Kaiju Maker in Another World

Chapter 119: Please Accept Me as Your Disciple!

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--- Chapter 116 ---

On a lonely street, two beautiful women walked while hiding their presence. 

"Young master?" Hong Guan halted her steps as she saw a handsome black-haired young man and a scarlet-haired girl near a river. 

Lily also stopped and glanced in the direction of Hong Guan's gaze, "Oh, so that's the gimmicky girl you mentioned." 

"She was quite strong." The money-hungry lady commented, feeling the pulsating slaughter energy within Jasmine's body. "Should we greet them?" 

"We should." Hong Guan responded with a nod. 

They approached the river and jumped to the other side.

Yu Long sensed the familiar presence and smiled because they were back faster than he expected. He looked up, seeing two graceful figures land before Jasmine and him.

Jasmine's eyes lit up as she recognized Lily's face. Before either side could greet each other, the scarlet-haired princess jumped toward Lily and said, "Master Lily, nice to meet you." 

"My name is Jasmine, and I would like to learn from you."

"Please accept me as your disciple!" She finalized, having a bright smile on her face.

"..." Yu Long.

"..." Hong Guan.

"Uh, what?" Lily was speechless. She didn't expect to be in this kind of situation.

The auburn-haired lady scratched her cheek and said, "This, have you mistaken me with someone else? I didn't deserve to be called 'Master' or such." 

'Also, too bright.' Lily saw Jasmine's charming smile and couldn't help but be stunned. She also rubbed her eyes and did an extra check.

This girl is too damned beautiful!

Did the young master kidnap her from heaven or something?

Jasmine shook her head frantically, "Don't put yourself that lowly. I saw you last night and was amazed by your skills." 

"If possible, I want to learn those skills." 

Lily's awkward expression froze when Jasmine mentioned last night's event. Even though Lily was a thick-skinned lady, she knew how to feel horrible.

She glanced at Yu Long, pleading for him to give her a way out. 

'Just accept her as your disciple.' Yu Long's voice echoed in Lily's mind.

'Aih, this is such a twist of fate.' 

In the original story, Jasmine was arrogant and all-mighty before Yun Che and even asserted herself as his master. Yet here, Jasmine begged to be Lily's disciple, a young lady who used to be a lowly servant.

If Yu Long knew Jasmine's original intention to become Lily's disciple to defeat him, he would laugh his ass off.

Hong Guan stared at Jasmine weirdly and thought, 'You have the greatest man in heaven besides you that you could ask to be your master, but you chose Lily?'

'As expected, this girl is weird.' Of course, Hong Guan didn't utter these words verbally. That would be impolite of her.

Lily helplessly moved his gaze back to Jasmine and saw the girl's hopeful look. "Fine, fine." She sighed.

"Stop looking at me with those puppy's eyes." 

"From now on, you will be my disciple." 

Jasmine pumped her fist excitedly, "Yes!" 

Yu Long was 'actually' dazed by Jasmine's excited expression and smiled gently once again because she finally acted like a girl her age. The red-haired maid noticed this and decided to put Jasmine on her watchlist.

The four of them returned to the Blue Wind Imperial Palace and were 'awkwardly' greeted by some guards. Yu Long waved his hand back and then walked inside in a pleasant mood.

They arrived at the dining room shortly after. Yu Long saw his father-in-law, Cang Wanhe, drinking hangover soup.

Lan Shirou walked in with some servants and brought breakfast over.

"Good morning." Lan Shirou greeted them with a smile. She sat beside Cang Wanhe and rubbed his back.

Yu Long nodded, "Good morning." 


"Yeah." Cang Wanhe bitterly laughed. "The wine we shared last night is too strong for me."

"I can't get over it, even until now." 

'Eh, last night? Wine?' Lily heard their conversations and had a bad feeling.

Yu Long has a funny expression, "If you don't get a hangover after finishing a bottle of Millenium Wine, it would be weird." 

Lily's face becomes stiff. She stared at Yu Long's back with a wrong expression, as if screaming 'how could you!' at him.

A big bottle of Millennium Wine worth ten million purple coins as the main brewing ingredients must be spiritual herbs over 1,000 years old. That's why Millennium is part of its name. 

Lily was lucky to get her hand on this wine after she scam-! Cough, she meant trading some resources with the senile Guwei.

(AN: Just a reminder, Guwei is part of Shadow Realm and Blacksmith in Silver Lake City)

"Ah, you're the Blue Sky Auction House's manager." Cang Wanhe stared at the lady behind Yu Long, who looked like she was about to cry.

Lily bitterly bowed and greeted, "Nice to meet you, Emperor." 

"And you too, Empress." 

