Kaiju Maker in Another World

Chapter 205: An Island Warped by Darkness

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--- Chapter 202 ---

Yu Long played with the Primordial Sin Divine Sword and heard a faint voice. He smirked slightly because this sealed devil actually dared to influence him with negligible interest. 

It's like trying to bribe a millionaire with a penny. 

He threw the silverish-black long sword to the ground and waited for his people to finish the job. He could hear the devil furiously shouting profanity at him but ignored it. 

Three minutes later. 

Xu Nannan and others casually walked out of the ruined Supreme Ocean Palace. The whole island is tilting to the left because of them.

Xu Nannan grinned happily with bloody fists. One could tell that thrashing the Supreme Ocean Palace's Ruler to a pulp was satisfying from her joyful look. 

Yu Long shook his head gently, "I felt somewhat bad for the Supreme Ocean Palace. They shouldn't have offended my grandma." 

"Anyway... The Four Great Sacred Grounds' matter is over today." 

"With that, the only things left were the remaining five nations, some sects and factions, and then bam. The Profound Sky Continent would become mine completely." 

"No, there is one more place." Yu Long gazed beyond the Supreme Ocean Palace. To be exact, one thousand five hundred kilometers south of the southern edge.

A lone island was 'literally' barricaded with countless layers of seals. 

Yet Extreme Yin(Darkness) still saturated the surrounding area like a corroding poison. 

"Yu Long, we are back." Xu Sanshan announced while dragging a half-dead man. 

In fact, Yu Long recognized this dying man very well. 

The dying man is Zi Ji, the leader of the Black Moon Merchant Guild. He's also the constant source of Four Great Sacred Grounds' information with his wide-spread networks. 

Unfortunately, even with those networks, he couldn't predict the downfall of Four Great Sacred Grounds. 

"Zi Ji, I didn't expect to meet you like this." Yu Long looked down with a smile.

"You Devil!" Zi Ji snarled. "You killed my wife!"

"After I die, I will become a ghost and haunt all of you!" 

Xu Nannan snorted and kicked Zi Ji's head, "Shut your filthy mouth. That's my grandson you're talking to, hmph." 

"Also, your wife deserved to die." 

"Why are you guys bringing him here?" Yu Long asked. 

Xu Sanshan chuckled and replied, "Although the Black Moon Merchant Guild is inferior to your wealth, they are still worth robbing. So, your in-laws and grandma decided to keep this guy alive for a little longer until everything fell into our hands." 

"Yes, the Black Moon Merchant Guild has accumulated quite a wealth over a thousand years." Feng Tianwei nodded in agreement.

Feng Hengkong sighed, "It would be a waste to kill Zi Ji without extracting those resources first." 

'You guys are just greedy.' Yu Long thought to himself. But again, Yu Long couldn't blame them because the Black Moon Merchant Guild was indeed the wealthiest faction on the surface. 

Yu Long rubbed his chin, "What would you guys do next?" 

"Finish the rest of the nations." Feng Hengkong answered straightforwardly.

"We should strike the iron while it's hot." 

"Okay, then." Yu Long agreed with his intention.

He looked at the remaining monarch-level experts from the Lost Heaven Sect and Shadow Realm and ordered, "Split into five groups, and follow my father-in-law's order to conquer the five nations." 

"This... I don't think this is appropriate, Yu Long." Feng Hengkong is many times weaker than these experts. To have control over them is something he couldn't imagine in his life. 

Yu Long smiled at him, "This is just a temporary handover. I still have things to do after this, fathers-in-law." 

"So, I cannot accompany you and others." 

"Then, I will not stand a ceremony." Feng Hengkong smiled back. He couldn't contain his happiness for having such a good son-in-law. 

"What about you, grandma, grandpa, and grandfather-in-law?" Yu Long glanced at Xu Nannan and two elders. 

"Brat, you didn't ask me?" Yun Canghai pointed at himself.

"You're not important." 


"Damn it!" 

Xu Nannan giggled and responded, "I'd like to rest after this stressful event. And your grandpa would be with me the entire day." 

