Kaiju Maker in Another World

Chapter 171: [Art of Tempered Chaos Flower]

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--- Chapter 168 ---

On the beach, Yu Long and Su Ling'er played around, splashing water at each other. 


"Big Brother Yu Long, you're making Ling'er wet!" Su Ling'er covered her face and tasted salty seawater. 

"Okay, stop with the ambiguous remark." Cang Yue walked to the water and lifted Su Ling'er. 

"Ambiguous?" Su Ling'er innocently tilted her head. "Ling'er is only ten, hmm. So Ling'er doesn't understand what this ambiguous thing is. Can it be eaten?" 

"Pfft, hahaha~!" Xia Qingyue laughed as she joined in. 

"She got you, Sister." 

Yu Long smiled at this sight and let his body float on the water, allowing him to see the cloudy sky. It's a nice day, not too sunny, and perfect for an outing.

'I was going to visit the Lost Heaven Sect, but one more day shouldn't be a problem.' Yu Long thought as seawater splashed on his face.


"Hehe, got you~!" Su Ling'er put on a smug look. 

Yu Long slowly stood up and brushed his wet hair back, causing seawater to glisten over his toned physique. 

Su Ling'er is still a kid, so she immediately ran away. 

However, every lady around her instinctively swallowed their saliva upon seeing Yu Long, including Jasmine. 

'Thank god he wore an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt.' The ladies thought simultaneously. Even though they have seen shirtless Yu Long before, the charm is different when he is wet. 

Yu Long chuckled and plunged his hand into the water. "Hehe, it's my turn now." 

As everyone was still in a daze, a small wave swept over them. 

"Uwaah!" Su Ling'er barely dodged. She looked around and saw the older sisters reddening like lobsters. 

"Eh, what happened? Why are the sisters all red?" 

Yu Long chuckled and answered, "They are just tired. Let's go out of the water and have lunch." 

"Lunch~!" Su Ling'er excitedly jumped and ran away again.

Yu Long glanced at his wives and female companions in amusement, "What are you waiting for? I will grill seafood for you." 

After that, they had a nice lunch with a bunch of grilled seafood Yu Long cooked himself. 


"Okay, I will teach you a little about the Profound Way now." Yu Long said while staring at Su Ling'er. 

Su Ling'er stayed in her seat and listened attentively, "Ling'er is listening." 

"Profound Way is a path for someone to break one's limit. It's a pursuit of life, chasing or following after one's desire." Yu Long continued calmly. 

"Ling'er. Tell me, what's your reason to cultivate?" 

"Hmm, to protect Mom and everyone?" Su Ling'er replied while balling her little fist. 

"If Ling'er has power, bad guys won't touch Mom anymore..." 

"Ling'er will also protect Big Brother!" 

Yu Long smiled at her pure answer, "Good, Ling'er has the potential to become powerful like me." 



"Now, give me your hands." 

Su Ling'er followed Yu Long's orders and stretched her arms, allowing him to inspect her potential. 

Three minutes passed, and Yu Long frowned slightly. 

Su Ling'er is odd. 

Not in a negative way, of course. 

'Everyone has a set of Profound Veins, which would naturally grow and mature at fourteen. However, the Profound Veins inside Su Ling'er are abnormally mature and filled with vitality, something one usually sees from a peak Profound Elementary Realm.' Yu Long activated [Kaiju Maker] to observe Su Ling'er more seriously. 

'Also, there is a sign of Aspects... I don't know where it was, but Su Ling'er definitely possessed something special.' 

'Just how much did the Ancestral God alter with her power? It is becoming ridiculous.' 

'Her blood.' He finally found something. 

"Ling'er, can Big Brother take your blood? Just a little."

Su Ling'er was stunned before asking, "I-Is it going to be painful?" 

"No." Yu Long replied reassuringly. 

"Then, go on and take Ling'er blood!" The little girl steeled her resolve but still closed her eyes. Su Ling'er has seen a lot of blood for a girl her age, but seeing her own blood is different.

Yu Long patted Su Ling'er and extracted her blood quickly. It was so quick she didn't feel any movement or pain. 

With the blood in hand, Yu Long scanned it with [Kaiju Maker] and grinned because the Ancestral God left a surprise for him. Although in small quantities, Su Ling'er possessed 'Chaos' inside her body. 

An absolute trait that only Ancestral God wields beside Nothingness. 

