King of Beasts

Chapter 17: The Theory of Evolution

Pet beast skill development branches into four major directions: energy release, energy flow, energy shaping, and energy compression!

The foundation of these four developmental paths is energy overlay!

Every pet beast, with simple training, can awaken the energy within and overlay it onto their body, thereby enhancing their own strength. This is the most fundamental application of energy for a pet beast.

Depending on the attribute, the effects of energy overlay on the body differ.

Overlaying rock-type energy can bolster defense, while wind-type energy can increase movement speed… Each attribute has its unique effect.

However, this simplest use of energy cannot play a decisive role in the outcome of a battle.

To secure victory, one must master more advanced applications of energy…

“General Ha can now overlay attribute-less energy onto his body. I wonder if he can still do it after awakening to wind-type,” Lu Ran mused to himself.

Indeed, energy overlay is fundamental. After reaching level 3, General Ha, on his own, grasped this skill during battle, as have many creatures in the secret realm.

When everyone knows something, naturally, it no longer has a decisive impact on victory.

Upon mastering the basic ‘energy overlay,’ depending on the choice made, four advanced applications extend from it…

Firstly, energy release; energy is a part of the pet beast’s body, and they can easily manipulate it when it is attached to their form. However, when energy is released from the body, control over it is lost. But some exceptionally talented pet beasts, through training, can not only discharge energy for long-range attacks but also control the trajectory of the released energy, exerting a suppressive effect on the enemy!

Energy release is a compulsory course for every pet beast that desires to possess a long-range attack method.

Lu Ran contemplated and then nodded in agreement.

Having long-range attack capabilities indeed holds significant importance in battle.

Energy release skills are like the long-range moves seen in animations and games, similar to the energy blasts commonly featured.

Secondly, energy flow; this involves manipulating energy to make the overlay on one’s body flow rapidly, like the currents of rivers and seas. Compared to static energy overlay, flowing energy can significantly amplify various enhancement effects on oneself.

With proficient use, one can achieve rapid-fire skills and instant casting effects.

Hmm? Lu Ran quickly understood as he read.

He made a comparison: it’s roughly the difference between old-fashioned bows and arrows and a submachine gun.

One requires charging for each shot, while the latter… allows for continuous firing.

In other words, if there is a cooldown period between skills, then mastering energy flow could reduce skill cooldown times!

“This direction is also very important…”

Thirdly, energy shaping; energy is formless, and basic energy is as weak as a breeze. However, through changing its form, energy can be materialized.

Materialized energy can maximize the properties of the energy itself.

The handbook on beast taming provided many examples.

For instance, with wind-type energy overlay on the body, a pet beast can shape it into a pair of wings of wind, thereby gaining the ability to fly.

Or with ice-type energy wrapped around the hand, a pet beast can shape it into a solid ice blade weapon, enhancing its lethality.

Lu Ran pondered, feeling this was also a technique not to be overlooked.

Fourthly, energy compression; energy has different qualities, and a pet beast can release vast energy, then compress it to the extreme to enhance its quality and gain greater strength.

A cautionary note: this technique requires great control and a robust physical constitution, as energy compressed multiple times becomes highly volatile and puts a tremendous strain on the body. It is very dangerous; if it explodes, the resulting destructive force is astonishing, potentially causing significant self-harm while inflicting heavy damage on the enemy.

Energy release, flow, shaping, and compression are the four advanced applications of energy. These methods are not in conflict and can be combined in pairs, such as shaping and release. For example, a pet beast can shape ice-type energy into ice spears and then release them, resulting in a long-range ice spear attack. This is the rudimentary form of a skill. The responsibility of a beastmaster is to choose the right energy application techniques based on the learning talents of their pet beast, helping them combine these into skills!

“Seems like skills do indeed have to be developed by oneself,” Lu Ran thought, stroking his chin.

At first, he had assumed that pet beasts would automatically learn skills upon leveling up.

Now, thinking about it, General Ha and the like have only just touched the supernatural. Their species bloodlines don’t possess any formidable legacies, so starting from scratch is normal.

The information at hand was undoubtedly very helpful for Lu Ran. For General Ha, a wind-type, shaping was a definite skill to learn without a second thought.

After all, it concerns General Ha’s ability to fly…

As for release… that’s also very useful. Lacking long-range attack capabilities simply won’t do.

Instead of General Ha going in for a direct bite, spitting out a wind orb comparable to a storm would be much cooler.

Energy compression… that’s useful too!

Worried about the strain on the body causing injury? That’s the least of their concerns with the divine deer pendant!

Self-destructive fighting style? General Ha already got quite proficient with it in the novice secret realm…

Flow is about sustained combat capability, which is also very important.

“Looking at it this way, each direction of energy application is crucial; they all need to be practiced…”

However, these four directions are still relatively basic concepts.

Lu Ran narrowed his eyes and continued reading, only then realizing what truly constitutes the core element that determines a pet beast’s combat strength!

Energy application is something any pet beast can practice. It all depends on effort and talent.

But what follows… is related to evolution! It’s the greatest opportunity for every creature, a chance to change their destiny!

Every 10 levels up, a pet beast can awaken a new attribute or carry a new trait through special resources.

By awakening new attributes, a pet beast can gain a second, third, fourth attribute…

And these so-called traits are similar to ‘special abilities’.

Traits such as ‘Amplification’ allow a pet beast to freely control its size, becoming either a gigantic creature or a mini pet.

The ‘Sun’ trait enables a fire-type pet beast to transform its fire-type energy into ‘Sunflame’, possessing a far more terrifying temperature.

The ‘Vibration’ trait allows a pet beast’s attacks to carry a vibrational effect, thereby enhancing its destructive power.

