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--- Chapter 152 ---

After finalizing their long-term cooperation, Yu Long smiled at Su Meiling and said, "Alright, you can stay in the Thousand Weapons Association tonight." 

"Also, you should leave the name of your enemy behind. I will get it down by the morning." He added casually. 

Su Meiling nodded solemnly, "Okay, I will send the list within five-! No, three minutes." 

"But please don't finish them off right away. They can't get away too easily, considering the pain they inflicted on me..." 

Yu Long raised his brow because Su Meiling's presence upon uttering the following lines was very hateful. Her hate is so immense that it is nearly equal to a person like Yun Canghai, who was 'literally' sealed for years under a suppression formation. 

Maybe this is what they mean not to make women mad. 

Yu Long doesn't know Su Meiling's psychological state, but she must be hovering between madness and sorrow. 

Fortunately, Su Ling'er was asleep. So, she wouldn't see this side of her mother. 

'Her aptitude isn't bad. If only she directed her hate into cultivation, I wonder how much she would grow.' Yu Long thought to himself.

He glanced at the sleeping Su Ling'er on his lap. 'Su Meiling hasn't taken a real step into madness because of Su Ling'er and her late husband's will.' 

Yes, Su Meiling couldn't appear weak in front of her enemy, or they would make her life more miserable. 

Yu Long contacted Ye Zhi and told her to prepare guest rooms. She was quick with it, and a shadow agent immediately escorted the Su Clan's elders away. 

There are only Yu Long, Su Meiling, and sleeping Su Ling'er in the room now.

"Say it. I know you wanted more than this." Yu Long closed his eyes calmly. 

Su Meiling bit her lips and bowed, "Young hero, please help me avenge my husband's unjustified death." 

"I will do anything..." 

Yu Long recalled this exact scenario in the past. Cang Yue also uttered the same lines, but her morality won't allow her to do evil. 

Of course, that's the Cang Yue of the past. The current Blue Wind Empire's princess wasn't so naive anymore.

On the other hand, Su Meiling is really willing to do anything. Yes, even if she had to slaughter her way through.

"Give me your blood." Yu Long opened his mouth. 

"Blood." Su Meiling stood up and grabbed a clean cup on the table.

She cut her palm with her sharp nail, allowing blood to drip into the container. There is no hesitation in her movement. 

She can be ruthless to herself. 

After the cup was 'quickly' filled to the brim, Yu Long sighed and grabbed Su Meiling's hand. 

"Aih, sometimes I don't know what you women have in mind." Yu Long said, healing Su Meiling with the [Great Way of Buddha]'s force. 

Su Meiling smiled weakly, "I want to escape this hell, Young Hero." 

"Hell, huh?" Yu Long nodded without much expression. 

"You've gone through a lot." 

"Yes..." Su Meiling lowered her head, feeling the warmness of Yu Long's strong hand. It was similar to her late husband, firm and filled with responsibility. 

They didn't say anything further, and Su Meiling's bleeding palm recovered rapidly. There was no scar either.

"Done." Yu Long commented, but Su Meiling seemingly didn't listen and sat beside him. 

"Clan Leader Su?" He called her again.

"Can I lean on your shoulder, Young hero?" Su Meiling finally responded with a low voice. "Just for a couple of minutes..." 

Before Yu Long could reply, Jasmine's determined voice echoed in his head.

'Let her.' 

It's just two words but filled with sympathy. 

'What's the matter? You usually would brand me as the evil scoundrel whenever I was close with women.' Yu Long asked in surprise.

'Nothing in particular. This princess only pities this woman. She's different compared to those bimbos!' Jasmine responded, hugging her knees as she saw her past image in Su Meiling. 

Before meeting Yu Long, Jasmine hardly contains her hatred toward a 'certain' golden-haired wench. She was thirsty for revenge and blood.

She's calmer now, thanks to the power of desserts. Of course, she didn't forget her revenge and planned a killing strategy first. 

Yu Long let Su Meiling rest her head on his shoulder. 

For a moment, the image of Yu Long, Su Meiling, and Su Ling'er looks like a family. The adult woman leans on the young man's shoulder to comfort herself. And the young girl innocently sleeps on the young man's lap, dreaming of a happy event. 

Five minutes later, Su Meiling wiped her tears and opened her eyes. She looked at Yu Long and immediately went for the business.

