Kaiju Maker in Another World

Chapter 196: Sword Spirit God Clan

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--- Chapter 193 ---

"Sky... Poison Pearl..."

A hoarse voice suddenly reverberated inside the fortress. Yu Long and Feng Xue'er blinked a few times, watching dust swirling into a woman figure.

The woman figure's appearance was obscure as they could only see her imperial green robe and the lower half of her face. Even then, that lower half is exceedingly attractive with those pale yet inviting rose lips.

Even then, Yu Long found this woman incredibly sad.

The woman pointed her finger at Yu Long's left hand and said, "Sky Poison Pearl..."

Her voice is trembling.


Sobs escaped her sore throat.

"Save her, save Wanhu."

Feng Xue'er couldn't look at this sight and grabbed the corner of Yu Long's sleeve. "Big Brother..." She has a pleading look on her face.

"You still haven't learned, huh? Xue'er." Yu Long teased while pinching her little nose. "Do not trust a stranger."

"What if this woman was a bad person?"

"I know, but..." Feng Xue'er hesitantly peeked at the sobbing woman. The more she looked at it, the more sympathetic she felt.

It is just who Feng Xue'er is.

She's a pure and kind princess with a golden heart.

Even though Feng Xue'er has learned the 'bad' side of the world, she couldn't just stay quiet near the pleas of the unfortunate. Not to mention, Feng Xue'er didn't feel any evil presence from this woman.

"I will reward you!" The woman frantically shouted. "I can give you control over the Spirit World of Heaven and Earth!"

"Are you talking about this Primordial Profound Ark?" Yu Long furrowed his brows.


"If you saved Wanhu, this Primordial Profound Ark will be yours!"

"The Sword Spirit God Clan no longer exists, so there is no use in holding this artifact..."

Feng Xue'er used a puppy's eyes technique on Yu Long, which was very effective.

"Fine, I have made a promise with Evil God anyway." Yu Long's words shocked the woman.

"Y-You..." The woman trembled upon a realization.

Yu Long stepped forward and tapped the coffin where the other half of Evil God's daughter slept for god-know how long. A familiar poison burst out when he opened the coffin, which made the woman and Feng Xue'er gasp.

"There is The Absolute God Slaying Poison inside. Hurry up and close the Coffin of Eternity! You can't carelessly handle this poison."

"It's fine." Yu Long waved his hand casually. "I can't let the other half of his daughter be in such a state."

After saying that, Yu Long used Sky Poison Pearl's Purification and [Kaiju Maker]'s extraction on full blast. A vortex appeared on his left palm and sucked the Absolute God Slaying Poison inside Evil God's Daughter.

It was such a miraculous sight.


"Even though the Sky Poison Pearl can cleanse Absolute God Slaying Poison, it shouldn't be this fast."

"You said you made a promise with Evil God earlier..." The woman stared at Yu Long's back solemnly. "A-Are you telling the truth?"

Yu Long didn't even bother to open his mouth as he casually showed the woman Evil God's Fire and Water Seeds. Her rosy lips parted into an "O" shape when she saw shiny red and blue rocks.

"Are you perhaps Evil God's inheritor?" The sadness in the woman's heart dissipated and was 'quickly' replaced with excitement.

"Technically, yes. But no." Yu Long answered ambiguously.

"What do you mean?"

"His legacy is too shabby for me."

"..." The woman was speechless.

What do you mean by Evil God's legacy is too shabby? He was one of the Creation Gods!

Yu Long didn't care about the woman's shock. He's simply stating the truth here. Evil God's Beserk Attribute and Elemental Prowess aren't very appealing for him.

Don't get Yu Long wrong. Those traits are strong. Nonetheless, are they stronger than aspects he could cherry-pick from his personal 'Ancestral God' Maid, Shizu?

Yu Long focused on treating the little girl's poison and ordered Shizu to bring Ni Yeyue and Su Ling'er here. He wanted to see the reaction between two separated souls.

"Hmm, what is this?" As Yu Long extracted half of the poison, he noticed something was wrong with this little girl's soul. It was a complete soul!

