Kaiju Maker in Another World

Chapter 126: Demon King vs Demon King

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--- Chapter 123 ---

Yu Long casually stepped into the Sword Management Terrace like it was his backyard and sensed sharp sword qi brushing his skin. He ignored it because such a feeble sharpness wasn't enough to cut his hair.

He scanned the area with golden eyes and mumbled, "Third-grade complexity." 

"Deterrence, bone erosion, blood draining, and spiritual weakening." 

"The Heaven's Might Soul Suppressing Formation is decent. It suppressed the profound strength of anyone inside to the maximum limit, weakening the strength of late-stage Sovereign Profound down to early-state Emperor Profound Realm."

"However, the suppression did not affect my profound strength because it was too weak to affect my modified profound veins supported by several True God-like profound aspects and qualities." 

"This sword is called Heaven's Punishment Sword. The victim is bound to the sword using Meteorite Chains. The formation is 'actually' tied to the life of the victim, which means it won't get deactivated until the victim dies..." He arrived at the enormous black sword and touched it with his bare hand. 

"They really hated the 'demon' inside the seal, huh?"

Yu Long knocked the Heaven's Punishment Sword and mumbled, "What a waste of materials." 

A gentle butterfly flap entered Yu Long's ears. He glanced to the left and saw Yume in her miniature Kaiju form, smiling because she had isolated the surrounding area with her Psychic Power.

"Good job." Yu Long rubbed the butterfly's head gently.

"Hehe, master~!" Yume responded with a high-pitched voice. 

Yu Long chuckled and added, "Keep the area clean." 

After saying that, Yu Long casually lifted the enormous black sword with pure physical strength and jumped into the hole below. He landed on the reddish ground and looked around.

Chains hovered from the sword and connected to a middle-aged man's limbs fifteen meters away. 

The middle-aged man appeared very skinny with pale complexions and wore a shabby and hole-riddled black robe. His hair, mustache, and beard are all white due to fading vitality.

Even then, Yu Long could feel the intense hatred and anger from the middle-aged man's yellow eyes, which shone with crimson gleam.

"Hmm, has the Sword Region Bastard finally decided to kill me?" The middle-aged man stared at Yu Long emotionlessly. "Well, they really looked down on me." 

"They actually sent down a hairless brat to beat me to death? Such a humiliation." 

Yu Long narrowed his eyes slightly because this middle-aged man had an interesting sense of humor. He sighed and replied, "I'm not here on behalf of those weaklings." 

"I'm here on behalf of myself." 

"You?" The middle-aged man mused at his reply.

"I don't know how you entered the Heaven's Might Soul Suppressing Formation, but your condition must be no better than mine." 

"Are you sure?" Yu Long's lips curved into a smirk as he released profound energy that shook the ground. He didn't stop because the middle-aged man felt threatened by his accumulation of strength.

The middle-aged man stood up, causing the bangle-chained on his limbs to clatter and straighten themselves. Although his cultivation was 'cruelly' suppressed to the early stage of Emperor Profound Realm, Yu Long could feel his foundation wasn't bad.

It was close to the Shadow Phantom's level, which surprised Yu Long for a second. No wonder the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region must play dirty to trap this person.

"Interesting." Yu Long rubbed his chin. "What about introducing ourselves to each other first?" 

"I will go first. My name is Yu Long, and I'm from the Lost Heaven Sect." 

The middle-aged man stared Yu Long dead in the eyes and answered, "Never heard of it." 

Yu Long chuckled in amusement, "Of course, you never heard of the Lost Heaven Sect, as you were locked here for years. But I believe you've seen some of our disciples three years ago." 

"Watching the demon go mad is a tradition in the Heavenly Sword Villa, after all." 

As if he was getting hit on a sore spot, the middle-aged man laughed and angrily shouted at Yu Long. "Hahaha, you little bastard! You should call me the great DEMON KING, YUN CANGHAI!" 

"Now I remember... There were indeed some interesting youngsters three years ago." 

"Their energy fluctuation is weird, and yours are similar." 

Yu Long crossed his arms and nodded, "That should be them. So wanna hear me out?" 

"No." Yun Canghai responded indifferently. 

Cyan light exploded in Yu Long's vision as a massive sword traveled to his head.