The ‘Divine Loong’ trait grants a pet beast the characteristics of a dragon…

Traits are diverse and numerous, with endless possibilities. The combat strength of a pet beast without traits is significantly different from that of one with traits.

Most importantly, ‘attributes’ and ‘traits’ determine the direction of a pet beast’s evolution. Whenever a pet beast acquires a new trait or undergoes an awakening of a new attribute, it raises its species level.

Furthermore, when the count of new attributes + traits reaches three, a pet beast can experience ‘evolution’, undergoing a significant transformation in form and greatly enhancing its species level, thereby gaining stronger attributes.

This means that a pet beast has two opportunities for evolution at level 30 and level 60.

However, the resources for awakening new attributes and the trait crystals required to bestow traits are extremely rare, only dropping with a small probability in abyss-level secret realms, which is the ultimate goal for Beast Tamers.


“Traits, new attributes, damn.” Lu Ran could no longer contain his excitement about delving into the secret realm. Throughout the text, the evolution of General Ha seemed the most enticing aspect, but all this seemed too far out of reach.

He found even the simple-level newcomer secret realm challenging, let alone an abyss dungeon.

For now, he should focus on training General Ha in the four directions of energy application.

Lu Ran spent half an hour poring over the Basic Beast Taming Handbook, wearing out the information inside. Apart from basic knowledge about Beast Tamers and pet beasts, it also covered some common knowledge about secret realms, teaming up, and lifestyle Beastmasters.

After finishing this, Lu Ran felt he had only just begun to understand Infinite City and Beast Tamers.


Next, Lu Ran was going to flip through the handbook again, but suddenly, a familiar sound reached his ears.

Lu Ran looked surprised, pulled out the black card, and confirmed that the sound was coming from it.

Had General Ha woken up?


With a casual wave from Lu Ran, a well-rested General Ha was summoned, bustling around him energetically.

“Seriously? You fought all day, slept for just over an hour, and you’re good to go?”


General Ha’s blue eyes looked eagerly at Lu Ran, its single tuft of hair on its head wobbling constantly.

Mainly, it was hungry again.

Lu Ran: “…”

“Wait, never mind the food for now, you’re awake at just the right time!” Lu Ran’s eyes lit up.

He was holding a skill card for “Super Beast Mimicry,” and pondered for a moment.

A beastmaster could only learn one beast taming skill at each level.

On reflection, this Super Beast Mimicry didn’t seem too bad. General Ha could fight and heal its own wounds. On the other hand, it was crucial for him to enhance his own combat power.

Therefore, Lu Ran didn’t feel that learning Super Beast Mimicry at the apprentice stage was a disadvantage.

On the contrary, he found the skill to be excellent, especially suitable for his current newbie stage. After all, the most painful thing for a beastmaster was to be beheaded, an utterly ruthless rule of the game.

It was like when he and the old-man were bug fighting in the park. His bugs were about to win when the old-man played dirty, knocking him out cold. Who could he even complain to about that?

As for the concern of becoming more like General Ha after learning the skill… Lu Ran already had an idea!

Name: Passerby A (Lu Ran)

Species: Human

Level: Apprentice

Beast Taming Skill: Super Beast Mimicry

Learning a beast taming skill was simple. Activate the skill card, and the card would vanish. Then, the information about Super Beast Mimicry appeared in Lu Ran’s mind.

Afterward, General Ha, sensing something amiss, watched as Lu Ran took out two swords, a wooden sword and a custom-made iron-slashing sword.


General Ha looked at Lu Ran.

“Take it, hold it in your mouth.”

“Do you remember the sword techniques I taught you before?”

Lu Ran stuffed the wooden sword into General Ha’s mouth, instructing it to bite down, while he himself held the iron-slashing sword. Man and beast faced each other, continuing their standoff.

Previously, Lu Ran had mentioned that General Ha’s personality was somewhat similar to that of a defiant individual.

Additionally, the deep communication between Lu Ran and General Ha made for a powerful team.

Thus, Lu Ran often enjoyed putting General Ha through unconventional training not typical for a dog.

For example, learning swordsmanship alongside him.

After all, ancient historical texts recorded that fierce warriors would clench treasured swords in their teeth, staring down their enemies with a fierce glare, the sword hilt resting in their mouths to increase their power.

Plainly speaking, Lu Ran wanted General Ha to channel the spirit of those legendary warriors.

General Ha was already quite adept at slashing movements, but such skills in a dog were of little practical value and could even lead to self-injury.

However, times have changed; it’s now an era of harnessing energy!

“I had planned to forge a meteoric iron sword from the meteorite mine for self-defense,” Lu Ran mused.

“Now, I’ve had a change of heart. When it’s forged, you shall wield it.”

“Meteoric iron swords have excellent energy conductivity and enhancement effects. It would be a waste for me to use it, but perfect for you.”

“Strive to become a swordsman dog, and I will mirror your sword techniques to gain the abilities akin to a beast swordsman. Perfect.”

Lu Ran felt like a genius.

“Errr…” General Ha, sword in mouth, looked utterly incredulous. It didn’t fully understand, but it got the gist: was it to resume its former training? However, it always felt that making a dog practice swordsmanship wasn’t a human thing to do. This grudge, it noted.

“Anything is possible,” Lu Ran declared with an air of righteousness. “We’re both ‘evolving,’ attempting to break the mold. Those who follow the trodden path will end up the most ordinary! Think about it, your wind-type energy release, combined with the sword in your mouth, would create sword qi, wouldn’t it? Who says dogs can’t wield swords!”

General Ha looked on with newfound respect. Sword qi? What was that? It sounded impressive.

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