"I will begin to interrogate Zi Ji." Feng Tianwei answered while looking down at the pitiful fellow below. 

"Hmph, then I will follow the Divine Phoenix Emperor." Yun Canghai chimed in, even though Yu Long didn't ask. 

After hearing their replies, Yu Long nodded and sent them to their destinations with the help of Primordial Profound Ark. 

Xu Sanshan walked to the portal with his wife and shouted, "Don't forget to give me the Primordial Sin Divine Sword back later!" 

"Yes, you don't have to remind me." Yu Long waved his hand lightly. 

With that, Yu Long is alone on the Primordial Profound Ark's deck. No, there is a devil inside the Primordial Sin Divine Sword that he could talk with. 

Unfortunately, this devil is just your typical annoying young master. 

"Fuck, this prince will throw you the deepest part of hell when I come out!" 

"You hairless brat!" 

"Just you wait!" 

"How noisy..." Yu Long dug his ears. 

He lifted the Primordial Sin Divine Sword with mental power and let it burn above a small mutated Phoenix's Flame. And Yu Long made sure the flame wouldn't melt the sword. 

Well, a Divine Sword wouldn't melt under this kind of temperature.

"Argh!" The devil inside roared in pain. 

Yu Long smirked, "If you keep misbehaving. I won't reunite you with your family." 

"You what-! ARRRGHHH!" 


Yu Long steered the Primordial Profound Ark to the lone island beyond the Supreme Ocean Palace and hummed casually. It only takes a couple of seconds for him to reach his destination. 

When Yu Long saw a decently big island with a dark-coated dome of sealing arrays, he jumped off the Primordial Profound Ark. 


All the sealing arrays that the Supreme Ocean Palace set and preserved on the island for years were 'literally' shattered by Yu Long's casual dropkick. 

Swoosh~! BOOOOOM!

An immense dark aura exploded, spewing dark gas into the surroundings like no tomorrow. Ten thousand miles of area tarnished with dark clouds in mere seconds. 

As a matter of fact, the surrounding area is not only dark but also filled with an evil aura. 

Yu Long was naturally unaffected by these things and indifferently landed on the island. He activated his vision-enhancing skills and raised his brow as there was no living being nearby. 

According to his memory, this island is called the Moon Slaughter Devil Nest. It was 'actually' guarded by the Supreme Ocean Palace since the holy land existed.

The island contains a large cave, the source of terrifying yin energy. The cave is the home of the Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign, the King of the Eternal Night Devil Clan.

He's also the father of the devil inside the Primordial Sin Divine Sword. 

Technically speaking, Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign is also the ancestor of the Eternal Night Royal Family's bloodline. 

"F-Father?" A Devil's trembling voice comes from the Primordial Sin Divine Sword. 

"Hmm?" Yu Long looked up ahead and finally sensed a presence. 

Of course, it's not an ordinary presence because it consists of pure darkness. 

Yes, even purer than Yu Long's Yin Energy from cultivating the Art of Ghosts. 

At the Divine Phoenix Palace, Shizu and Yuyan sensed the extreme darkness. 

"Master, finally found it, huh?" Shizu mumbled to herself. 

"I expected this to happen sooner or later, but can he withstand it?" 

Yuyan suddenly appeared near Shizu and questioned, "What are you talking about, Shizu? Is the master in danger?" 

Shizu sighed, "No, not really." 

"With his [Kaiju Maker] and strong mind, Master shouldn't be affected by that heavenly treasure." 


"But what? Don't keep me in suspense!" Yuyan grabbed Shizu's shoulders and shook her. 

"But I'm afraid he would be a little bored," Shizu answered weakly. 



Moon Slaughter Devil Nest.

"Damn, what is this?" Yu Long curiously gazed at the towering figure before him. 

The creature was nearly five meters tall, black light radiating from its body. Its skin was a deep gray color, while its hair was bone-white, trailing all the way to its skinny feet.

At the same time, a pair of deep gray eyes locked on Yu Long. 

And those eyes want nothing but destruction. 

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