Kaiju Maker in Another World

Chapter 160: The Medical Saint

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--- Chapter 157 ---

"T-This is... How could this place be the Seven Stars Divine Palace?"

"There is nothing here." 

After receiving a message from Ye Zhi, Yu Long immediately brought Su Meiling to the Seven Stars Divine Palace. However, the empty sight shook them.

Su Meiling stood on the flat ground with a shocked expression. Although she has been guessing the power of Yu Long's organization, this is too much!

Yu Long chuckled and replied, "Ye Zhi was somewhat too excited. It's her first active mission after months." 


'I don't know she was this strong...' Su Meiling unconsciously swallowed her saliva and glanced at Ye Zhi, who wiped blood from her skin. And those bloods weren't hers.

Ye Zhi felt Su Meiling's gaze and waved her hand once, causing an awkward smile to appear on the widow's face. 

Yu Long shook his head gently and asked, "Ye Zhi, you didn't destroy Seven Stars Divine Palace's resources, right? I couldn't possibly lose countless profound arts and rare materials because of you..."

Ye Zhi blushed in shame and answered, "Well, I did tell the boys to handle those things." 

 "Look, they are here." 

"Lord Shadow, we have accumulated everything the best we could..." One shadow agent stepped forward and presented a spatial ring to Yu Long.

Yu Long didn't like the phrase 'the best we could' from the shadow agent's mouth and checked the spatial ring's content. 

Yup, his hunch is valid. Yu Long's mouth twitched because some books and herbs had this scorch mark.

'Well, I can always extract essences later.' Yu Long sighed helplessly. 

Even though Ye Zhi razzed this place to the ground and literally evaporated everything, she couldn't erase the essence in the atmosphere.

If the death wasn't too long, Yu Long could extract even atomic essence with [Kaiju Maker] and form an essence sphere. 

"The smell of death isn't weak." Yu Long created essence spheres and stored them for later uses. 

He stuffed the spatial ring into his pocket and said, "Okay, let's return to the base."

"Lord Shadow, should we leave our mark first?" Ye Zhi couldn't help but utter her idea. "You know, to mark the emergence of the Shadow Realm?" 

'What do you mean? You've marked the whole land already.' Everyone stared at Ye Zhi speechlessly. 

"Do whatever you want. No, do it in moderation." Yu Long was about to let Ye Zhi loose again. But he quickly realized his mistake and fixed his order.

Ye Zhi smiled happily and began instructing her legion to move. They will make a grand speech for the Shadow Realm's appearance on this empty land.

Yu Long extended his hand to Su Meiling, "Let's go." 

"Mm." Su Meiling nodded meekly and felt shy holding Yu Long's hand, but she did it anyway. 

She has already given herself to him anyway. 

'I didn't expect myself to be worth the destruction of Seven Stars Divine Palace. The Azure Cloud Continent won't be very calm soon.' Su Meiling felt Yu Long's strong and warm hand.

They quickly teleported away, leaving a swaying dust. 


Yu Long and Su Meiling suddenly appeared one hundred miles from the land formerly used as the Seven Stars Divine Palace's ground, which confused the latter. They awkwardly hovered above a small lake. 

"Why stop?" Asked Su Meiling. She could see a weird expression on Yu Long's face. 

Meanwhile, Yu Long was on alert. He raised his left hand and saw the Sky Poison Pearl's mark flashing with green intensity. 

'Jasmine, do you feel it as well?'

'Yes, the other half of Sky Poison Pearl is close.' Jasmine answered while patting Ni Yeyue to sleep on her bed. 

Yu Long closed his eyes because he believed the other half of Sky Poison Pearl should be on the bottom of the Cloud's End Cliff. However, his mind was foggy as he couldn't remember every detail. 

'Did I forget about something?' Yu Long ransacked through his memories until he remembered an important detail. 

The protagonist's first master. The Medical Saint, Yun Gu!

Yun Gu is also the possessor of Sky Poison Pearl before passing it to the protagonist, Yun Che, prior to his death. 

Yu Long facepalmed because he had forgotten such a detail. 

He blindsided this part of information as the Ancestral God's influence on rewinding the Azure Cloud Continent randomly due to his interference. 

