Kaiju Maker in Another World

Chapter 147: Evil God's Scattered Will

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--- Chapter 144 ---

Yu Long picked the icy-blue pebble with his mental power and scanned it briefly to make sure this thing was really the Evil God's Water Seed. He grinned slightly after feeling the hidden 'Law of Water' within the ordinary-looking rock.

He glanced at the dead Kaiju and sighed slightly. It would be a lie if Yu Long didn't feel somewhat nostalgic upon meeting Santa Cruzz. 

However, he was also relieved to meet the Kaiju with mental disorders in the Heaven Basin Secret Realm instead of outside. He couldn't imagine what kind of chaos Santa Cruzz would bring to the Blue Pole Star.

Yu Long was more curious how Santa Cruzz entered the Heaven Basin Secret Realm or the Kaiju was simply here from the beginning, sleeping until it awakened.

'Fortunately, I have someone to answer my question.' Yu Long glanced down at the Evil God's Water Seed. 

Yu Long tapped Santa Cruzz's body and turned it into a wisp of essence, storing it for later use. He looked around for a second, searching for a better landing ground, and quickly kicked the ground. 

He teleported ten miles away at the time, skipping through destroyed land until he landed on untouched snowy ground. 

"Yu Long!" Xia Qingyue and Cang Yue moved quickly from afar, hugging Yu Long. They tackled him down in the process, leaving him speechless. 

Still, Yu Long carefully patted their backs as they should have been worried about him earlier. 

Santa Cruzz's last attack was the accumulation of horror, which could strip one's flesh, bone, and blood apart. The light itself could damage one's psyche, in other words, the soul.

Given the state of this chaotic world, Yu Long always prepared for this situation. 

"There, there." He rubbed their backs gently.

"As you can see, I'm fine. The last attack couldn't even touch me." 

"Really?" Xia Qingyue probed.

"Really, really." Yu Long nodded confidently. 

Chu Yueli and Chu Yuechan also arrived, but they didn't do anything to stop them. They stared at them silently from the side. After reassurance, the trio stood up and checked the secret realm's condition.

"Good job, Yueli, Yuechan." Yu Long praised while looking at the piles of werewolf's corpses.

Chu Yuechan smiled and felt a little proud inside. She's not as strong as her sister, but Yu Long's praise was all she needed. 

It was like an endless motivation cycle.

Meanwhile, Chu Yueli was depressed. She couldn't help but complain at the dead werewolf king for letting Yu Long catch her lacking in the fight.

'I should train more.' Chu Yueli sighed at herself. 

Cang Yue rubbed Yu Long's hand and asked, "What should we do with these corpses?" 

Her eyes lit up with playful emotion. 

Yu Long chuckled and snapped his finger, extracting all the essence from the werewolves. Technically speaking, they are a new living creature with Santa Cruzz's essence as the base, which allowed Yu Long to obtain some nifty abilities. 

A white mist swept the land, swallowing the corpses, and disappeared.

Jasmine blinked inside Sky Poison Pearl's dimension. She used her divine sense, trying to pry into Yu Long's secret. 

Yet when Jasmine was about to sense where the essence goes, it disappeared into nothingness. 

"Y-You..." Jasmine was annoyed. 

She harrumphed and rolled herself in a blanket. 

Jasmine knew Yu Long had a deep connection with the Demonic Core, but she didn't want to be one who asked. As a princess, Jasmine has a pride to hold on to. 

Since Yu Long won't tell his secret, Jasmine could only silently solve the mystery herself. At first, it was only the Fairy Queen, but now Jasmine realizes her understanding of Yu Long is very little.

'Hmph, just you wait. I will find the truth!' Jasmine thought to herself.

Yu Long condensed the Essence Sphere of werewolves inside his Kaiju World. He wanted to swallow one for research purposes but knew this wasn't the place for doing such a thing.

Their time in the Heaven Basin Secret Realm is limited.

He brought out the Evil God's Water Seed and aroused his companions' interest. 

"Is that?" Xia Qingyue's eyes glimmered in surprise. 

"Yes, this is the Evil God's Water Seed." Yu Long answered with a smile.

"Only Evil God's inheritor could get their hand on this if we followed normal standards." 

"But you're not normal." Cang Yue giggled. 

