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--- Chapter 137 ---

The next day.

The heavy rain finally stopped, allowing morning sunshine to illuminate the world. The Heavenly Sword Mountain Range has several mountains of various sizes, which make it misty after a rainy night.

At the Heavenly Sword Villa, people are getting ready to attend the award ceremony of the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament. Of course, this makes them remember the fight between Xia Qingyue and Cang Yue.

The magnitude of that fight is too much.

Even though the guests and contestants haven't left the Heavenly Sword Villa, the news about the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament has spread all over the Blue Wind Empire, if not the whole continent.

Once again, the Lost Heaven Sect shook the continent.


Yu Long rubbed his eyes and awoke from his in-depth research, "It's morning already?"

He felt something on his shoulder and found a blanket.

"Morning, our hardworking husband." Cang Yue and Xia Qingyue lay on the bed and cupped their faces, staring at him smugly.

Yu Long smiled and waved his hand, "Stop with that. I have to tell you two about something."

Xia Qingyue and Cang Yue were confused by their lover's antics. Still, they listened to Yu Long's story of last night attentively. They were speechless when learning he was meeting one of his exes!

"So it's a Woman!" Xia Qingyue played a wronged wife character.

"Yu Long, how could you!" Cang Yue followed emotionally.

"..." Yu Long.

He stretched his hands and grabbed their cheeks, pinching those squishy fleshes. "Stop being cheeky." He gave them a mean look.

Xia Qingyue puffed her cheeks, "Fine~!"

"Yeah, but you're still guilty, mister. You met with one of your exes." Cang Yue pursed her lips. "We need some compensation."

"Kaiju, She's a Kaiju!"

"Yuyan is Kaiju too!"

"Yuyan is a different case." Yu Long answered casually. He put on a righteous expression as well.

If the perverted phoenix is around, she would cry in happiness because this was the first time Yu Long favored her.

"Mm, my phoenix's sense is tingling~!" Yuyan, who scourged deep underground to find more precious materials for Yu Long, suddenly stopped and shivered in delight.

"Kyaa, did the Master think about me?"

With that in mind, Yuyan became more spirited.


Yuyan started punching deep-slated rocks left and right, gathering all the minerals that gained her attention. She also obtained countless priceless materials, which were enough to make people in the upper realm drool.

Some were Purple-Veined Heaven Crystals and Master's Stone, but Yuyan tossed them into her pocket space like they were random pebbles. The Blue Pole Star is indeed a treasure trove.

Back to the Heavenly Sword Villa, Yu Long had to promise his wives a date before they could listen to him completely.

Of course, their coy and playful demeanor changed upon learning that one of Yu Long's past Kaiju might invade the Blue Pole Star. As they listened to him more, Xia Qingyue and Cang Yue couldn't help but knit their brows in worry.

Yu Long noticed their expression shift and chuckled, "Don't worry. As long as I'm here, everything will be fine."

"Also, you two have become more powerful than ever. You're not a powerless girl and princess anymore."

"I'm sorry for playing around earlier." Xia Qingyue lowered her head in shame. She wanted to be a little naughty in the morning.

Cang Yue bit her lips and also lowered her head, "I'm sorry."

Yu Long kissed them on the lips each and reassuringly said, "Don't look so down. In the end, you still listened to my explanation."

"You don't know how many men out there whose wives and lovers don't even listen to what they want to say. Compared to them, I'm quite lucky."

"Mm." Xia Qingyue and Cang Yue nodded meekly. They also felt lucky to have someone like Yu Long as their husband.

They cuddled on the bed for a few minutes before Yu Long shared one more news about his discovery of Meng Yiran's fusion with the Fairy Queen Fran.

"So, it's really possible to form a symbiotic relationship with Kaiju?" Xia Qingyue tilted her head in amazement.

Yu Long fused with some Kaiju when they were doing secluded training in the Dragon God's Trial Grounds, and the power he showcased at the time was mind-blowing.

If they could replicate it, Xia Qingyue couldn't imagine how strong she could be.

"Yes, but we need some testing first. I don't want you to experience what Meng Yiran went through." Yu Long replied decisively.

"What a horrible fate she has." Cang Yue mumbled in pity.

Yu Long sighed, "Yeah, but she doesn't regret it."

"Well, let's get out and grab some breakfast."

"The Heavenly Sword Villa should have sent their representatives to our front door."