He glanced at the woman and questioned, "Hey, why did her soul complete? I thought Evil God only asked you guys to take care of his daughter?"

The woman covered her mouth in shock because Yu Long could notice the nature of her princess's soul. She stared at Yu Long's golden eyes and slowly responded, "Evil God did, but the Sword Spirit God Clan's Patriarch doted on the Evil God's daughter so much and even treated her like his true daughter."

"So, he completed her soul with the Sword Spirit God Clan's secret technique and made her part of us."

"That day, Evil God's daughter became Sword Spirit God Clan's princess, Ling Wanhu..."

"However, the Devil Race caught wind of this news and targeted us as their first Absolute God Slaying Poison's victim. Unfortunately, they succeeded, and the Sword Spirit God Clan is no more."

"I've been operating Spirit World of Heaven and Earth for years, waiting for the new owner of Sky Poison Pearl to arrive. This lower star is created by the Evil God himself, so I know the Sky Poison Pearl would be here sooner or later. Finally, today is the day."

"I see..." Yu Long digested her words a bit.

"Do you have a name?"

The woman was stunned by his question.

Then, she shook her head and replied, "I'm nothing but a lingering soul now. I've cast aside my existence to operate the Spirit World of Heaven and Earth and help the princess..."

"You said the Devil Race targeted your clan, right? Did they know the Evil God's Daughter's identity?" Yu Long frowned.

"No, they purely targeted us because our Sword Spirit God Clan's ability is a literal counter to Devil Race."

"And what ability is that?"

"Sword Spirit God Clan's members can turn into a sword. They are deeply related to the Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword, and the evidence of that is their ability to wield Light Elements upon transformation." A familiar voice suddenly entered the fortress.

"And as you know, Devil Race hates Light Elements."

"Woah, this place is so big~!" Another cheerful voice followed.

"Teacher, teacher, you're right. Yeyue, I can feel Big Brother's presence!"

The woman turned around and saw a white-haired woman in a black maid's dress. On each side, there are two girls.

"Who are you?" She scowled at the new maid.

Shizu giggled, "Now, now, don't be aggressive. I'm just a maid with extensive knowledge."

"Well, Master. What do we have here." Her eyes locked on the girl inside a crystal coffin.

"Yet another daughter of Evil God, and her condition isn't any better than Yeyue."

Ni Yeyue hovered in the air and stared at the red-haired girl in the crystal coffin. Tears instinctively welled in her eyes because seeing this girl felt like a reunion for her.

The woman was shocked when seeing Ni Yeyue. A word couldn't describe her surprise.

"You don't have to guess. Yeyue is the other half of your princess." Yu Long answered right away. "I took her under my care not too long ago."

"Hmph, you left us for weeks, Bad Big Brother!" Su Ling'er complained to Yu Long.

Then, she comforted Ni Yeyue by hugging and wiping her tears.

"Haha, my bad. I will take you to Silver Lake City later." Yu Long chuckled helplessly.

"Yey! Don't be sad, Yeyue. Big Brother said he would take us to Silver Lake City!" Su Ling'er grabbed her friend's hand.

Ni Yeyue didn't say anything, and her eyes were still watery, but she did feel slightly better.

"Do you need my help, Master?" Shizu asked while standing beside Yu Long.

"No. If you want to help me, keep that woman alive. She's a good specimen for my research."

"Understood!" Shizu turned around and smiled at the woman.

"What are you going to do?" The woman raised her guard.

"Hehe, don't worry. I wouldn't do anything bad." Shizu flashed and gently tapped her finger against the woman's forehead.

"Though, I hope you don't measure my master's kindness lightly."

"Remember, you're the only survivor of Sword Spirit God Clan's pure member in this era."

As the woman's world turned upside down, the red-haired girl in the coffin opened her eyes and revealed a pair of vermillion eyes.


The red-haired girl yawned carefreely.

"Where am I?"

"Hmm, why did my head feel funny?"

The girl blinked a few times and stared at Yu Long, "Woah, there is a handsome big brother here!"

"..." The corner of Yu Long's mouth twitched upon hearing the girl's first few lines after waking up from her deep slumber. Evil God, your daughter is something else.

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