Kiss With Mr. CEO

Chapter 8 - My request is.......that you marry me

Chapter 8 - My request is.......that you marry me

There were countless newspapers from different media channels. And on the front page of all, there was a photo of Chen Feng kissing him. Written in the bold letter was.

’The heir of Li corporates caught cheating on his fiance’

’Eldest son of Li family, Li Luxian had been seen intimate with a woman for the first time’

’The identity of the woman still unknown. Would Wang Hualing be able to forgive her fiance?’

’Does this event marks the end of a hundred years long alliance between Li and Wang families?’

’One night-strand or an illicit long term affair?’

’Li enterprise stock prices has gone down by two percent in just two days’

It was entirely her fault! The situation was clearly out of control. Chen Feng had no idea what could she do to amend for her sins. Had she known who he was before making that move...

There was no use regretting it now.

"What can I do to mitigate the situation?" If she was to make an enemy of someone like Li Luxian, she wouldn’t last a minute. Her voice was pliant, confirming her complete corporation. "If I give a statement the incident was entirely my fault..."

"Your statement would be of no value, Ms. Chen. They wouldn’t believe it then no matter what evidence you put forth to support it. If anything, it would give further air to their suspicion. The situation is beyond redemption now"

"Mr. Li I’ll do whatever I..."

"Forget about the scandal", he didn’t let her complete her, "What about my smartphone? It was the only one in the entire world sent to me as a present by a friend of mine. You have no idea how much it cost"

Deja Vu.

He had the same words to her just after she had thrown a few petty notes at him. But now his words held an entirely different color.

"I’m sure someone as influential as President Li has the ability to get a thousand smartphones like that!", Chen Feng said with a hint of flattering in her voice, sugar-coating her words.

At that time she was recalled of the time when she had accused him of robbing her and she cursed herself a thousand times.

How could she be such unfortunate?

Out of 7.7 billion people on earth, it had to be him that night?

She felt like Gods were playing some sort of game with her fate to produce something exciting out of her life and kill their boredement.

"Let’s leave aside the phone for now. You can never compensate for the damage caused by the loss of all the valuable data my cell contained", Li Luxian said shaking his head.

Secretary Zhang Xin’s ears bled.

There was no data loss! His boss was clearly lying and yet so fluently and shamelessly.


This man was clearly here to dig a grave for her. Wasn’t he?

Even talking about compensation? What could he possibly get from the broke her?

"To summarise it in one sentence, you have caused damage of ten Millions RMB to me and that’s not counting the expenses required to dispel the rumor"

Chen Feng suffered an HP damage of exact 1000000 points.

"I hope you take responsibility so that we don’t have to get the layers. Though I don’t mind it if you insist, it gets troubling with all the people and media"

She felt herself drowning in an abyss of darkness.

Perhaps it was her end.

Now that his victim was desperate and hopeless, Li Luxian smiled satisfied and worked out his next step to give her a glimpse of hope.


Chen Feng who was already feeling herself drowning into a realm of depression saw that word as the last hope of a dying man.


"You can save the trouble by conceding to a small request of mine"


"Yes, a ’small’ request", Li Luxian said with an enigmatic smile. He knew that his prey couldn’t escape his clutches now.

Seeing that mysterious smile blooming on his face that clearly depicted ’my intentions are all evil and immoral’, Chen Feng’s hands unconsciously raised and covered her front as she took a step back.

"What is it?"

"Ms. Chen, you have a very imaginative mind"

Red crept to Chen Feng’s face as she suddenly realized that the implications of her reaction were too obvious. Due to her white face, her blush was even more emphasized and added to her embarrassment.

Zhang Xin coughed slightly to make his presence obvious when his President wouldn’t stop staring at the blushing woman with a foolish smile.

"Just tell me already. I’ll do it whatever it is", she said timidly looking at that formidable man through her long eyelashes.

At least it would be better than spending the rest of her days under the bars. Or worse, being killed.

"My request is...", Li Luxian looked at her with his deep shimmering eyes, "that you marry me"

Chen Feng’s brain exploded.

Mr. Li, you call that a small request?

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