twitched as she glared daggers at him. Ultimately, she decided to swallow her angry retort and replied, "Fine. I admit I am weak right now, which is why there is no harm in letting me speak with him."

At this point, Gael could no longer hide and reveal himself. Though it was brief, he had been under Layla's control, thus, he could more or less recognize if she was sincere. Moreover, the fact that she did not retort to both Achim's and Malek's provocative remarks showed her willingness to compromise.

Seeing Gael surprised Layla. More importantly, she noticed that he had broken out of her control.


"Unless we confirm your intentions are true, we cannot allow you to meet our Master."

Hearing Gael refer to Kyran as Master made Layla's eyes narrow.

As far as she was concerned, the Ancient magic that could counter Soul magic was Draconic magic because its raw destructive might was useless in front of Soul attacks. On the other hand, Void Magic counters Time Magic. This had been apparent when Kyran and Stella first met, with the latter's magic being useless against the former. Kyran even dared to destroy Stella's Time magic array. Then, Time magic could counter Draconic Magic simply because one could not release their destructive might when time was stopped. Finally, Soul Magic countered the Void because only a direct attack on one's soul could harm the latter. As a matter of fact, this was the true reason Deception's Illusion attack managed to influence Kyran because Illusion magic employed some of the Soul magic's nature.

Because of this, Layla was surprised that Kyran managed to remove her influence on Gael and even convinced him to become his subordinate.

"Gael... So you have betrayed me," Layla tried to stimulate her magic onto Gael and check if she could reawaken her influence over him.

To her dismay, Gael did not react to her words and simply said, "I have long seen the error of my ways and have been reborn. I suggest you do the same; else, we can not allow you to meet our Master."

"I'll think about it if you let me meet him, that is my bottom line. In addition, I will deal with Filren and his company."

All of them exchanged glances.

Since Malek and Noir's purpose was to prevent the death of Achim and the others, having Layla deal with the situation was fine with them. They did not trust her per se, but like what Achim said, even if she tried anything, her weak body constitution would not threaten Kyran.

After a short pause, Achim, Gael, and even Nahir came to a tacit understanding.

"Alright." The one who had spoken was Nahir. He added, "As long as you stop Filren and his company's advance, then you have my word to let you meet the Void Master."

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