Kill the Hero

Chapter 141 – Dullahan (1)

Chapter 141 – Dullahan (1)

Translator: Seven

Editor: Ana_Banana

Until they enter the dungeon gate, players don’t know exactly what’s inside a dungeon.

Therefore, players make various kinds of agreements before hitting the dungeon.

The same was true for the Forest of the Dead dungeon. The players who were participating in the dungeon had made agreements beforehand.

If the first floor of the dungeon had a monster hunting quest, then let’s choose our directions in advance so that their movements wouldn’t overlap.

So when the quest to hunt 22,222 monsters appeared, the players simply moved in their previously agreed directions without any disagreements.

But the agreements ended there.

There were specific agreements after that.

All they had to do was hunt as many monsters as they could before the quest ended, but there was no agreement on the method or process with which to hunt the monsters or any detailed movements.

It was impossible to agree in advance


“What’s that?”

Therefore the members of the Great One Guild weren’t too surprised when they found a pile of monster corpses in front of them.

“Skeleton Soldiers?”

And the Great One Guild’s members weren’t too surprised when they found a Skeleton Soldier standing among the corpses.

“Isaac Ivanov?”

“It’s Isaac!”

They shouted out the name of the Skeleton Soldier’s master.

“It’s Isaac?”

The cries drew Ellis Highton’s attention.

Ellis stepped out of the thick fog, her turquoise eyes seeming to pierce through it.

Behind her, hounds made up of spirits of Fire and Ice appeared one after the other.


The creatures growled eerily as they came from all directions out of the thick fog.


At the same time, a large number of skeletons began appearing with flames burning in their eyes.

Then from among the skeletons, a person wearing a skeleton mask also appeared.

“Isaac Ivanov.”

Ellis Highton repeated the name of her opponent.

After she said the name, there was a deep silence.

The atmosphere was tense.

But there was no conflict.

“It looks like our paths manage to overlap.”

“Looks like it.”

The two only had a simple conversation without any hint of competitiveness.

As mentioned before, the only thing that they had agreed on, was the directions they were heading. There were no agreements about their process or subsequent movements since there was no way for them to agree on that.

In the first place, when hunting it was possible to change your direction while chasing a monster.

Instead, it was quite normal for the movement paths to overlap while tracking down monsters.

“I didn’t notice you because of the heavy fog. I would have said something if I’d seen you earlier.”

Furthermore, the first floor of the dungeon was covered in thick fog which reduced visibility considerably.

Therefore the situation where two parties met each other was inevitable.

“Well, it can’t be helped.”

After that small conversation, they went their separate ways.

Of course, the short conversation didn’t mean that they had no thoughts toward each other.


This was evidenced by the fact that Ellis kept staring at Isaac Ivanov’s back as he disappeared with his skeleton soldiers.

No matter how one looked at it, her eyes were like a beast whose territory had been invaded.

It was this moment that the fierce battle for territory began.


This was an expression that was conveniently used to classify players who had the Listener of All Things as their halo and their ability to communicate with spirits was literally in the name.

However, among the players, the evaluation of Spiritualists wasn’t very good.

There were several reasons for that.

Most Spiritualists could only make a contract with one type of spirit. They have excellent fighting abilities, but the consumption of their magic power to maintain that fighting ability was too high.

Apart from skill rank they also needed to be born with a high spirit affinity and they needed the ability to materialize their imagination.

In other words, there were too many conditions.

However, the combat ability of a spiritualist who was able to satisfy all of these conditions was so high that they were practically equal to five or six players who had the Keeper of the Knowledge Fountain as their halo.

It was Trinity, the Guild Master of the Great One Guild, who proved that fact.

With her own hands, she proved how terrifying a Spiritualist could be when they perfectly utilised three different types of spirits.

Hence the power of Ellis Highton who was called Trinity’s successor was already far above most players at the same level.


And now she was showing that to the group of Orcs that she was facing.


The spirits, who received her orders, rushed forward to have a fierce battle with the Orcs, together with the tanks.



The Orcs were confused by the appearance of these creatures and tried to attack them.

However, the Orcs attack on the creatures made of fire spirits was the same as hitting fire with a stick.


It was just like striking air.

However, the hounds bit the Orcs, slashed their arms, burned their skin and froze their souls.


This caused even the Orcs with strong wills to cry out in pain.

The Ellis shouted once more.



After her shout, one of the spirit creatures exploded, creating a very chaotic battlefield.

It was as if a grenade had exploded.

But that was only the beginning.



Afterwards, she detonated more of the spirit creatures that she’d created, including the ones that were still attached to the Orcs.

Naturally, that was the end of the battle.

“Stand back!”

“Run away!”

The other members of her team quickly escaped this ridiculous display of firepower. (TL: and reckless)

When the battle was over, the members of the Great One Guild were greeted with the sight of a battlefield where not even a single complete corpse could be found.

“No matter how many times I see it, it scares me.”

It was as that person said, this level of destruction was beyond frightening.

“With this much firepower, not to mention 3 Floors, but even 4 Floor dungeons would not be a problem.”

‘It’s not the best class, but it truly is overwhelming.’

This was why the faces of all the members present were stiff.

Of course, Ellis’ reaction was different.

She gave a bright smile when faced with the destruction she’d caused. (TL: Art…is an explosion…)

‘With the combination of King Arthur’s Ring and Merlin’s Staff, I could definitely challenge 4 Floor dungeons.’

In a world where strength was the ultimate truth and goal, there was no reason for her to be upset.

‘The only one who managed to clear a 4 Floor before level 100 was…the Savior Lee Se-jun.’

Furthermore, her control of herself enabled her to still keep the world’s strongest in mind.

After all, it was the strength she wanted to gain.

“Get ready to continue hunting!”

Naturally, she urged her team to prepare for the next hunt.

She was trying to find victims to unleash an overflow of violence.

It was then.


A roar from a monster in the distance sounded in the ears of all the members from the Great One Guild.

“A battle!”

“There’s a battle ahead!”

There was no one there who couldn’t understand what those sounds meant.

Furthermore, the team had a good idea of who it might be.

They could guess it even in their sleep.

“I can’t believe Isaac Ivanov…”

It was Isaac Ivanov because there were no other groups who managed to cross paths with them.

Furthermore, it wasn’t the first time that they’d heard these sounds.

“Wasn’t he hunting somewhere else a while ago? Is he hunting in front of us now?”

“You’re saying he’s ahead of us?”

“This is already the third…”

It was the third time, not the first or the second.

In other words, this was the third time that Isaac Ivanov had overtaken the Great One Guild.

When their thoughts had reached to that point, the eyes of every member on the team turned to Ellis and they could see.

“Get ready for the next hunt.”

The gaze of a fierce beast.

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