Clank! BOOM!

Yu Long blinked and watched the massive sword stop, getting repelled to the ground and impaling itself deep. He stared at Yun Canghai and noticed a sword-shaped mark on the back of his left hand.

'His Manifestation Aspect is more solid than I thought. Is this the mature Profound Handle could offer to a fight?' He thought to himself.

Profound Handle is the bloodline power of the Yun Clan, which also originated from the devil race of the Age of Primordial Gods.

Its power depends on the bloodline's quality and varies from color to color. The cyan color means the wielder could unleash 50% of Profound Handle's true strength that scaled from their cultivation base.

One might think 50% is low, but Yun Canghai dominated his era with his Profound Handle's potential. He was also the most talented Yun Clan member in his family record.

However, Yun Canghai couldn't believe what he saw just now. 

His Profound Handle was ineffective against Yu Long. The moment his sword manifestation was about to reach the golden-eyed youth, an invisible force repelled it like a shield.

Yu Long glanced at the cyan-colored sword and said, "What a superb refinement. Unfortunately, the caster's cultivation was suppressed to the early stage of Emperor Profound Realm, not allowing the Manifestation Aspect to reach its highest peak." 

"Not bad, Yun Canghai. You're comparable to my Shadow Phantoms." 

Yun Canghai's mouth twitched when he heard Yu Long's praise. He never heard of Shadow Phantom, so it must be a rank or something within this golden-eyed youth's faction.

Yu Long laughed and continued, "Well, this is getting more interesting than I expected. Oy, the Demon King, do you want to fight my Demon King?" 

"I would like to see the true powerhouse of the Illusory Demon Realm." 

Yun Canghai's eyes widened in shock as he gobsmacked, "How did you know about that... No, wait. It would be weird if you didn't know about the Illusory Demon Realm." 

"Phew... It seems old age has gotten to me." 

"Brat, I might be locked here for years, but that doesn't mean you can look down on me." 

"What if I told you there is a way of releasing you from this formation?" Yu Long suddenly dropped a bomb that shocked Yun Canghai even further.

"Before you suspect me of lying, let me give you some demonstration first." 

Yu Long snapped his finger, and the Heaven's Might Soul Suppressing Formation released a dim golden light. The bangle-chained Yun Canghai's limbs come off abruptly, allowing him to move freely.

On top of that, Yun Canghai felt the pressure that suppressed his profound energy and cultivation disappeared.

It was like a miracle had come true.

No, it's like heaven has heard his plea!

"You, just who are you??" Yun Canghai stared at Yu Long dumbly. After Yu Long released him from the Heaven's Might Soul Suppressing Formation, he couldn't read the golden-eyed youth.

To be more precise, he couldn't read Yu Long in the first place.

Yu Long shrugged, "I'm just a bored guy who knows more than others." 

"Anyway, your freedom is for my entertainment, so it won't last long and only give you some relief. It's not good to be chained up like a dog for years, right?" 

"Like a dog..." Yun Canghai was speechless. This fellow sure has a mouth to say something like that to him.

"Anyway, since we don't get to speak for more than an hour. I wanna see how you fight my subordinate." Yu Long continued, clapping his hand casually.

The space beside Yu Long warped, and a pair of insect-like legs landed on the ground.


The sound of heavy metal hitting the ground echoed throughout Heaven's Might Soul Suppressing Formation, giving Yun Canghai a chill at the sight before him.

A creature stood above 8 ft on the ground. It has a lean but grotesque humanoid-like appearance but with insectoid features like the mouth, arms, and feet. 

The rest of its body is black and fleshy, with armor-like carapace pulsating red veins. Its head is 'thoroughly' covered with a shadowy helmet, which allows a pair of crimson eyes to pierce through it. 

Extending from its back is a large abdomen, upon which an even larger parasitic scorpion tail with a functional mouth filled with sharp saw-like teeth.

(AN: The base's reference is Verdugo and Pesanta/U-III from Resident Evil 4)

Yu Long patted the creature's back and said, "Let me introduce you to Muzan." 

"The Scorpion-tailed Demon King." 


Muzan glared at Yun Canghai and let out a blood-curdling roar.

"Fuck me." Yun Canghai mumbled with a solemn expression.

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