Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 866 Assaulting the Outpost

Chapter 866 Assaulting the Outpost

The council members exchanged glances, absorbing the gravity of Reign's revelation. The urgency of the situation became apparent, and they quickly formulated a plan to address both threats simultaneously. Athlaston, despite his initial skepticism, recognized the importance of Reign's information.

"Very well, young one. We shall muster our forces and prepare for a counteroffensive against the secondary force. Your task is to reclaim the outpost and eliminate the battalion. We trust in your abilities," Athlaston declared, his stern demeanor revealing a sense of determination.

Reign nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "I will not fail you. By morning, the outpost will be back under Irason's control."

With the council members mobilizing the kingdom's defenses, Reign returned to the outpost with a newfound purpose. The night had progressed, and the moon illuminated the battlefield, casting an ethereal glow over the landscape.

Reign approached the outpost cautiously, remaining within the shadows. The enemy soldiers, unaware of his previous presence, continued their uneasy night watch. Using his enhanced senses, Reign detected the same magical wards he had disabled earlier being reconstructed.

At first, Reign was alarmed.

If the enemy had noticed what he had done and were now aware that somebody had infiltrated them, his task would be much more difficult and more dangerous.

Luckily, that was not the case.

The magical wards were automated. It was quite a smart way to make them, they would draw in mana from the surroundings to further strengthen themselves and even repair themselves if something were to happen to them.

Unfortunately for the enemy, they didn't place anything that could notify them if something did happen to the wards.

That meant that right now, Reign only needed to once again dispel them before starting his conquest.

With a silent sigh, Reign focused on dismantling the magical defenses once more. The intricate patterns of light and darkness danced in his hands as he unraveled the enchantments. The process, though time-consuming, was a necessary step before he could engage the enemy forces.

The ensuing battle was swift, and Reign's agility allowed him to evade the Tier V combatant's attacks. He knew he couldn't fight a single person for long as that would give the soldiers, officers, as well as the other commanders enough time to reach and surround him.

With a burst of lightning, Reign suddenly disappeared from the sight of the enemy warrior before the latter quickly leaned back, dodging a sword that had been aimed at his neck.

Unfortunately for him, that was not the only attack.

One sword was swung forward, with the intention of decapitating him, but the other one was held in a reverse grip, and upon leaning back and bending greatly, the enemy was in a perfect position for Reign who quickly stabbed his sword down, stabbing through his chest.

Lightning immediately exploded from the sword, shocking the warrior and frying his body. In only a short couple of seconds, his heart stopped beating as he died.

The enemy, finding the body of the Tier V warrior, was now in slight panic. An enemy that was able to stay unseen for so long and even take down a mid-grade Tier V combatant so quickly and seemingly easily was not someone they expected to fight here, at least not tonight.

Reign weaved through the structures, leaving confusion in his wake as the enemy mages were left shocked, as well as dumbfounded as they realized that all the wards they had placed had been broken, none of them usable for a short period of time.

The wards that were placed around the outpost were what the enemy battalion was betting on to help them locate any enemy that might arrive, as well as to alarm them of their appearance. Reign had not only broken them relatively easily, but he had also managed to do it quickly and without anybody noticing, which only placed the threat he posed in the hearts of the enemy mages higher.

The outpost was in disarray, and the enemy forces struggled to organize a cohesive defense. The soldiers had now formed about 10 groups, with tens of soldiers in each one, which made it more difficult for Reign to kill them quickly and without anybody noticing.

But he didn't need to do that anymore, after all, he had thinned out their numbers and killed over 200 enemies since he started his assault, the soldiers had only noticed the bodies after about 100 of them were killed.

As the remaining soldiers grew increasingly wary, Reign decided it was time to escalate his presence. With a burst of lightning, he appeared in the midst of a group of enemy warriors. The sudden appearance of the mysterious assailant sent shockwaves through their ranks, and panic ensued.

Reign moved with lightning speed, his sword cutting through the air as he engaged the soldiers. The chaotic clash of weapons and spells echoed through the outpost, drawing the attention of every remaining defender. Despite their training and numbers, the elven soldiers were overwhelmed by Reign's skill and power.

The outpost had now descended into chaos, with pockets of skirmishes breaking out as the soldiers attempted to repel the unseen threat. Reign utilized his agility and control over light and darkness to confound his enemies. His presence became a nightmare, a relentless force that struck from the shadows and disappeared before retaliation could be mounted.

However, amidst the chaos, the leader of the battalion finally emerged. He had appeared in a spectacular fashion, his giant sword crashing down in front of Reign and almost cutting him in half.

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