Kaiju Maker in Another World

Chapter 110: Demonification Wave?

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--- Chapter 107 ---

"Yo, Yuanba!" Yu Long shouted while sitting on the stone handrails.

"You've become bigger than I remembered." 

Xia Yuanba's eyes widened as he remembered this voice very well. 

Although the voice became much more mature after over four years, Xia Yuanba still shivered because the owner of this voice had trained him in the past.

Well, training is a looser term when used in the past.

It was more of a bonding between brothers.

Xia Yuanba breathed in and defeated his training partners before running toward Yu Long. His eyes lit up when he saw a tall but lean young man with mid-length black hair tied in a bun.

'Those fierce golden eyes are still the same as ever.' Xia Yuanba thought with a grin.

Yu Long jumped from the handrails and landed on the field, watching the muscular giant charge at him. Any 'normal' individual would be dazed at such a sight, but Yu Long didn't think much of it.

"Big Bro, I miss you!" Xia Yuanba gave Yu Long a bear hug, which tore his shirt apart. 

Yu Long patted Xia Yuanba's back helplessly, "What kind of food did you eat? You're growing this big in just four, no five years." 

Xia Yuanba released Yu Long and scratched his cheek innocently, "I don't know." 

"But my father said he fed me one hundred pounds of profound beast's meat every day after big sister left. At first, I thought it was beef, hehe..." 

"..." Yu Long stared at him in disbelief. The profound beast's meat is nutritious for profound practitioners, but no way in hell ordinary youth could devour one hundred pounds of it every fucking day.

On top of that, even if profound practitioners could eat that much meat, they wouldn't be able to absorb the energy. 

They are either dying from overconsumption or ruining their future as profound practitioners, as the energy will rupture their bodies.

Only Xia Yuanba, who possessed the Tyrannical Emperor Divine Veins, could quickly refine 100 pounds of profound beast's meat. And he'd consume even more as he became more powerful.

'Well, here comes the defect.' Yu Long frowned because Xia Yuanba suddenly grasped his heart and coughed a mouthful of blood.

'Kuugh, again...' Xia Yuanba's face paled as his body felt like a wet towel squished dry.

Yu Long coughed and instructed, "Don't use your profound strength for the next five days." 

"Your profound veins are unique, Yuanba. I warned you years ago, but it seems the 'uniqueness' becomes venom." 

"Your profound veins are twice as thick as others."

"It's three times as thick now... That means your body needs to squish more vitality and profound energy to maintain it. You grew this muscular thanks to your body protecting yourself from danger." 

"But no matter how much coating you add to a fragile glass, it's still fragile inside." He added, giving Xia Yuanba a lecture.

Xia Qingyue landed on the ground and asked, "What should we do then, Husband?" 

"We can't let Yuanba like this, right?" Her voice is full of worry.

"H-H-Husband??!" Xia Yuanba's eyes widened again.

"B-Big Bro, you and big sister are married already?" 

Yu Long smiled and nodded, "Technically, yes." 

"As for the wedding ceremony, we decided to hold it off for now." 

"Well, that aside... Focus on your problem first, you fool." 

"Hehehe~! Big Bro is going to be my brother-in-law!" Xia Yuanba laughed like the fool he was and hugged Yu Long again, ignoring the pain he had experienced just a few seconds ago.

Yu Long and Xia Qingyue glanced at each other, chuckling helplessly.

Who would have thought this youth would care more about their wedding than his health?

Yu Long ordered the shadow agents(disciples) to leave and brought Xia Yuanba to a calmer place. Xia Qingyue followed from behind, watching both with an amused expression.

They arrived at the artificial lake with energy-purifying arrays and settled below a great pine tree, feeling the refreshing breeze hitting them. 

Yu Long checked the array formation around the lake's area and modified some codes because the following experiment would probably break a few things.

Xia Yuanba giddily sat down on the grass, staring at Yu Long and Xia Qingyue with a foolish grin. 

"Not gonna lie, you two are a match made in heaven!" 

"Is that so?" Yu Long responded while reinforcing the array.

Meanwhile, Xia Qingyue giggled because she liked her younger brother's praise of her and Yu Long. She didn't know Xia Yuanba had such a glib tongue, but again, it's probably just his childish nature.

Xia Qingyue, who was standing, patted Xia Yuanba's head gently and said, "Okay, stop with flowery words. I'm bringing your brother-in-law here to help you." 

"You can be excited after that." 

'Girl, you said that but cited me as his brother-in-law?!' Yu Long was speechless. 

Who is the excited one here?

Yu Long shook his head and finished the array reinforcement. 

The atmosphere changed because the quality of profound strength increased by a leap.

Even Xia Yuanba, who wasn't very sensitive toward profound strength, noticed the changes.

"Woah... What did you do, brother-in-law?" He asked curiously.

Yu Long waved his hand, "Stop calling me that. Big Bro is enough." 

"Okay, okay." Xia Yuanba nodded rapidly. 

Yu Long sat down and grabbed Xia Yuanba's hand, feeling his pulse and profound veins. "The Tyrannical Emperor Divine Veins mutated." 

"How weird... There is this strand of energy that feels familiar." 

"It was deep inside Yuanba's heart. How could I not sense it earlier?" 

