Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 853 Beast’s Immense Luck and The Mysterious Raid Boss

Chapter 853 Beast's Immense Luck and The Mysterious Raid Boss

"Alright, alright, how long exactly are we talking about?!" Shadow asked as he stared at them all.

"I stayed in there for 3 weeks and 4 days."

"Well, you're better than me then, I stayed 3 weeks and 2 days," Tank said with a sigh as he shook his head.

"I could've stayed longer, but a mid-grade Tier VI mini-boss suddenly appeared and attacked me, I barely managed to get away before being attacked by multiple Tier V elites and a field boss."

"I stayed 3 weeks and 3 days, I went to the deep jungle, and a giant monster appeared and squashed me," Greenie said, to which Reign responded by staring at him.

"A giant monster?"

"Was it standing on two legs, had a pitch-black body, had a loud roar that would attack the soul, and could suddenly make its palm wide enough to cover tens of meters of land?"

"Yes, master saw it too?!" Greenie stared back at Reign who chuckled.

"I saw it, then I ran away from it, then I fought some Tier VI monsters and upon defeating them in my Nephilim form, that bastard appeared once again, this time right behind me."

"Honestly, I didn't even know what happened before I woke up in the white room."

"Oh, I lasted about 30 days inside the jungle," Reign told Shadow with a smirk, causing the latter to scoff before looking away.

"3 weeks, 5 days, I also saw that soulbeast," Mia added from the side as she took a bit of a sandwich that Beast made for all of them.

He was still making more food and drinks for some reason, even though they all had enough.

"3 weeks exactly, my demonic energy caused all monsters that are nearby to immediately charge at me, I couldn't last long because of that," Laura said with a sigh before the others glanced at her with empathy.

None of them knew that demonic energy would actually cause such a reaction from the monsters, and they could only imagine how difficult it must have been for her.

"3 weeks and 2 days," Aelrinder said as he leaned into his seat.

"I was there for 4 weeks exactly," Wolf said with a smile before they all glanced back at Beast who was still making food.

One interesting thing was that all of them had seen the soulbeast, and they had all seemingly died because of it as well. It seemed that it was a sort of test from the dungeon.

"Hey, Beastie, that's more that we can eat, why are you making more food."

"Ohh, it's no trouble, no trouble at all," Beast said with a smile as he grabbed an orange before starting to squeeze it to make more orange juice.

"Stop that man, come on, sit with us, let's talk."

"Just … just gotta finish this real quick," Beast said with a smile, but Reign and the others felt that he was a bit nervous.

"Beast." Reign said as Beast glanced at him before going back to what he was doing.

"How long did you stay in the jungle?"

"Yeah, yeah, just a bit more, and I'm finished."

"Beast, don't deflect the question."

"You … hey, there's no need to feel ashamed if you lasted a lot less than us man, stuff happens," Shadow said as Beast placed down the food and glanced at them.



"That's how long," Beast said as Shadow stared at him.

"Three days, well … that is a bit too short."

"No, not days."

"Ohhh, three weeks exactly, well that's great man!"

"N-n … n-no." Beast said again before he took a deep breath and looked at them all.

"I lasted for three months."


Complete and utter silence took over the living room as Shadow opened his mouth and started staring at Beast.

"I mean, with my ability, I was kind of able to sense most of the enemies around me from the start without any troubles."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Reign said before staring at Beast.

"How many monsters, powerful monsters that you killed gave you a skill or something good, like maybe an item or even like their help?"

"Well, out of all that I had killed, only about four di-"

"Damn, seems like you weren't lucky after all, only four gave you skills?!" Shadow asked as Reign and the others glared at him, causing him to pull back and lean into his sofa as they all glanced at Beast again.

"No, only four didn't give me a skill, item, or their help."

Again, complete silence.

Three months.

Beast was in the jungle for three months.

Even if he only stayed in the areas where the monsters were weak, just how many elites, mini-bosses and bosses did he kill?

If only four didn't give him anything, then that meant he had gained tens of skills, helpful items, and monster spirits.

"How did you die, did you go to the depths?"

"I spent the last month there."

Again, complete silence.

Beast had lasted an entire month in the depths.

The person with the second highest survival time in the group was Reign, and he had managed to survive a month in total. The total time that Reign was alive in the dungeon was only equal to the time Beast spent in the depths of the jungle, the most dangerous part of the dungeon.

"Seriously, what the hell?!" Shadow asked as he stared at Beast.

"How freaking lucky do you have to be to get so many skills, I only got like 7 after killing those strong bastards, like 1 out of three would give me a skill or something, and that's me being generous, to be honest."

"It's not like we haven't known that Beast is lucky for quite a while now."

"I just want to know, how powerful were you before you finally died?" Reign asked Beast who scratched the back of his head.

"My stats had more than doubled near the end."

Reign and the others stayed silent once more as they realized that Beast had gained enough stats to be equal to a Tier VI monster at that point.

"I also came across that monster you two had met, the soulbeast, the ancient guardian, that's the one you were talking about, right?" Beast asked Reign and Greenie as he sat down with them.

"I … I managed to run away the first time I met him, the second time I had to attack him before running away, I also sacrificed quite some spirits and beasts I had tamed in the jungle during that time."

"The third time, I … I used up everything I had to make him retreat, that was about 3 days before I died."

"You made that thing retreat?" Reign asked with shock as he knew just how powerful the monster was. It was an area boss, a monster above all others inside the jungle, and yet, Beast made it retreat."

"Yes, I … I managed to do that, but then I decided to go to find the core of the corruption."

"I … I got close to it, I even saw it, although my memory of it is quite vague, to be honest."

"I died then."

"A monster appeared, one more powerful than the ancient guardian, it might have been a raid boss, to be honest."

"I – I can't even remember what it looks like, I don't think I even saw what it looks like."

"I just remember sensing danger, looking to the side, and then seeing a blur before I lost consciousness."

"It was large though, even bigger than the soulbeast, I can tell you that much."

Reign and the others gulped as they realized how dangerous and impossible the dungeon truly was.

A raid boss was the final enemy, the one next to the core of the corruption of the jungle?

Yeah, even if they all reached Tier VI, they would probably not stand a chance against such a powerful enemy.

"Well, at least we didn't do it for nothing, we all managed to get stats and other rewards, hell, Beast probably got a ton of them thanks to everything he had done and for surviving for so long too," Shadow said with enthusiasm as the others nodded.

They all decided to retreat to their rooms and use the rewards that were given to them.

Just like Reign, they all got cards that could improve their skills, help them improve their abilities, get enlightened …

Reign had only then taken the opportunity to check out the two items he had gotten as well.

The items he gained were both useful to him, and he believed it was the same for the others as well. The dungeon had probably given them what they needed the most right now, which was amazing as their strength would definitely rise after this.

Out of the two items he had gained, one was a necklace, and one was a pair of boots. The best part was that the boots were familiar to him, to be more exact, the power they had was incredibly familiar to him as he had used it during his time in the dungeon.

It was the passive skill, lightning boots that he had gained in the jungle. The only difference was that it was an active skill now, but one with a passive bonus of increasing his speed by 10%.

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