Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 868 Combat Aura: The Power of Soul Attacks

Chapter 868 Combat Aura: The Power of Soul Attacks

The ground trembled beneath the sheer intensity of the leader's magic. As the energy built up, a red aura enveloped him, amplifying his power to unprecedented levels. The other two Tier V combatants stepped back, anticipating the devastating attack about to be unleashed.

Reign, recognizing the impending danger, swiftly analyzed his options. The leader's skill was obviously powerful, and Reign knew that it was definitely an AOE skill, which had the potential to obliterate everything in its radius, so he needed to act decisively. Channeling his own mana, Reign summoned a barrier of light and darkness in front of him.

The leader roared, unleashing a torrent of red energy that surged outward, tearing through the structures and enchantments that adorned the outpost. The shockwave of power radiated in all directions, threatening to consume everything in its path.

The energy was different from what Reign had seen before, it was akin to him facing all the rage and resentment the enemy had inside of him.

"It's combat aura, there are plenty of fighters that can activate it, it's a bit different than mana as it relies on the emotions of the combatant." Aethion suddenly spoke.

"The type of aura also depends on the person, some people are always calm, thus their aura will feel like a calm lake, refreshing their mind and allowing them to fight flawlessly, without feeling any unnecessary emotions."

"Some will be like this guy, he channels his anger to activate it in order to obliterate everything around him."

The outpost, already in chaos from Reign's earlier assault, now faced the destructive force of the leader's wrath. The remaining soldiers scrambled for cover, and those who couldn't escape the onslaught were thrown aside like leaves in a storm.

Reign, shielded by his barrier, stood firm amidst the chaos. The red energy collided with his protective barrier, creating a clash of opposing forces. The air crackled with magic as the two powers battled for supremacy.

The leader's AOE skill persisted, creating a lingering effect that continued to wreak havoc. Reign, however, refused to yield. With a burst of determination, he pushed against the red energy, slowly gaining ground. His barrier was powerful and continued defending against the immense power of the enemy leader who was standing still, his giant sword still stuck in the ground.

The battlefield was now a spectacle of conflicting energies, a chaotic struggle of two men. The other two Tier V combatants, realizing that their leader's attack hadn't subdued Reign, decided to join the fray. One launched magical projectiles, while the other grabbed a nearby spear and poured his mana into it before launching it.

As they attacked, Reign noticed the same aura appear around them. It wasn't the same as the one the leader had, and it was obvious that it worked differently, but it helped both of them.

Reign's focus shifted, and with a quick calculation, he adjusted his defensive strategy. His barrier now had to contend with multiple sources of energy, each carrying the distinct combat aura of its wielder that further increased the power of the attacks. The projectiles and the charged spear collided with the barrier, intensifying the struggle for dominance.

The clash of energies created an explosive spectacle, shaking the very core of the outpost. The structures crumbled, and the ground quaked under the immense magical pressure. The soldiers, caught in the crossfire, struggled to maintain their footing, their eyes wide with a mixture of fear and awe.

The mage had managed to calculate just where Reign would be and how he would move in order to cast the spell perfectly, which made Reign realize just how formidable and experienced the enemy was.

The other Tier V lunged forward with his spear in hand.

This spear was one that he had since the beginning of the battle, and he hadn't even thought of throwing it as it was his personal weapon.

He stabbed forward at the same time the tendrils of soil and rock rose from the ground. Their attack was flawless, their timing nearly perfect.

And yet, it wasn't enough.

The spear suddenly moved a bit as the warrior that held it widened his bloodshot eye as immense pain took over his entire body. Reign had attacked his soul, but he had sent multiple small daggers made out of soul energy, hitting him in multiple places on his body.

As for the mage, Reign attacked him as well, but he was able to block the attack before staring at Reign in shock.

"Ohh, this one can actually utilize soul power," Aethion said with slight surprise as Reign chuckled before attacking the leader again.

His sword slashed down, only to be blocked by the leader's sword that he lifted up to block. Still, he wasn't able to block the attack fully as his shoulder got cut.

Reign quickly kicked him away before lunging at the spear-wielding Tier V, only for him to be bombarded by spells from the side, which he easily dodged before slashing forward with his sword, forcing the knight in front of him to block with his spear and stare at Reign with hatred and anger in his eyes.

"Ohhh, still capable of doing that?" Reign asked with a chuckle as the man scoffed at him before suddenly punching forward, only for Reign to suddenly stop pushing his swords forward and move to the side.

The man stumbled slightly before quickly spinning and swiping the place Reign had been with his spear, only for it to hit nothing.

A spell struck the ground to his left, causing dust to rise and for the warrior to be flung to the side, which actually saved his life as Reign was about to stab him.

"Ccc, these guys are cooperating quite well, but I wonder how much longer you can continue with this?" Reign asked himself out loud before chuckling and chasing after the spearman again.

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