"Did someone say Tyrannical Emperor Divine Veins?!" A surprised shout comes from Yu Long's hand. 

Jasmine jumped from the Sky Poison Pearl's dimension and appeared in her gothic-loli dress. It was a frilly dress with white middle parts, purple sleeves, and a long skirt, enhancing the scarlet-haired princess's beauty even more.

She even twirled in the air to give them a showcase.

Yu Long gifted her this dress in the Frozen Cloud Asgards when shadow agents from Silver Lake City arrived with a new batch of stylish clothes.

Well, she only wore it now for some reason.

"G-GHOST!" Xia Yuanba pointed his finger at Jasmine. He was afraid and even hugged Yu Long like a scared cat.

It was a funny sight, considering Xia Yuanba is bigger than Yu Long.

"HOW RUDE!" Jasmine shouted back.

"This princess is no ghost!" 

"Remember well, this princess's name is Jasmine!" 

Yu Long's mouth twitched, "You heard her, Yuanba. Her name is Jasmine, and her weakness is dessert." 

"People call her the Devourer of Sweets." 

"W-What, that's not true!" Jasmine wanted to deny Yu Long's horrendous labeling.

"Limited Blueberry-glazed Donut." Xia Qingyue suddenly commented, which made Jasmine's mouth shut itself.

"I-I..." Jasmine couldn't believe this. This perverted couple actually blackmailed her with limited-time dessert, her only weakness!

She clenched her fist indignantly and murmured, "I have no comment..." 

"Eh?" Xia Yuanba was surprised. "Err, what should I call you then?" 

"Princess Jasmine?" 



Before Xia Yuanba could finish his words, Jasmine opened her mouth again and said, "Stop! Princess is enough. Only some people are worthy enough to utter this princess's name." 

Yu Long rolled his eyes, "How narcissistic." 

"Pot calling the kettle black." Jasmine countered immediately. 

Yu Long shrugged and commented, "So what's the matter? I called you earlier, but you cut me off." 

Jasmine's expression stiffened as a blush crept onto her cheeks, "That's not your business." 

Xia Qingyue raised her brow at Jasmine's reaction but decided to watch things unfold naturally. Her eyes observed Jasmine's soul, finding some interesting results.

'A vengeful soul of hers has healed and become purer... But it developed into something a little depraved because of us.' Xia Qingyue smiled inwardly. 

Xia Qingyue knew that Jasmine hadn't admitted the feeling yet, but the young soul had gotten tainted. 

'It all started because of me.'

There is a hint of bitterness in her last statement.

"Anyway, you possessed the Tyrannical Emperor Divine Veins. However, it seems you have yet to awaken it, and this leads to your true potential of being suppressed greatly." Jasmine stared at Xia Yuanba. 

"I've listened to Yu Long's rambling and might know why your profound veins mutated. It's actually not your fault." 

"Have you heard of Demonification?" She glanced at Yu Long.

Yu Long rubbed his chin, "Unfortunately, no." 

Jasmine nodded in understanding, "As expected, the Demonfication Wave hasn't fully reached this low star realm." 

"Around sixteen years ago, an energy wave hit the upper realm(Realm of Gods) and caused momentary chaos because many people suddenly became sick."

"It was a traceless and new disease with no signs until one entered the first phase. After a year, part of one's body also mutated into that of a strange-looking beast." 

"If you're strong enough, then you can negate this mutation by using profound energy, but if not..." 

"Two years and 30% of your body transformed." 

"Three years and 50% of your body will become grotesquely-shaped." 

"Four years, you will mutate thoroughly, losing yourself in limbo. Some people gained immense power, and some were 'unfortunately' devoured by madness." 

Jasmine stared at Xia Yuanba again and said, "You're lucky. The Demonification hasn't reached a critical stage."

Meanwhile, Yu Long felt like he was 'inwardly' struck by lightning.


Sixteen years ago?

He rubbed his temple and thought solemnly, 'Don't tell me... Pandora, she's still alive? No wonder Xia Yuanba's profound veins have this weird familiar feeling.'

Yu Long sighed and asked, "You said there is a way to negate this Demonfication, right?" 

"Normally, yes," Jasmine answered positively. "But this fellow's case is different." 

"His cultivation is too low to expel the Demonification's Energy himself." 

"Can't we just aid him?" Xia Qingyue entered the conversation.

"No, we can't do that. Or else you'll get infected as well." Jasmine crossed her arms. "The only way is to use Demonic Core, a sphere-shaped object with varied size and color that appears alongside the energy wave and could absorb the Demonficiation's Energy." 

Yu Long pulled the essence sphere from his spatial ring and said, "Is it this thing?" 

"Eh, You have one?" Jasmine was surprised. She didn't know about Yu Long's [Kaiju Maker] abilities, and he also never showed the essence sphere in her presence.

"Let me try something." Seeing that Jasmine wasn't unfamiliar with the item in his hand, Yu Long grabbed Xia Yuanba's shoulder and removed a strand of harmful energy, moving it into the empty essence sphere in his hand. 

The essence sphere lit up, releasing a chaotic purple light. 

Far in the unknown realm in Primal Chaos, a pair of amethyst-colored eyes opened.

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