Lan Shirou giggled and waved her hand, "Oh, you. Lily, we have known each other for a while now. You can call me by name." 

"The best I can do is Ma'am." Lily returned with a curt expression. 

"Is that so?" Lan Shirou looked around, trying to find her lovely daughter.

Yu Long sat down and said, "Xueruo and Qingyue are resting. Last night was quite tiring." 

You mean you were exhausting them? 

Lan Shirou gave Yu Long a suspicious look, to which the golden-eyed young man responded with an innocent cough. Well, she didn't mind as she expected grandchildren soon.

The breakfast continued while Jasmine napped inside the Sky Poison Pearl's dimension. She was tired due to the excessive shock she experienced in the last few hours. 


After that, Yu Long sprawled in the garden with Hong Guan, enjoying the scenery and morning wind. Chu Yueli and Chu Yuechan are training on the field fifteen meters from the garden. 

Lily and Jasmine are talking in a pavilion, and the scarlet-haired princess looks more energetic after her nap.

They have their own pair for some reason.

Hong Guan picked a small object from her sleeve and handed it to Yu Long, "Young master, here is a spatial ring with all the essence spheres inside." 

Yu Long accepted the ring and nodded, "Thank you for the great work." 

"It's nothing." Hong Guan replied humbly. "Also, there are several reports of aggressive profound beasts from the branches in the last two months."

"Go on." Yu Long frowned slightly.

Hong Guan nodded and continued, "After you left for the Frozen Cloud Asgards, we received several reports about the increase of aggressiveness from all profound beasts."

"All, like on a large scale?" 

"Yes. The profound beasts are becoming more aggressive and attacking any settlements nearby. On top of that, the profound energy within their bodies have the same profound patterns, or should I say curse?"

"The curse is deeply attached to their brain and blood, causing them to enter a crazed state." 

"Do you have any samples?" Yu Long asked calmly.

Hong Guan knew Yu Long would ask this and retrieved several sealed glass bottles with black liquid inside, giving them to him. 

Yu Long activated his [Kaiju Maker] and scanned the glass bottles one after another at a fast pace, decoding the profound patterns. 

His expression gradually turned solemn.

"This... is Demonification." He said while closing his eyes.

Hong Guan's eyes widened slightly, "Pardon me, but isn't that what Xia Qingyue's younger brother experienced back then?" 

Yu Long sighed and told Hong Guan about the Demonification Wave in the upper realm. As the red-haired lady listened to her young master's story, her expression turned grave.

"Pandora... Is she still alive?" Hong Guan couldn't help but ask.

Yu Long put on a complicated look, "I don't know... But most likely no." 

"If Pandora is still alive, her Pathogenesis and Genetic Sovereign Abilities would cause more chaos in the Realm of Gods. However, Jasmine said the upper realm still functions normally, except for some unpleasant events." 

"That's good to hear." Hong Guan patted her chest.

Yu Long teased, "Are you perhaps afraid, Guan?" 

"Don't worry, Pandora's ability is more annoying than dangerous to me." 

Hong Guan stared Yu Long dead in the eyes and said firmly, "With you around, I'm not afraid of anything, young master..." 

Yu Long was 'dumbly' taken aback by her response but then shook his head in defeat. She's going to make him flustered at this point.

He coughed and changed the topic, "Keep monitoring the profound beasts. I'll make the solution soon." 

"Also, keep searching for more essence spheres. I might have gotten most of them, but my ability was 'unfortunately' cut short back then." 

"Noted." Hong Guan put Yu Long's order as her number one priority. She looked around and noticed the other ladies were busy with themselves.

This is her chance!

"Um, young master..." She called him nervously.

"Yes?" Yu Long responded while closing his eyes.

Hong Guan opened her mouth and proposed, "Would you like to rest your head on my lap? It would be much better than lying on the grass."

Yu Long opened his eyes quickly and saw Hong Guan patting her soft, toned thighs. He looked up and saw a slight blush on Hong Guan's cheeks, realizing she was nervous.

"Okay. Don't mind if I do." Yu Long crawled and placed his head on Hong Guan's lap. It was soft and bouncy! 

He smelled her womanly scent and floral fragrance, making him relax.

Unknowingly, Yu Long drifted to a comfortable sleep.

Hong Guan heard Yu Long's light snore and caressed his black hair gently, tracing her slender finger across his handsome face. She lightly grazed his lips and placed her finger on her lips.

She did it a few more times, and a soft moan escaped her mouth.

A burning passion was heating Hong Guan's body, but she knew this wasn't the time yet.

'I wished we could stay like this forever. Just two of us...' Hong Guan's green eyes shone dimly.

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