Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 871 The Unraveling Betrayal: A Race Against Ambush

The two council members, now fully aware of their exposed betrayal, reluctantly nodded in agreement. Reign leaped down from the wall and landed gracefully in front of them. The trio began walking back towards the group of council members stationed at the reclaimed outpost.

As they walked, Reign couldn't help but feel a mixture of disappointment and frustration. He had hoped that the cooperation with the Irason Kingdom would be straightforward, but it seemed that not everyone shared the same loyalty. The two traitors glanced nervously at Reign, unsure of what consequences awaited them.

"So, spill the details. What's this plan of yours, and why would you betray your own kingdom?" Reign questioned, his tone calm but assertive.

The council member who had spoken earlier gulped nervously before answering, "It's... it's not about betraying the kingdom, it's about survival. The Elais Kingdom offered us a deal – support their efforts, provide information, and in return, they promised to spare our lives when they conquered the Irason Kingdom. We thought it was the only way to survive in this chaotic world."

Reign raised an eyebrow, his piercing gaze fixed on the council members. "Survival, you say? By aligning with invaders and turning against your own people? That doesn't sound like a noble pursuit."

The other council member, finding a moment of courage, added, "You don't understand. The Elais Kingdom is powerful, and we believed they would succeed. We wanted to be on the winning side. It was a pragmatic decision."

Reign sighed, a mixture of disappointment and understanding in his eyes. "Tch, don't lie to me, you were simply offered a good deal."

"I have been here for only a day, and yet I can already see that both the kingdoms are about the same strength, you didn't do this for survival, you only did it because you had a lot to gain."

"You allowed greed to enter your hearts and thus decided to betray your own." Reign said with a dark face before pushing the two forward and walking back into the outpost.

As they approached the group of council members, the atmosphere became tense. The other council members, initially only glancing at the two men who arrived back, noticed the presence of Reign and the apprehensive demeanor of the two traitors.

"Sir, didn't … didn't you go to help sir Athlaston?"

"Why are you two looking so weird?"

Reign addressed the group, "Well, we have a little problem. These two gentlemen here were planning to betray you all for personal gain. They made a deal with the Elais Kingdom to ensure their own survival. Now, it's up to the Irason Kingdom to decide how to handle this situation."

"I'm leaving." Reign said as he walked over to the gate while the council member nodded and even bowed slightly.


With that, Reign sprinted towards the outskirts of the outpost, utilizing his lightning speed to cover the distance in the shortest time possible. He needed to reach Athlaston before the trap was sprung. As he ran, Aethion's voice echoed in his mind.

"Reign, the situation is dire. Athlaston and his group are walking into a carefully orchestrated ambush. You need to get to them quickly and warn them without alerting the Elais Kingdom forces. It's a delicate balance, my friend, there could be plenty of elite warriors surrounding them as we speak."

Reign nodded inwardly, fully aware of the delicate nature of the task at hand. He approached the area where Athlaston and his men were likely to be ambushed, his senses heightened as he scanned the surroundings for any signs of the enemy.

As he neared the location, he slowed his pace, opting for a more cautious approach. His keen instincts guided him, allowing him to navigate through the terrain with stealth and precision. The air was thick with tension as he closed in on the ambush site.

Reign, with his heightened senses and agility, moved like a shadow through the landscape. He could feel the trap closing in, a web of danger carefully laid out by the Elais Kingdom forces. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, and every rustle of leaves, every distant sound, drew his attention.

Aethion's voice echoed again, "Careful, Reign. The enemy could have scouts or magical surveillance. You need to warn Athlaston without revealing your presence."

Reign nodded inwardly, focusing on suppressing his aura and making use of the natural cover around him together with his darkness. As he approached the potential ambush site, he spotted Athlaston and his group, unaware of the imminent danger. The seasoned warriors were proceeding cautiously, but the enemy lay in wait.

Reign needed to alert them without tipping off the ambushers. He decided to send a psychic message to Athlaston with the help of Aethion, relaying a message without speaking aloud.

"Sir Athlaston, it's Reign. You're walking into a trap. Elais Kingdom forces are waiting for you ahead. Change your route or prepare for an ambush. I'll guide you to safety. Trust me, but stay vigilant."

Athlaston, momentarily surprised by the unexpected message in his mind, quickly signaled his men to change their course. They veered away from the anticipated ambush site, following the mental guidance provided by Reign.

The Elais Kingdom forces, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, sensed the shift in the situation. Confusion rippled among them as their carefully orchestrated plan was seemingly seen through.

Reign continued to guide Athlaston's group through the treacherous terrain. His knowledge of the outpost's surroundings, combined with his heightened senses, allowed him to navigate effectively. The enemy, realizing their trap had failed, scrambled to adjust their strategy.

As Athlaston's group moved away from the danger zone, Reign spoke directly to Athlaston through their psychic link, "Keep moving, sir. The enemy won't give up easily. I'll lead you to a safer location, and we can plan our next move from there."

Athlaston, though initially skeptical, realized the sincerity in Reign's message. He trusted the information and followed Reign's guidance. The group moved swiftly through alternative routes, avoiding potential threats as they made their way to a more secure location.

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