"There are ten elders and many others in the Grand Elder's faction. You can clean everyone except four people." 

"The Grand Elder, My Husband's brother, and nephew." 

"And finally, that despicable Su Haoran..." 

'Su Haoran, isn't he the older brother of Su Ling'er?' Yu Long was confused.

Su Meiling noticed Yu Long's confusion and added, "Su Haoran is one of the masterminds behind my husband's death. I'd appreciate it if you keep him intact for me..." 

"Very well." Yu Long nodded in understanding. 

He wiped the remaining tears on Su Meiling's cheeks and smiled, "Happy cooperation." 

"Mm, Happy cooperation." Su Meiling's cheeks flushed a little.


As Su Meiling left with Su Ling'er in her arms, Yu Long summoned the shadow agents and told them to ransack the Grandwake Clan. 

With a dead list, the Shadow Realm finally made its first move in the Azure Cloud Continent. 

A one-sided slaughter begins in the Grandwake Clan, and when midnight comes, 30% of the Grandwake Clan perished. Blood is flowing like a river, making this rust-filled atmosphere.

The innocent were 'naturally' spared as Yu Long couldn't possibly erase his free labor force, but they witnessed the cold massacre tonight. 

It shows no matter how scheming one is, it means nothing in front of absolute strength.

In the morning, Yu Long ate breakfast with his wives and maids. 

"Yu Long, I heard you invited a mistress last night." Cang Yue said while breaking a bone marrow. 

Yu Long coughed awkwardly and replied, "Ehem, what do you mean by Mistress? She's my business partner, the Clan Leader of the Grandwake Clan!" 

Cang Yue rolled her eyes, "Yeah. On top of that, she's also a widow with one daughter." 



"Y-Yu Long, I don't know you have such a taste." Xia Qingyue chimed in, leaving Yu Long speechless. "M-Milf..." 

Yu Long's mouth twitched as he shoved steak into their mouths. He glanced at Ye Zhi nearby and asked, "How was the mission?" 

"Easily done." Ye Zhi answered with a pout. "It wasn't even a challenge."

"The Grandwake Clan is so weak..." 

"You shouldn't say something like that in front of our guests." Yu Long helplessly glanced at the door, finding Su Meiling and Su Ling'er.

Su Meiling put on an understanding look and calmly said, "It's fine. My Grandwake Clan is indeed weak." 

"Thank you for inviting us for breakfast." 

"Come in, take your seats." Yu Long waved his hand. 

"Good Morning, Big Brother~!" Su Ling'er adorably made her entrance with a graceful twirl. 

"Pfft, who is this kid? She is so adorable." Cang Yue looked down at Su Ling'er. 

Su Ling'er turned around and puffed her cheeks, "Hello, beautiful big sister. My name is Su Ling'er!" 

"Su Ling'er, nice name." Cang Yue couldn't help but giggle. 

Aih, women are indeed weak when it comes to adorable stuff.

Even the calm Xia Qingyue was 'funnily' betrayed by her feelings and stole a few glances at Su Ling'er. In the end, Su Ling'er sat between Cang Yue and Xia Qingyue.

Su Meiling sat opposite Yu Long and introduced herself to the group. As the ladies listened to Su Meiling's brief story, they nodded and understood why she was coming here. 

"I've captured the four people. You can visit them anytime in the dungeon." Yu Long stated while scooping his stew.

"So fast." Su Meiling mumbled.

Yu Long chuckled, "All thanks to my subordinate. Let me introduce you to Ye Zhi, the Weapon Master of Shadow Realm." 

Su Meiling followed Yu Long's gaze and saw Ye Zhi. 

'This, such a strong presence.' She felt an indescribable shock as she couldn't grasp how powerful this woman in black was.

"Nice to meet you." Ye Zhi gave her a nod.

Su Meiling maintained a professional look and replied, "Nice to meet you as well." 

Unknown to Su Meiling, Yu Long's companions acknowledged her for maintaining such a calm look. A 'normal' woman would be intimidated by Ye Zhi's presence.

"Good. I've decided to put the Grandwake Clan under Shadow Realm's jurisdiction." Yu Long declared. "And Su Meiling will be the head chief of our medicinal field." 

"I will do my best." Su Meiling determinedly stared at Yu Long.


After breakfast, Yu Long went to the Heavenly Abode Mountain. 

Yes, it's time to visit the Cloud's End Cliff. 

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