Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 861 Echoes of the Depths: Exploring the Underground

Chapter 861 Echoes of the Depths: Exploring the Underground

Reign and the others stared in awe as the hole started changing.

It was no longer just a hole in the ground as some kind of weird metal coated it completely before a kind of platform was created on top.

It was an elevator, but not the same as the one that had been present back in Doncaster when they took over the warehouse that led to the underground city they had used as their base for a while.

This one was not just a platform, that was just the first thing that they saw being created, formed out of liquid metal that started taking shape before finally becoming firm.

It looked like an old-fashioned elevator made out of metal. The entire thing was enveloped in metal bars, making it look akin to a metal cage, not an elevator.

Some runes and symbols could be seen on it, as well as the ground around the hole as the metal was present there as well.

"Ummm … do we go down?" Shadow asked as he looked at the others.

"He did say that the underground area is something that has always existed, perhaps that is the true test this area has to offer?" Reign asked himself as the others glanced at him before nodding as they agreed with him.

"I think we should check it out, I mean, it's not like we'll lose anything by going there," Wolf said as he approached the metal elevator before suddenly striking it with his sword.

The sound of metal colliding reverberated through the area as Wolf's sword bounced back from the elevator, not making a single scratch on it.

"I don't think we would be able to do anything to this thing even by going all out, so I think it will be safe," Wolf said as he smiled before looking to the side in slight surprise.

A smaller portal had appeared next to him, and from it, the head of the specter that had been present before came out.

"The metal can withstand attacks even from Tier IX entities, so please don't try to do anything to it, you will not be able to even scratch it, have a nice day."

The specter's head disappeared back into the portal, leaving the party standing before the mysterious metal elevator. With a collective shrug, they decided to board it, curious about the underground area that awaited them.

As the party stepped onto the metal platform, the runes and symbols engraved on its surface lit up with an ethereal glow. The moment they were all on board, the elevator started descending at a smooth and controlled pace. The party looked around, realizing that the metal bars surrounding them were not just for show; they were a part of the intricate enchantments that protected the elevator.

Descending further into the darkness, the party couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. The underground was uncharted territory for them, and the specter's words about it still lingered in their minds.

As they made their way down, they stared at the walls of the giant hole with interest as every single part was seemingly filled with runic lines and carvings that shone with mana.

A couple of minutes passed, and they finally got out of the hole and were able to see what was present below the ground.

Well, not really, it was too dark, and even when using mana and channeling it to their eyes in order to boost their eyesight, they weren't able to see much. Still, it was obvious to them that the underground area was massive, probably stretching below the entire desert.

After about a minute, the elevator came to a gradual stop. The metal bars retracted, revealing a vast underground chamber illuminated by an otherworldly glow. The party stepped out onto the platform and found themselves in a cavernous space filled with strange vegetation, glowing crystals, and winding pathways.

"This is... incredible," Mia whispered, her eyes wide with wonder as she examined the surroundings.

The underground chamber was a breathtaking sight. Bioluminescent plants emitted a soft, soothing light, creating an otherworldly ambiance. Massive crystals of varying colors adorned the cavern walls, casting vibrant hues across the landscape. The air carried a subtle scent of magic, and the temperature was pleasantly cool.

Reign took a moment to observe their surroundings. "This place is vast. Let's proceed with caution and be on the lookout for anything unusual. We still have no idea what kind of enemies or challenges await us."

As the party ventured deeper into the underground chamber, they encountered a variety of strange creatures—some docile and others aggressive. None of the monsters, however, were really strong or dangerous, with the strongest they came across being Tier III.

The flora and fauna of this subterranean world were unlike anything they had encountered on the surface. It became evident that the underground was a very different realm, teeming with magical energy and mysteries.

The winding pathways led them to vast caverns, where underground lakes shimmered with magical reflections. Unusual creatures, adapted to the subterranean environment, scurried away as the party approached. The air was thick with mana and other types of mysterious energies, and every step seemed to resonate with the pulsating heartbeat of the underground realm.

The party continued their exploration of the underground chamber, marveling at the unique ecosystem that existed beneath the surface. The glowing crystals and bioluminescent plants created an enchanting atmosphere, but they remained vigilant, knowing that the underground world held both beauty and potential dangers.

As they ventured deeper, the winding pathways led them to larger caverns adorned with even more magnificent crystals. The underground lakes seemed to stretch for miles, reflecting the magical glow of the surroundings. Strange creatures, adapted to the subterranean environment, observed the party with curious eyes.

After a while, as they walked through a particularly large cavern, the party suddenly felt a shift in the air. The magical aura became more intense, and the ground beneath them trembled. It was then that they heard distant roars echoing through the cavern.

Reign and the others instinctively halted, their senses heightened. The soft glow of crystals illuminated the chamber, revealing the entrance to a colossal cavern where Tier VI monsters were emerging. These were not the docile creatures they had encountered earlier; these were powerful and aggressive.

"Tier VI monsters! Get ready!" Reign shouted, as the party swiftly assumed combat stances. The cavern ahead was filled with menacing figures—hulking creatures with scales, claws, and glowing eyes.

"Well, we did think that there would be Tier VI monsters here, so at least we were right about that," Shadow said as he stared at the monsters with a smile.

With all of them present, a couple of Tier VI monsters were still a danger, but they could take them.

There were only 3 Tier VI monsters coming at them, and with their current strength, they could definitely win by going 3 vs 1.

As soon as they got ready, however, they all stared in shock while lowering their weapons as more and more monsters appeared, all of them Tier VI.

"Guys," Reign said softly as his eyes constricted slightly.

"The elevator."

"Run!" Reign said as all of them immediately turned around and started running as the monsters chased after them.

"Dammit, there are even more powerful ones behind them, we need to reach that damn elevator quickly!" Reign said with concern as they ran with all their might. The monsters were getting closer to them, but luckily, the winding pathways they had taken were not that wide, although that didn't stop some of them as they came from above, jumping or climbing over the large rocky hills present and continuing to chase after Reign and the others.

They had to use their attacks several times to strike the monsters chasing after them to slow them down so that they wouldn't catch up, but luckily for them, they weren't that far away from the elevator.

As they neared the metal elevator, the ground shook with the monsters' pursuit. The party rushed onto the platform, and the metal bars surrounding them quickly retracted, sealing them within the protective confines of the elevator.

The monsters struck the elevator, but nothing happened to it.

No attack could damage it, and nothing could pass through the metal bars that now separated Reign and the rest from the monsters that were growling and staring at them with hungry eyes.

They weren't hungry for food, they were hungry for power, and they were able to sense that although Reign and the others were weaker than them, they had more power than other beings of the same realm and could definitely give them quite a nice boost if they ate them.

The pursuing monsters roared in frustration as the elevator ascended, carrying Reign and the others away from the imminent danger. The platform rose smoothly, leaving the Tier VI monsters behind in the vast underground cavern.

Breathing a sigh of relief, the party took a moment to recover from the adrenaline-filled encounter. The glow of the crystals outside the elevator illuminated their expressions— a mix of awe and relief.

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