Yu Long used [Karmic Sight]. And as expected, his golden thread was 'gently' tugged again just like when he was about to me Su Ling'er. 

"Follow me." Yu Long said to Su Meiling and flew to the west. 

"O-Okay." Su Meiling and chased after him. 

Since she entered the Sky Profound Realm a few hours ago, her 'profound floating technique' is naturally poor. She barely kept up with Yu Long as they traveled over a jungle.

They arrived at the quiet part of the jungle and discovered a humble-looking shed. Some smoke came from the chimney, which meant someone lived there. 

Yu Long knocked on the door, "Hello, does anyone live here?" 


As the door opened, Yu Long and Su Meiling saw a thin-looking yet healthy elder. 

He had a long white beard, long white brows, and long white hair, yet his face was not the least bit covered with wrinkles, and his eyes were as clear as water. He wore this old but clean white robe.

His entire figure felt like a hermit or maybe a secluded sage.

"Hello, who might you be?" The elder smiled at Yu Long calmly. There is no sign of wariness in his voice as if he believed Yu Long. 

Yu Long found it weird and went straight to the point, "I want the Sky Poison Pearl." 

"Pardon?" The elder finally shook a little.

"I know you have it, so please don't play this clueless game." Yu Long sighed and showed his Sky Poison Pearl's mark. "The Sky Poison Pearl is mine. And you are currently in possession of the other half." 

"Before you stop talking about being wise, the Sky Poison Pearl won't acknowledge someone so easily. This mark is the sign of complete ownership." 

"This..." Yun Gu was overwhelmed. "Why didn't you come in and have tea?" 

"Fine." Yu Long rolled his eyes. He expected some bullshit to happen sooner or later.

Yun Gu smiled at Su Meiling, "You can also enter, miss." 


Everyone sat around a small table, and Yun Gu made tea for Yu Long and Su Meiling. 

"To think the real owner of Sky Poison Pearl will come to me. Maybe this is fate, after all." Yun Gu sighed while stroking his beard wisely. 

"I have no problem giving the Sky Poison Pearl to you, but..."

'Welp, here we go.' Yu Long knew the Medical Saint would not agree to his request this easily. 

"But?" On the other hand, Su Meiling was curious. She finally recognized Yun Gu as his legend of saving countless lives as Miracle Doctor spread on the Azure Cloud Continent.

Unfortunately, the Medical Saint has been in seclusion for years. Many people thought he died, but here he is. He drank tea and acted all mysterious!

Yun Gu peeked at Yu Long and continued, "But you must help me with something first." 

"I couldn't help but notice the medicine scent from you, young man. I assume your medical expertise is no lower than mine." 

"So-so." Yu Long answered half-assedly. 

"It's good to be humble." Yun Gu nodded with a smile.

'I'm not being humble, old man.' 

Yun Gu stretched his hand to a drawer and picked an ancient-looking scroll. He placed it on the table and explained, "I have a dying patient, and she needs immediate medical aid." 

"The problem is, her illness is weird." 

"This scroll is called Heavenly Medicine Manual. I found it by accident years ago and have studied it to help others. Sadly, I couldn't deduce a way to help her with my level of comprehension." 

'This scroll. It's a Creation God's Legacy.' Yu Long thought to himself. 'If I guessed correctly, it must be Li Suo's Legacy.'

'This scroll is the only Divine Light Art ever created since the Primordial Age of Gods...'

Li Suo is one of the Creation Gods. Strictly speaking, she was the sister of Evil God himself.

No wonder Yun Gu is having a hard time learning it. 

He gazed at the Medical Saint, "How much have you deduced so far?" 

"Not much, just 30% of it." Yun Gu answered humbly.

The corner of Yu Long's mouth twitched because learning 30% of Creation God's legacy is no ordinary feat. 

"So you want me to help you deduce a certain part of this scroll?" 

"Yes. I'm ashamed of myself, hehe." 

"Very well, but I will take this scroll with me." 

Yun Gu chuckled sincerely, "Take it. This old man has learned enough for now, and the patient's life is more important than this."

'Not gonna lie, he's a noble character.' Yu Long praised. 

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