'Haha, that Crazy Simp probably left this behind for Yun Che. Too bad for her, I've acquainted myself with Su Ling'er first.' Yu Long laughed at Ancestral God's scheme.

Thinking about it, Yu Long immediately devised a perfect Profound Art for Su Ling'er. As long as Su Ling'er could cultivate the 'Chaos' Attribute, she would be a powerhouse in the future. 

Yu Long has recorded Chaos Attribute's profound patterns so he could develop and use them later. 

"Ling'er, one more question." 


"What do you like the most in the world?" 


"No, no, not a person." 

"I'm talking about nature like water, soil, or plants." 

Su Ling'e let out a squeal, "Ling'er likes Bamboo the most!" 

"Bamboo..." Yu Long visualized the essence of Bamboo in his mind and was surprised by how versatile it is. If Su Ling'er used Bamboo as a weapon, she could wield a sword, spear, stick, and even whip. 

On top of that, Bamboo is a giant grass with extreme vitality. 

It would be funny seeing Su Ling'er beat the shit out of everyone with her bamboo stick. Unknowingly, Yu Long created a feverish nightmare for the Primal Chaos. 

In the future, Su Ling'er will be one of the most fearsome goddesses!

Fifteen minutes later, Yu Long lifted his hand off the girl's head and watched her blink in confusion. 

"Uuh, what's this new thing in my head?" Su Ling'er mumbled while checking the Profound Art Yu Long gifted to her. 

"[Chaotic Divine Bamboo Principle]." 

"From now on, Big Brother wants you to recite [Chaotic Divine Bamboo Principle] every morning and night. When you reach level 5, Big Brother will teach you more." Yu Long flashed an eager smile. 

"Level five, level five..." Su Ling'er pumped her fist. "Ling'er will reach level five quickly!" 


Yu Long sent Su Ling'er to the ladies and sat on the balcony with Zilong, the World-Devouring Tyrant Dragon. 

"I want to do something dangerous. Can you shield the balcony from the outside world?" He requested Zilong.

"Seriously? You went to work right away, huh?" Zilong was speechless. 

Yu Long just relaxed for roughly four days. Yes, four goddamn days. And He wanted to do a dangerous experiment already. 

Yu Long shrugged, "The world won't wait for me." 

Zilong sighed and placed a barrier around the balcony, closing the area from the outside world. He crossed his arms and watched over the meditating Yu Long silently. 

As much as Zilong admired Yu Long for his bright mind and power, he wished he had taken a long break or experienced things kids his age would foolishly do. 

At that moment, Yu Long hovered in his inner dimension. 

Besides the three main worlds, the Sky Poison Pearl, Kaiju World, and the Primordial Core, several blinking stars exist near these worlds.

There is one with a bright purple plastered white luster. Near that star is a jet-black star with a red tint. These two stars represent Yu Long's [Art of Violet Mist] and [Art of Ghost]. 

Near these stars, there are also two similar but distinct stars. One is golden with vibrant green flares, and the other is similarly golden but has a dim, dark green ray. 

They are [Miracle of Life] and [Great Way of the Buddha], which constantly support Yu Long with Life Energy and Healing Force. 

Far away, a star of destruction with a cracked body and ashes-like smoke also exists. Yup, this one is none other than the [Art of True Apex] Yu Long carefully developed. 

Besides these five great stars, Yu Long also cultivated many minor stars and aspects. Those minor stars are more like support for his usage. 

Yu Long cupped his hands and whispered, "Chaos..." 

"Thank you for the little gift, Ancestral God." 

"With this, I can create yet another Ultimate Profound Art." After saying that, Yu Long began building profound patterns and structures based on Chaos Attribute. 

Jasmine peeked from Sky Poison Pearl and was fascinated by Yu Long's calculative prowess. If it were any other person, they would have exploded instantly. 

Three hours later. 

A new star was born inside Yu Long.



It was amethyst in color, shining with ominous and chaotic crimson lightning. For a moment, one could see a unique-shaped flower hovering near it.

Yu Long successfully created a new Profound Art. 

He named it [Art of Tempered Chaos Flower].


In the real world, Yu Long huffed and revealed a pair of amethyst-colored yet gem-like eyes. Those eyes seemed to possess chaotic intent that could plunge the world into chaos. 

"It's time to make Ancestral God's new body." Yu Long confidently said.

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