King’s Awakening

Chapter 5 - Chapter 5 – Chapter 5: All City Lights are Green for Him!

Chapter 5 – Chapter 5: All City Lights are Green for Him!


All eyes landed on David immediately.

David’s legs buckled, and he fell to his knees, mumbling in his heart: It’s over.

“David, effective immediately, you are dismissed!” Jose stated mercilessly.

“Uncle Wyatt, help me, help me, Uncle Wyatt, I’m still your nephew!” David begged on his knees, sniveling and crying, his tears and snot soiled Wyatt’s trouser legs.

“Mr. Wyatt, I also recommend not keeping this man at the airport,” Johnny Atwell, the River North top head, also said.

With a stone-cold expression, Wyatt made the decision to kick David away: “Get lost! From today onwards, I no longer have a nephew like you!”

After White Mitchell got in the car, he hit the gas and headed for the location of the unfamiliar number.

At this moment, he couldn’t care less about these people. In his heart, he only wanted to rescue his adoptive mother!


The homemade armoured vehicle took off at a high speed, instantly disappearing from everyone’s sight.

Almost simultaneously, two combat vehicles from The Patrol arrived at the scene, breaking through the hurdles.

“Where is the person? Where is the adult?”

Life was a jerk. At such a crucial moment, he couldn’t leave because of official duties.

Having missed such an eye-opening event was a regret that would probably stay with him for a lifetime.

“No! I need to do something!”

Isaiah muttered to himself, a glint of shrewdness flashing in his eyes.

“Jose, what’s your license plate number?”

Jose: ???

“Come on, don’t hesitate, it will be too late, hurry up, what’s your license plate number?”

Isaiah urged while Jose looked confused, completely clueless about Isaiah’s intentions. The only one who could probably guess what he was trying to do was Johnny Atwell.

Atwell disdainfully shot a glance at his companion. They had worked together for many years and knew each other so well. How could he not know what Atwell was trying to do.

After getting the license plate number, Isaiah made a call.

“Hello, is this the Traffic Control Center? This is Isaiah, I am now ordering you to lock on a military-green homemade armoured off-road vehicle. The license plate number is…”

Soon enough, a voice came from the other end of the line: “Director, the target vehicle has been located, should we intercept?”

“No! From now on, wherever that car goes, green lights will follow… Forget it, just light up all the green lights in the region he drives into!”

“Dispatch all your people to direct traffic. Make sure this car gets through unimpeded, got it?”

Isaiah gave a direct order. He did this not to curry favor with White Mitchell, he knew that for someone who could be escorted by over a hundred aircraft from the War Department, he is worth making exception for!


The astonished voice on the phone was clearly taken aback. Who could blame him, if it were anyone else, the call would have been taken as a prank.

“Did you not hear what I said?” Isaiah’s voice came over again. The dispatcher jolted to attention and immediately replied, “Understood, we will complete the task!”

A Lamborghini was overtaken, but the young man in the driver’s seat wasn’t irritated. Instead, he felt a bit envious and suddenly found the steering wheel in his hands a bit awkward.

“Pfft, it’s just a domestic car, right? I still find your Lamborghini more comfortable. Even though it’s a bit cramped, I really like it.”

In the passenger seat of the Lamborghini sat a heavily made-up woman, her collar open almost down to her navel, revealing a lot of skin.

Worse, she kept making provocative moves, and her words made it hard for people not to have impure thoughts.

“Get out! Fuck, is a domestic armoured vehicle something you can criticize? You’re dragging down my taste. Get out!”

The woman: ???

Thud! Who would have expected that she’d be kicked out of a rich playboy’s Lamborghini for mocking a domestic car?

Who could have expected that, who…

As soon as the car door shut, the woman was harshly pushed out of the car, left standing dazed in place.

This must be crazy, fucking crazy, who could have seen this coming?

“Fuck! No sense of awareness, hanging around me is only going to get me killed sooner or later!”

Even afterwards, the rich heir in Lamborghini kept incessantly muttering to himself.

Not long after, the rich heir’s phone rang: “Mr. Herb, what’s going on? Baby said you kicked her out of the car, the poor girl’s on the side of the road crying. What did she do to upset you?”

“Amanda, never introduce me to these thoughtless people again, they’re going to get me killed!”

“Can’t even recognize the Brave car, short-sighted. Lucky she was in my car. If a deliberate person heard, who knows what kind of trouble it could stir.”

The voice on the phone responded, sounding puzzled, “A Brave car?”

“What, Amanda, you don’t know either? Fine, just stop introducing girls to me in the future. I have to go, the light’s green, green…”


The rich heir paused, finding it hard to believe his eyes as he watched the newly red light suddenly turn green.

He knew this road well, the red light usually lasted fifty seconds. But it had been less than ten seconds and it had already turned green?

Beep beep beep…

The honking from behind startled the rich heir out of his thoughts. He gaped at the Brave car already tens of meters ahead, a thought began to wildly grow in his mind.


The rich heir floored the gas pedal, quickly following after the Brave car.

Soon enough, a second traffic light came into view; it was red. There were still thirty odd seconds on the countdown, but within no time at all…

The green light suddenly shone brightly!

“What the hell!!!”

The rich heir suddenly yelled out. This time he watched carefully as the red light turned green the moment the Brave car reached the intersection.

Without a second thought, the rich heir floored the gas pedal again, closely following the Brave car.

In less than five minutes, another traffic light appeared ahead.

The rich heir knew, in the busy city, the number of traffic lights could be maddening, especially for women drivers.

No one could possibly speed through all of them. At least three or four lights would have to be waited for.

Now he had the chance to confirm his theory.


Vroom vroom…

The rich heir was absolutely relieved. If he had been as blindly ignorant as that woman, or like the other brainless heirs showing off to flaunt their wealth, he could just imagine…

The rich heir didn’t dare to continue the thought. Anyone with such power was definitely not someone he could afford to provoke!

Without hesitation, the rich heir decisively pulled over to the side of the road. He watched as the speeding Brave car whizzed by, doing absolutely nothing.

Its horsepower, endurance, and mobility outclassed any of the flashy cars made just to show off on the market.

This was precisely the reason why ordinary people couldn’t handle it. Only trained soldiers could tame such a wild and untameable vehicle!

They were the only ones worthy to drive it!

At that moment, the rich heir was extremely shocked, deeply shocked, further realizing that he had missed something in all of this.

While the rich heir was stunned, White Mitchell was driving the Brave car out of the city, heading towards the suburban roads. There were no traffic lights here, just a muddy path, but White Mitchell’s speed remained unaffected.

“Report, sir, the Brave car has reached the outskirts, our cars can’t keep up!”

“Outskirts? What’s he doing in the outskirts? Check if anything’s happened there recently!”

The outskirts were characterized by either rural villages or villas, so why on earth would such an important person go there?

Isaiah hung up the phone, feeling a vague unease. It was as if a dark cloud was hanging over his head, an ominously oppressive force that refuse to be dismissed no matter how hard he tried…

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