"That's true." 

Yu Long acknowledged and imbued the altered Evil God's profound aspect inside his Profound Veins into the Evil God's Water Seed. 

It caused the blue-colored pebble to release a shining blue light and a ghost-like figure. 

Jasmine gasped because the ghost-like figure was the Evil God himself!

How did Jasmine recognize such an ancient character? To answer that question, when she roamed in the vast Primal Chaos and found the Evil God's Legacy Temple, there was a faint image of the Evil God. 

"How long time has passed?" The ghost-like Evil God murmured. He looked around and found the situation rather amusing. 

These youths(Chu Yuechan and Chu Yueli included) possessed a trace of Primordial laws in their bodies, hearts, and spirits. Even in the Primordial Era of Gods, their existence is quite rare.

Eventually, the Evil God landed his gaze on Yu Long. 

Evil God couldn't help but narrow his eyes. 

What he saw wasn't a golden-eyed youth but an amalgamation of countless creatures. It was abnormal, something that's not from this world.

"You, what are you?" He uttered in disbelief. 

Instead of asking, "Who are you?" the Evil God portrayed Yu Long as an abnormal monstrosity by asking, "What are you." 

Yu Long gave Evil God a knowing look and answered, "My name is Yu Long. Nice to meet you, Evil God." 

Evil God frowned because that wasn't the answer he wanted from Yu Long. "Do those creatures have a connection with you?" He asked while glancing at the destroyed part of the Heaven Basin Secret Realm.

"In the past, yes." Yu Long shrugged, giving out a vague reply. 

The atmosphere became heavier as the Evil God turned silent like a rock.

"..." Jasmine's mouth twitched.


If Jasmine could shout, she would have screamed at Yu Long. This scoundrel is so good at making people mad.

Yu Long smiled at Evil God's stone-cold expression. "I don't mind telling you more, but don't you think this place is inappropriate?" 

Evil God nodded calmly and twisted the Heaven Basin Secret Realm with his will. The secret realm changed rapidly, and the destroyed part got cast into the void. 

Yu Long witnessed this and praised the Evil God in his heart. Although Evil God is only a scattered will, he could still manipulate the Heaven Basin Secret Realm to such a degree. 

Unfortunately, Yu Long doesn't think he could replicate Yuyan's rebirth on Evil God due to some weakness in the scattered will. It was so fragile yet strong at the same, very unstable. 

It was a miracle Evil Gods scattered will survive this long. But when Yu Long thought about it, Evil God probably held on because he had unfinished regret or business related to his daughter.

After a few seconds, Evil God's scattered will pull them into a mountain peak. 

Evil God and Yu Long arrived on a pure white land, staring at each other calmly. No one could eavesdrop on their conversation in this place, including Jasmine.

"What are you?" Evil God asked again.

Yu Long maintained a calm expression and replied, "Kaiju Maker." 

"Kaiju Maker?" 

"I'm the one who created that monstrosity earlier. But as I've said earlier, that was me in the past before reincarnating into the Primal Chaos." 

Evil God's ghostly eyes widened in shock.

"Y-You... You're an otherworlder??"

"On top of that, you reincarnated to this world?" 

"T-This is unbelievable." 

"I mean, you can decide not to trust me." Yu Long added casually.

Evil God shook his head and responded, "No, I trust you." 

"And how so?" 

"In my era, the Creation Gods and Devil Gods always speculated about the Primal Chaos. Even if it was dangerous, we wanted to pry more outside the Primal Chaos." 

"Our curiosity is too endless and coupled with our long lifespans. We are bound to find one or two clues."

"We concluded there must be other universes and worlds out there. Still, we lacked the power and tools to travel. Even one of Heavenly Profound Treasure, World Piercer, couldn't do it." 

"How did you reincarnate into Primal Chaos?" Evil God observed Yu Long from top to bottom. "I sensed some Karmic and Samsara power on you." 

Yu Long facepalmed helplessly, "About that? I don't know either."

"I died in my previous world. Then I reincarnated into my current self." 

"It just happened. As soon as I opened my eyes..." 

"As for the karmic and samsara power, it probably has something to do with the Mirror of Samsara in my possession. Also, Sky Poison Pearl."

Evil God stared at Yu Long solemnly, "I see." 

