Language Cheat Reincarnation – Young Girl VTuber Saves the World

Chapter 281: [Learn Foreign Languages With Dirty Jokes]

Chapter 281: [Learn Foreign Languages With Dirty Jokes]

"Warning: This stream contains a lot of dirty jokes. Please be cautious while viewing."

With this thorough disclaimer out of the way,

I cleared my throat and introduced myself.

“’My words to you!’ Translator Girl Iroha here. As the stream title suggests, today we’re all going to learn foreign languages through dirty jokes!”

≫This sounds like it's going to be terribly educational

≫I can only foresee chaos www

≫Is this okay with Iroha-chan being a minor?

No matter what the plan was, the collab partner was my favorite.

And… there was no way I could refuse a collab invitation from my favorite!

"Alright then… ‘Bancho’! Please introduce yourself.”

The stream showed a whiteboard, a podium, and two VTubers.

When I gestured, she, affectionately known as “Bancho”, introduced herself in a mix of English and Japanese.

“Yo, fuckin' people! My name is—”

Bancho is a VTuber from the same agency as Ah-nee and Angu Ogu.

As you can tell from her English-mixed speech, she's from America.

However, she belongs to a Japanese agency.

When she debuted, there wasn’t an American agency yet.

“Okay. So, let’s get along today.”

“Of course↑, and by the way↑, Iroha-chan is so cute↑! My viewers are all saying so too↑!”

“Ah, thank you.”

“So↑, I think lolicon scumbags should be arrested right away↑.”

“Bancho!? Watch your language!?”

From the get-go, Bancho was throwing sharp lines.

I used to laugh hard when watching as a viewer, but standing on the same side, it’s nerve-wracking!

I hadn't had many chances to collab with her, except for large events.

So this is almost the first time we’re talking one-on-one… and she’s at full throttle from the start.

≫Hey, she’s a minor! Watch your words! www

≫Sorry, sorry, our Bancho is too much!!!!

≫A bit worried about Iroha-chan (U.S.)

“Shut up↑! I make my living like this↑! Even if the other person is the President, I treat them the same way↑!”

“Ahaha, everyone, don’t worry. Actually, I asked her to be [her usual self]. I mean, seeing our usual interactions live… it’s super exciting!”

≫She's happy about it lol (U.S.)

≫Oh right, Iroha-chan's here w

≫Bancho is extreme, but so is Iroha-chan

“Bancho~! I’m a huge fan~! Even in ‘Hakotsuku,’ I rely on your fully upgraded character~!”

Bancho appears in social games like Angog.

Recently, she was implemented as a new top-tier rarity character along with Ah-nee.

“Yo, yo, yo↑! You scumbags↑, this is our valued customer, bow down and lick her boots↑! Iroha-neki↑! Should I lick your feet? Just say the word↑!”

Bancho moved her avatar to Translation Girl Iroha’s feet and made a small bobbing motion.

“Wait, you don’t have to actually lick them!? And what’s Iroha-neki!?”

≫So much for treating everyone the same???

≫Contradiction within a minute lol

≫Treating everyone the same (except for money)

“Phew↑, it tasted good↑! I can taste the membership gift↑!”

“Stop it!? Please, just stop!”

“By the way, Iroha-neki, are you okay?”

“You’re sticking with that name. What do you mean, okay?”

“After that stream, wasn't your mother super angry↑?”

“Gyaaahhh! Don’t remind meeeee!”

The fear resurfaced, making me shiver.

That day was really tough.

Being a repeat offender, there was no leniency.

It was such a severe scolding that I could barely bring myself to talk about it.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”


It was really painful.

Specifically, it was the first time I asked Angog to “pet my head until I stop crying.”

I needed someone to support me to maintain my sanity.

Actually, since that incident, I’ve been gradually relying on her more.

A kiss is still a high hurdle.

But someday…

“Haa~. My mother also found out I was slacking off on studying for social games. If I don’t score really well on the next test, my social games might be taken away.”

“That’s so hard↑… Alright↑! For Iroha-neki’s sake, I’ll help you out by teaching English with dirty jokes↑.”

≫What a natural segue (U.S.)

≫No need to learn English, Iroha-chan’s already fine www

≫Whiteboard: “Finally, it’s my turn”

“So↑, to let Iroha-neki’s viewers know about me↑, I’ll teach based on my introduction↑.”

The cursor moved like a pencil on the whiteboard material.

Bancho wrote [Self-Introduction] at the top of the whiteboard.

“First↑, what I [like] is this↑.”

≫“Shrimping”? What does that mean?

≫Hey!!!! (U.S.)

≫Huh? Is it “shrimp”? Or maybe “catching shrimp” since it looks like a gerund?

“No↑, it’s English slang for [sucking toes↑] in a sexual way↑.”

“Cough, cough!? Bancho-san!?”

I choked. She did it right away!?

Was her foot-licking a foreshadowing!?

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