Kaiju Maker in Another World

Chapter 107: A Date with Cang Yue

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--- Chapter 105 ---

The next day. 

Cang Yue awakened from her pleasant dream and opened her eyes, seeing sunlight coming from the ventilation. 

"Yu Long?" She yawned and looked for Yu Long but found her nowhere.

They are still in the Lost Heaven Sect, which means Yu Long should be on the burning sun peak where the sunlight and Yang(Light) energy are the most abundant.

She glanced down, seeing Xia Qingyue and others sleeping. A playful smirk appeared on Cang Yue's face as she quietly climbed off the bed and changed her pajama into a green-white dress with an open back.

"Let's see..." She placed a coat over her shoulder and flew off.

Arriving at the burning sun peak, Cang Yue saw Yu Long meditating like usual and slowly refining the Yang(Light) energy in the surroundings into his body. A purple aura is radiating from his skin.

"You're already awake this morning? How rare." Yu Long opened his mouth while focusing on cultivating [Art of Violet Mist].

Cang Yue puffed her cheeks, "Are you calling me lazy? I can wake up early, you know? Hmph!"

Yu Long chuckled, "I don't doubt your words. Still, my routine is always the same every morning, absorbing the Purple Qi from the morning sunlight." 

"When I return, you're usually still asleep, Xueruo." 

"Come here and sit." 

Cang Yue's expression mellowed as she sat beside Yu Long and stared at the distance, feeling the warmth of morning sunlight. 

Even though she cultivated the Yang(Light) element with [Monarch Heart Secret Art], she focused more on 'Life Attribute' than the light itself.

She could manipulate light expertly, but her destruction prowess was several times lower than Yu Long's. She is also more inclined to read the 'luck' in the atmosphere with her profound arts.

"Today is a great day." Cang Yue commented as she saw several golden threads swimming in the sky.

"Is that so?" Yu Long kept refining Purple Qi in the atmosphere. "Hmm, I wonder what kind of great things will happen." 

Cang Yue blinked a few times as she giggled, "It's something I've been waiting for a whole month." 

"A whole month..." Yu Long opened his eyes and peeked at Cang Yue, seeing her skin glow with gleaming light. "You want it today?" 

"Well, yes. But let's go on a date first." Cang Yue nodded calmly. "Don't worry. We had a lottery session last night, and I won." 

"Are you sure you weren't cheating?" Yu Long suspiciously gazed at her clear eyes.

Cang Yue stuck her tongue out playfully and said, "Hehe, Take a guest~!" 

Yu Long sighed helplessly, "Wait for a second. I'll leave a note to Mom so she doesn't have to prepare breakfast for us." 

"About that, you don't have to. I already left behind a note." Cang Yue winked. "Fast, right?"

Yu Long blinked and quickly realized Cang Yue had used her clairvoyance a few times. "You're coming here prepared, huh?" He said with a wry smile.

"Of course!" Cang Yue raised her chest proudly, giving Yu Long a sight of her cleavage. Since she was two years older than Yu Long and Xia Qingyue, her body was 'obviously' more developed.

Yu Long raised his hand in defeat and eloquently said, "Well, shall I escort the princess to this rare date?" 

"You may, my handsome guardian~!" Cang Yue played along before both of them laughed.



Yu Long and Cang Yue walked inside the Chain Clouds Mountain Range, the lush forests in the west region. 

One might think this was Yu Long's idea, but Cang Yue was the one who proposed a date in the forest filled with profound beasts. Talking about being unique, haha.

Even then, Yu Long guessed the forest had something that caught Cang Yue's [Monarch Heart Secret Art] detection.

"So, something is interesting in this forest?" Yu Long asked, beating around the bush.

Cang Yue giggled and answered casually, "Hmm, something like that. But you don't want to ruin the trick, do you? Or it wouldn't be interesting anymore." 

She hummed and kept walking into the forest, sometimes picking wild herbs on the ground. 

Yu Long stared at Cang Yue's back and rear respectfully, sighing because this fiancee was surely well-endowed. Even with such covering clothes, she is somehow able to charm him.

If Xia Qingyue has this charming appearance and adorable personality that warms Yu Long's heart when she tries to tempt him, Cang Yue is like a pure elder sister who seduced him to unveil her beauty. Maybe it has something to do with her being two years older.

'Xueruo is not innocent by any means, considering she talked with Yuyan most of the time, but her Saint Heart does make me take a second guess sometimes.' Yu Long thought at the back of his head.

As they walked deep in the forest, Cang Yue stopped and stared at a mighty tree before her. The tree is over one hundred meters tall, with thick, brown bark, countless branches, and lush green leaves.

"It should be around here..." Cang Yue said, hovering her eyes around the tree.

"Profound Beast?" Yu Long frowned at the tree, sensing its immense vitality and sleeping sentient. "A Tyrant Profound Beast at that..."

Cang Yue crouched on the ground and grabbed an ordinary-looking stone, throwing it at the tree.