After tidying themselves, they went outside and saw the maids encircling a white-haired woman in a dirty white robe.

"Fran?" Yu Long recognized the white-haired woman's silver eyes and long ears. So, he decided to call her name.

The white-haired woman smiled weakly, "Morning, master."

"What happened to you?"

"Your clone should dissipate soon and give you the answer." She shook her head lightly. It seems she was reluctant to answer him.

Yu Long frowned and received the information from his Ghost Clone. His eyes widened in surprise.

"This, you don't care about your life anymore?"

"Yiran sacrificed herself for you, but you do the same in return."

The Fairy Queen let her host's essence overwrite her Essence Sphere.

They didn't only become one being in terms of the body. They are also one in terms of mind and soul!

The woman before everyone is a new being, a perfect fusion of a human and a Kaiju.

The new Fairy Queen placed her hand on the chest and bowed her body gracefully, "Please let me follow you again, master."

"I believe my unique existence will bring countless benefits."

"In return, please fix the cracks on my Essence Sphere."

Yu Long's mouth twitched. He had no problem taking Fran in, but her situation rendered him speechless.

He has been [Kaiju Maker] for 16 years. Nineteen years if we include his past life, but there has never been a case like Fran and Meng Yiran.

'Well, this will help me speed up the research about the symbiotic relationship.' Yu Long awkwardly gazed at the new Fran.

No, since she was the fusion of Fran and Meng Yiran, she should have a different identity now.

"What's your name?" Yu Long asked calmly.

The new Fairy Queen smiled and answered, "My name is Freya, master."

"Freya..." Yu Long nodded in understanding. "Very well, I will take you in."

"Come here."

Freya walked to Yu Long's side and watched him stretch his left hand to her shoulder. She felt an incredible amount of vitality surging from his body, transferring a portion of it to her.

Freya closed her eyes in joy like her whole body dipped in a soothing hot spring, sensing a cracked greenish-gold Essence Sphere within her body getting fixed rapidly and leaving no gap behind.

After a few breaths, the Essence Sphere becomes perfect and fully greenish-gold with an ethereal gleam.


Kaiju No.18

Species: Hybrid Ascended Human-Treant(Fairy Queen)

Grade: SS+

Abilities: True Overgrow, Serene Heart, Pure Desire, Wise Woman's Eyes, Fairy Queen of Nature, Lush Spawns, Sorrowful Song of Rainy Night, Twin Stars of World's Tree, Mother Earth's Embrace, Excessive Dedication

Name: Fran & Meng Yiran(Former), Freya(True)


Yu Long lifted his hand and commented, "You have gained quite a lot of abilities while roaming around the Primal Chaos, huh?"

"It's nothing compared to you, master." Freya humbly replied.

She glanced at the ladies and bowed, "My name is Freya. From now on, I will be in your care."

"Let's get along."

The ladies looked at each other and replied, "Okay."

Although they thought it was weird for Freya to appear out of nowhere and ask Yu Long to accept her as his subordinate again, they are willing to overlook it due to the 'special' circumstances.

"Freya, you will rest in this courtyard until I return from the Heaven Basin Secret Realm. Hong Guan and Lily will stay and teach you about my cultivation system." Yu Long ordered without beating around a bush.

"Freya will follow the master's order." The Fairy Queen responded immediately.

He stared at her and added, "When Dullahan appears, I want you to de-escalate the situation."

"Take this, and tell Dullahan I was here."

Freya received a spatial ring, which she peeked curiously. Upon seeing countless essence spheres inside, she couldn't help but part her little mouth in disbelief.

"Then, I will go to retrieve something first." Yu Long patted Freya's shoulder and walked away. At first, he wanted to have breakfast, but Freya's situation changed his mind.

Xia Qingyue, Cang Yue, Chu Yueli, and Chu Yuechan followed Yu Long outside.

As they disappeared from the courtyard, Freya blinked her eyes and stared at Lily and Hong Guan curiously.

Lily smiled and greeted, "Welcome to the team."

"Welcome." Hong Guan added aloofly.

"Thanks." Freya didn't expect this warm welcome, but she accepted it wholeheartedly. "Can you tell me about the master's life so far first?"

"Sure." Surprisingly, Hong Guan nodded. "We will tell you."

"But it would be long."

"I don't mind..." Freya replied as she hadn't solidified her condition. She preferred to know more about Yu Long first than cultivating her strength.

Her master.

Her dear master.

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