"What about your Kaiju Maker?" 

Yu Long released a majestic presence, "It's my ability. Or you can say, part of myself." 

"I'm a Kaiju Maker. And the Kaiju Maker is me." 

Evil God's ghostly figure glimmered for a second. He tried to understand Yu Long's words and nodded shortly after.

He sighed, "Now that you have released your presence, I can detect Phoenix, Azure Dragon, Rage God, and countless other legacies in your body." 

"Including my legacy... You've modified it, am I right?" 

"That's correct. Your legacy is too lousy for my liking." Yu Long chuckled a little.

Evil God faintly laughed, "If it was any other person saying that, I would be offended... Kaiju Maker, you're an abnormal monstrosity. Yet I didn't sense any vile or malicious nature from you." 

"Entrusting my daughter to you wouldn't be a bad choice." 

"What do you mean?" Yu Long frowned unhappily. He didn't like where this was going.

Evil God snapped his finger and showed Yu Long several white, black, and golden threads connected between them. 

"What are these threads?" 

"They are Karmic Threads." 

"You didn't notice it, but when you take my legacy(albeit by unorthodox means), your karma is 'automatically' connected to me."

"You took my legacy, so you owe me." 

"What?" Yu Long was bewildered. 

There is such a thing?

Evil God shook his head and continued, "Your power has the potential to surpass me and other Creation Gods. No, you might even be equal to the Ancestral God..." 

"But you lacked something." 

"What is it?" 

"Time." Evil God gazed at Yu Long's golden eyes deeply.

"I have over 5 billion years on my belts. My power grew within that period." 

"On the other hand, You probably don't have twenty years to master your ability yet." 

"I... Well, I have no comment on that." Yu Long wryly admitted defeat. After all, what Evil God said is correct. 

Including his past life, Yu Long only got his hand on Kaiju Maker for 19 years. Compared to Evil God and others, he's still young grass.

At the same, being young doesn't mean one is weaker. 

'He's a good lad.' Evil God unknowingly smiled when seeing Yu Long introspecting himself. He doesn't have to be alive to know Yu Long is very young.

Evil God coughed, "I don't have much time. I will transfer all knowledge I have as a scattered will." 

"In return, please save and take care of my daughter." 

"Remember, you owe me." 

"..." Yu Long's eyebrows twitched. What are you, IRS?

Even then, Yu Long still agreed. "Very well." 

"Good." After hearing the reply, Evil God stretched his ghostly hand and poked Yu Long's head, transferring everything he knew for Kaiju Maker's future endeavors.

Yu Long closed his eyes, storing the knowledge accordingly.

When he opened his eyes, Evil God's ghostly figure nearly disappeared.

"Do you have any more questions?" Yu Long rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache. 

"No, what about you?" Evil God was relaxed. He has accepted his fate. 

"What caused the Primordial Era of Gods to end?" Yu Long wasn't shy about it and asked immediately. 

Evil God opened his mouth, "Unfortunately, I don't know about that. This scattered will was here to give my fated inheritor a second chance..." 

"Although we aren't fated, you're a better candidate than I ever imagined."

"The Primal Chaos won't be so calm in a few years."

"Good luck, Kaiju Maker. I hope you can fulfill your promise." 

Evil God dramatically faded into thin air.

"Oy, oy, oy. Don't disappear like that." Yu Long grabbed Evil God's ghostly leg down. "I still want something from you." 

"..." Evil God.

"You have three seconds..." One of the Creation Gods sighed. 

Something isn't right about this lad's head.

Yu Long smiled, "Can you give me the ownership of this Secret Realm?" 

Evil God's body trembled in annoyance, "If you cultivate a little bit more, you can create a bigger Pocket Dimension of your own..." 

"But I'm too lazy to make one..." Yu Long gives Evil God a playful grin. 

Evil God really wanted to smack Yu Long right now. He clicked his tongue and pressed his hand on Yu Long's forehead again, transferring Secret Realm's key to him. 

"Goodbye... Kaiju Maker." After doing so, the Evil God completely disappeared and caused Yu Long to wake up on a snowy peak.

Yu Long blinked a few times and sighed, "Aih, even the dead can give me a task? This world is becoming more and more interesting." 

"Well, let's meet the Evil God's daughter first." 

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