The tree suddenly moved and opened a cracked mouth filled with green blood. "WHO DARE TO AWAKEN THIS KING!" An angry roar echoed all over the forest.

Cang Yue giggled and crossed her arms, "It's me." 

"Hello, Mr. Tree." 

"I heard you're about to break through to the Sovereign Realm and condense a sovereign core. Can you give it to me?" She asked nicely with a warm smile.

The tree manifested a pair of hollow eyes and stared at Cang Yue furiously, "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" 

"So, no?" Cang Yue sighed, pouting a little.


Several roots burst from the ground and launched themselves at Cang Yue swiftly, leaving shadows.

"Need help?" Yu Long asked casually, as he knew none of these roots posed any danger to Cang Yue.

Cang Yue waved her hand, indicating it was okay. She tapped the storage ring on her finger and summoned a white staff that was 'seemingly' made of pure silver with a detailed groove to show the image of a purple-eyed white snake.

"Dancing Snake." That's the name of Cang Yue's staff. Yu Long made it two years ago in solitary training with the artificial bones of an ancient snake beast and the nugget of the star, Meru, to coat it.

It was a three-sectioned staff as Cang Yue pulled both ends, revealing chains that connected the middle part to others.

She swirled the staff and jumped, showing how delicate her movement was.

However, Yu Long knew her strength was not so delicate.


Cang Yue blew the massive roots apart like rotten wood with a single smack of Dancing Snake. Her toned muscles twitched as she danced like a war goddess.


A painful roar echoed.

Yu Long facepalmed and mumbled, "And she asked for a longsword yesterday. Her fighting style is not suitable for something that mild." 

"Wait, she probably asked for a heavier weapon..." 

In fact, besides cultivating [Monarch Heart Secret Art], Cang Yue also used [Art of Body Refining] to increase her physical strength to the extreme.

Don't look down on her delicate-looking body as her muscles, blood, bones, and spine are tempered with Dragon God's blood over the three years in the Dragon God Trial Ground.

Most importantly, she trained pink muscle tissues, which makes her look feminine and not excessively muscular. It also makes her physical strength catch up to Yu Long's base.


Cang Yue destroyed the roots one after another, charging at the massive tree with a cold look. Light(Yang) energy gathered on the Dancing Snake, releasing a gleaming purple aura.

[Monarch Heart Secret Art - Concentrated Light]

Cang Yue's arm muscles flexed as she smacked the tree with half her strength. 


She blew off a chunk of the tree, causing the profound beast to wail in pain.



Cang Yue ignored the tree's plea and blew another chunk, making the tree look miserable.

After a while, Cang Yue stopped and stared at the massive tree with countless trees.

"The core, now." She stretched her hand.

A green light condensed and landed on Cang Yue's right hand, revealing a green-colored crystal with four leaves inside. A smile bloomed on Cang Yue's face as she finally left the poor tree alone.

"Monster, monster..." The tree whispered to itself. The profound beast would experience a PTSD about a silver stick and a woman now.

Cang Yue returned to Yu Long's side and showed him the green-colored crystal, "Hehe, do you know what this is?" 

"No." Yu Long answered helplessly.

Cang Yue grinned, "This core is called Four Leaves of Love. It signifies Eternal Love between lovers." 

"Here, place it on your chest."


"Just do it." 

Yu Long picked up the fist-sized crystal and placed it on his chest, watching Cang Yue cut her palm and drip the blood on it shortly after.

"What are you doing?!" Yu Long grabbed her hand.

Cang Yue looked at Yu Long's worried expression and giggled, "Trust me, I don't hurt myself for no reason." 

Yu Long stared at her with a frown and let free the hand, allowing Cang Yue to place her hand on his chest. The four leaves in the crystal lit up, releasing a blinding pink light.

All of a sudden, Yu Long could feel another heartbeat. 

It was Cang Yue's heart, which was beating like no tomorrow right now.

"Xueruo, you..." 

"With this, we are connected forever..." Cang Yue breathed in, feeling Yu Long's heartbeat. "Do you feel mine, Yu Long?" 

"My feelings?" 

Yu Long rubbed her cheeks gently, "Aih, why are you so foolish." 

"You don't have to do something like this to declare your love to me."

"I also love you." 

"haha, but this makes it more special." Cang Yue winked at him victoriously. After that, she hugged him tightly.

Yu Long hugged her back, giving the girl a helpless sigh. 

"Xueruo, you're such a bad girl." He lifted her chin and kissed her lips.

"Mm~! Am I~?" 

'YOU TWO ARE INHUMANS! AT LEAVE THIS PLACE AND DO IT SOMEWHERE ELSE!' The tree on the side screamed inwardly.

Cang Yue breathed heavily because Yu Long finally freed her lips and said, "T-That was much different than I thought." 

"There is much more you don't know about." Yu Long pinched her nose lovingly. "Well, princess... Do you want to accept this humble, handsome man as your husband?" 

"Hehe, yes!" Cang Yue excitedly went for another kiss.

Meanwhile, a beaten tree is crying for being single.

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