Kaiju Maker in Another World

Chapter 183: Phoenix God's Last Cry

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--- Chapter 180 ---

Yu Long stared at Feng Xue'er blankly and then chuckled, "Phoenix God, huh? It seems you have a misunderstanding about my origin." 

"Eh?" Feng Xue'er blinked her eyes in confusion. She looks adorable, though. 

Yu Long gave Lily two finger signs, and she tapped the ground lightly with her shoes. A bright white line spread from her leg and formed a formation array to cut this part of the garden from the outside world. 

'Hmm?' Feng Xue'er couldn't react in time because everything happened so fast. When she realized the woman(Lily) behind Yu Long had done something to the area, she felt the formation array formed. 

She learned about 'Arrays' from her teacher, but this was her first time seeing someone do it instantaneously. "So fast." She mumbled while gazing at Lily. 

Lily felt the gaze of Feng Xue'er but ignored it. She kicked some rocks on the ground and uninterestingly closed her eyes, thinking about more interesting. 

Yup, something more naughty. 

Feng Xue'er was disappointed that Lily didn't respond to her gaze. She pouted and looked back at Yu Long, "Big Brother, your maid is amazing." 

Yu Long smiled and fixed her misunderstanding, "You get it wrong, Xue'er." 

"Lily is not a maid." 

"She's one of my soon-to-be wives." 

"Owh?" Feng Xue'er was surprised.

"And wives..." She didn't think much of it at first. But she quickly realized an extraordinary person like Yu Long was bound to have a harem. 

Feng Xue'er also heard that the Lost Heaven Sect's young leader has two fiancees. One is a young woman called Xia Qingyue, and the other is the princess of the Blue Wind Empire named Cang Yue.

They fought in the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament's final and made some heavenly phenomenon. 

Counting the sunny-looking woman called Lily and the other icy ladies in the pavilions, Yu Long has five women already, or maybe more because Feng Xue'er doesn't know them yet. 

"How many exactly are your wives, Big Brother?" Feng Xue'er was a little curious. It was not a question Yu Long expected from her. 

Yu Long squinted his eyes and answered confidently, "At the moment, seven..." 

"At the moment, so there would be more in the future..." Feng Xue'er nodded in understanding. 

"Well, you can be the 8th." Yu Long flashed a cheeky smile to erase the awkwardness. 

Feng Xue'er blushed, "We are just getting to know each other."

"Even though I don't mind, my father won't give Big Brother Yu Long his blessing so easily."

"B-But don't get your spirit low, Big Brother! I think having an engagement first is perfect!" She pumped her fist, looking very adorable. 

"..." Yu Long was joking. 

He didn't expect Feng Xue'er to take it seriously. 

But thinking how Feng Xue'er grew, her current personality developed because of her loneliness and deep filialness. 

Lily overheard this conversation and chuckled, "Hehe, you reaped what you sow." 

"Oy!" Yu Long glared at Lily, and she responded by sticking her tongue out. 

Feng Xue'er found this situation amusing and enjoyed it quite a lot. She lived in seclusion, so she didn't have friends or know much about the outside world. 

She stared at Yu Long's handsome face and blushed again. 

"Oh yeah, Big Brother said I misunderstood your origin. What does that mean?" 

Yu Long made a rocking chair and told Feng Xue'er to sit first. 

Feng Xue'er obediently sat and asked, "Wow, is this created with profound art?" 

"No." Yu Long answered honestly. "Well, that's for later." 

"Xue'er, when you're looking at me, what did you see?" 

"Uh, all I see is the Phoenix God's Origin Energy, Bloodline, and others. I also have them."

"So you must be a complete inheritor just like me." 

Yu Long raised his index finger and playfully shook it, "That's where you're wrong. I'm not a complete inheritor of Phoenix God." 

"After all, she hasn't died yet." 

"No way! My teacher said the other Phoenix God was dying, and she felt immense regret for being the cause of it. She said her other half won't survive for too long..." Feng Xue'er's jaws dropped. 

Yu Long pitied Feng Xue'er and added, "Your teacher's connection with the other Phoenix God was cut off, right?"


"Both of them don't know the situation of others. So your teacher could only assume her other half is dying." 

"The truth is, the other half is living healthily. The other Phoenix God has gone through rebirth and served me for years." 

Feng Xue'er swallowed her saliva in disbelief, "Is that the truth, Big Brother?" 

"You are not joking with me, right?" 

Yu Long pointed at himself and returned, "Do you think this face looks like a liar to you? It's true, the other Phoenix God lived in the Phoenix Clan that lived in the Blue Wind Empire's Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range." 

"She hid there for years alongside the cursed member of the Phoenix Clan that lived on a completely different fate than your Divine Phoenix Empire." 

Feng Xue'er couldn't think.

It was too much for her teen's brain. 

Yu Long waited for Feng Xue'er to regain her bearing before telling her more about Yuyan.

After five minutes, Feng Xue'er breathed in and out, "C-Can I meet her?" 

"This is one of my life goals after my teacher passed away..." 

"Sure. It's not like the Phoenix was busy." Yu Long positively replied. 

"Thank you, thank you!" Feng Xue'er jumped and hugged Yu Long, giving him a feeling of her growing bosom. They are definitely big for someone her age.

Feng Xue'er cried in happiness. 

'The truth is, Yuyan also wants to meet you.' Yu Long patted Feng Xue'er helplessly. 'For a long time, the Spiritual Emerald Phoenix has been trying to meet Feng Xue'er, but she was afraid.' 

Yu Long sighed and contacted Yuyan through [Kaiju Maker]. He relayed some words, and the Spiritual Emerald Phoenix agreed instantly.

'Wait for me, Master! I will be there in three, no, two seconds!' Yuyan's excited voice echoed in his mind. 


Yu Long saw a spatial rift appearing and slowly turned Feng Xue'er around. "Looks, she's here." 

Feng Xue'er rubbed her teary eyes and looked at the emerald-haired woman before her. She gives off a familiar feeling to her. 

'Teacher! She feels just like a teacher.' She teared up again. 

Yuyan stood motionlessly and stared at Feng Xue'er in awe. "Such a pure-hearted soul..." 

"No wonder my other half chose her as her complete inheritor." 

"If my Master didn't create a new vessel for me, I might not be able to see you, child." Yuyan excitedly ran and gave Feng Xue'er a tight squeeze.

"Waah!" Feng Xue'er cried, longing for this embrace. Although the Phoenix God of the Divine Phoenix Empire didn't possess physical appearance, her warmth always comforted the little princess when she was lonely. 

Yuyan smiled warmly and sensed the Origin Soul Essence inside Feng Xue'er greeted her delightfully. "We both made mistakes... And I'm more than happy knowing you've recovered your values." She whispered to the wisp of Phoenix God's soul. 

"I forgive you..." 

"This child, I will take her under my care on your behalf." 


At the Phoenix Trial inside the Divine Phoenix Empire's palace, a cry of the Phoenix echoed loudly. The cry reverberated to every corner of the Profound Sky Continent, shaking everyone. 

For a moment, everyone could see a beautiful firebird hovering over the Divine Phoenix City before flying to the sky(heaven). 

"Rest in peace." Yuyan gazed into the distance. 

Yu Long saw the Phoenix God's soul wisp and shook his head, "Her soul is too damaged, so even I can't help her." 

"But I admitted she was stronger than Yuyan before becoming Kaiju." 

"She left a wisp of her injured soul in the Divine Phoenix Empire for one last protection. That shows just how much she cared about Feng Xue'er." 

"This..." Yu Long frowned because a fiery feather descended from the sky and broke the array formation the teahouse and Lily placed. It landed on Yu Long's hand, presenting him with the missing parts of [World Ode of the Phoenix] and some extra information.

Although Yu Long doesn't need this, it doesn't stop him from finding it amusing. 

He covered his face and laughed, "Haha, what an interesting lady." 

"Fine, I will also take care of Xue'er from now on."

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